Name the band Polfags

I’ll start.

Butt Plug Autist and the Connoisseurs.

Attached: DD6571AA-F31A-4509-81FB-A4F360665A54.jpg (949x701, 160K)

Degenerate Generation

Mohawk, fatty and the masketeers

TheGeneration (?)


biggy iggy

ZZ Bottom

The Nazis

Statistically one glows
>Not mine credit to random German

Famas and the virgins

blink 180 pew

The Kali Yuga Khior

New revelations in (Ragna)rock and roll.

Trigger discipline

Autistic Bleinerlutz

The faggots

Airsoft Autists

5 faggots and a fatty

5 faggots and another faggot

6 faggots

21 Larpers

Fuckface Academy

Hot Grillz IRL


wearing the masks makes them look like terrorists. take the masks off.

The six that sux the dicks

Brass Tax

The False Flag
they'll be dead from "corona" in 2 weeks

Rage Against the Quarantine

"White guys who will protect you and your wife's son from feral niggers once the boogaloo starts"
you fucking simps are a bunch of faggot keyboard loudmouths wanking to trap porn and dangerous to no one but the Costco size box of hotpockets and bottle of lotion.

Lead Zeppelin


who stole my bike?

calm down you're just the bassist no one cares about you

Six Degrees of Cuckoldry


They look exactly like the leftist fags we saw so much of a few years back at election time? Remember those jack-offs?
Just goes to show, their are idiots on both sides of the political fence

foot shot faggots


these fucking guys? nigga you blind.

Attached: 2aF3F8eiG9L1zPmf9J5CsrOhe6bDqS_4rCseC9s8wVA.jpg (960x720, 161.84K)

6 little dicks barbershop quartet

which fortnight league convention was this?

The Cringe Militia.

/fa/ as fuck