Salvadoran president goes full fash against MS13 criminals
based or nay?

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They should all be liquidated. Their existence is an insult to living beings. Even rats have more purpose in life.

If they aren't being executed then it doesn't matter.

How do people not bulk suicide in these scenarios? Do they just not know any better? I think I'd last about a week before I was done with living.

gang members should never even reach prison.

Everyone south of the US border should be executed for the betterment of the world. Imagine what we could do with all of that land....none of which will be wasted burying these pieces of shit. They all need to be thrown into incinerators while still alive.

That's the same person copy pasted

at least it's something. their past governments were all corrupt as fuck because they sided with them. So now, lefties are mad and are calling him Mussolini

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put em down lol


Based Bukele

Unlike the piece of shit old cocksucker we have here


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Looks like counter strike jail break. Must be fun!

Bukele is the most based president to live in that
>bringing in foreign franchises increasing the economy of that shithole
>destroying gang spics
>leftist hate him
he's very anti corruption, not only that but he he refused to be paid a presidential salary cause he's already rich, much like donald trump , these sub human gang members need to be treated like the animals they are, they are destroying america, by making their home country a toilet forcing immigration and bringing in drugs into the country.

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Thats a huge gang. Damn

ha, they get the super cheap worthless masks and the guards get somewhat good masks
they all look so similar, like right out of a clone chamber, just different tattoos, kek

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What a bunch of homos

they must mass masturbate so as to keep their violent tendencies down
a guy with a mob and bucket comes in later

Throw them in a fucking wood chipper

They are subhuman in the literal sense with no self awareness

how cute that they all get a mask.

what exactly is this supposed to accomplish? get the Abu Gharib stuff going

Wait what?
Ms13 is a a brutal cold blooded gang, and leftist are angry that a politician did something about them? Wtf
Can you explain more about that shit country?

Holy fuck, they all look identical. Literally copy pasted.

Not based enough they should be executed

I wonder how many of them got hard in that pic.

>stream it if you are so based

>they all look so similar, like right out of a clone chamber, just different tattoos, kek
The game developers were lazy with npc design

Is that suppose to be tough? I seen tougher days every day for a year and i was also not doing it willingly. Of course they are in prison, i was not. Just depends what you define as prison.

What did he do? Put them in a room together?

Until mass exterminations start, this ain't shit.

Extermination is easy, torture is hard. When you are dead you don't worry.

What are the chances that he's just controlled by one of the cart6els and he's making an example of their competitors (or undesirables within their ranks)
t. not a knower

they waste resources you cuck
and their is always a chance some (or all) will get free
so killing them all is the most logical efficient choice

yeah lol.. they are upset because he was a leftist, but then he turned. he attacked maduro too.
so now lefties are calling him mussolini

...and yeah, they are also defending ms13 because muh hooman rights

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They could be put to work, saw clothes. Lets see if they can catch up to Chinese workers.

Gas gas gas

Everyone knows that leftists defend marginals

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line trap

Why keep any of them alive? There is no good reason under the sun any of those dudes should draw another breath.

Leftists are subhuman, they defend everything that sucks, leftists must be treated like members of this gang

They're forgetting that you need to be a human to deserve human rights.

FARC is a far-left terrorist organisation, so no surprises there. Does the centre-left sympathise with MS13 as well?

I thought leftist are cancer here... turns out they are cancer everywhere
Kill them all ...the cheapest way possible.
Just kill them like they kill, with a machete

We are all God's children. There’s a spark of divinity in every person on earth.

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Can you also translate that tweet?

pretty sure these dirty pajeets are actually fucking each other

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Spark of divinity my ass. I known some evil people and evil people do not stop, never, not in million years, they exploit until all your life juice is gone.