Is this Based?
Is this Based?
chris who?
He's a Chinese spy. How can that be based?
Shut the fuck up and let biden molest your wives while you suck his cock
Its his turn!
based on what?
Chink upyurt is mad
Cenk has always been based.
broken clock
Aren't they genociding his family in Red China?
It's baseline behavior. Based would be if Cenk pointed out the press has been carrying water for leftists their entire existence especially if he pointed out who owns and controls the press. But instead he just said what's becoming very obvious to the normies.
Chris Hayes, the lesbian tranny on MSNBC who dared to mention the sexual assault allegations against Biden.
Cock hunger mad
Maybe he's starting to finally wake up a bit after his shameful election results.
There is still good in you after all...
you may not like him but even a broken clock is right twice a day. no one who you think is wrong is always wrong about everything. the berniebros hate biden I should know because I was one too. but yes, fuck biden and an even bigger fuck you to the media who made stupid people vote for him by saying that his boringness meant that he was electable. trump is the president america deserves. unless jesse ventura runs.
>Is this Based?
If an idiot says enough eventually they'll say something right.
It's like the million monkeys on typewriters, eventually they'll write a sentence.
I can't deny that Cenk is right on this one. 100% agree. Glad to see Cenk hold his ground.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
No. He's just salty Bernie didn't have more time to collect shekels for his 4th house.
The press isn't free. Cenk is a Mohammeden.
Chink Yogurt denies the Armenian Genocide, never forget the 20 million
>several millions get genocided
>no death camps
>no mass graves
>conveniently get your own country soon after
I guess they learned from the best
Fuck em both
Let them eat each other
His chink wife.
He forgot to drink his onions latte this morning. He will double up tomorrow and be back to normal.
Chunk isn't based. If Bernie had the same allegations he would be denying them all the way.
Besides, Chunk will be rooting and voting for Biden in November
They cannot stop it. It's his turn to lead.
Tyt is far from the worst left wing organization out there, sometimes when watching the taco guy I can't help but wonder if all the attacks they're getting is because they're actually are kinda anti-establishment at the end of the day, and the suoer agressive attacks they get is actually astroturfed to some degree.
Now from my perspective they might aswell be the establishment with their support of white geocide/feminism and the rest of it, but they're at least good (although naive) when it comes to corruption and income inequality.
Then again aren't they financed by some peak jew billionaire or something like that?
That was just a cute thing he did with his wife, nothing wrong with it.
Brainwashed liberals are slowly waking up
Or they see the writing on the wall and switching sides before its too late.
How many times can the liberals make a total fool of you until you just cant take it any more?