Gays with babies

Thoughts? State gay or not then reason for conclusion.
Example: "I'm gay, and this is good because we deserve babies like any other user does."

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How did he have a child?

>Gays with babies
Sounds like a sick metal band. I would listen to them.

I'm gay and this is good because babies poop a lot and gays like touching poop

Funny to watch fags adhere to "hetero" norms like marriage & child-rearing. It's also a bit gross

it says it in the OP



A child raised by a gay couple will not necessarily be fucked up, YET it will never be as good as a child raised by a competent mother and father.

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Didn’t know you had a uterus up your ass?

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Gay people literally reproduce by touching children so by default they are pedos. Also most gay peoples first sexual experience is with a person usually 3 to 5 times their age.

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If he manages to not get buggered that little shit just hit the Vanderbuilt lotto!

Guys stop. We love gays now.

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Congrats, I guess. I am glad to see White people reproducing. Homosexuality did not produce that child.

Friendly reminder that allowing homosexuals to be near children is a form of child abuse.

Isn't this a bit different because it is his own flesh and blood, and not some Cambodian adoption thing?

anderson cooper is a disgusting pedophile that as even using 'his own' child to push the bullshit scamdemic


lil coop

faggot junior

ya but toxoplasmosis is still a thing and idk if cooper has toxoplasmosis

gays raise baby boys to be gay

fags rape kids. simple as.

>he thanks surrogate
It's a faggot. There are not "surrogates" for faggots. An actual woman had to produce an actual egg that was fertilized by the degenerate faggot. In other words, this faggot deprived this child of his mother and replaced it with a faggot. This is evil and is concentrated degeneracy of the highest order.

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Anderson Cooper would be a decent dad. All you really need is a father figure and he isn't as bad as someone like Andy Cohen. That child is absolutely fucked.

Fair argument.


Islam is right about homosexuals

White women support shit like this and Ellen

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I’m gay and I think being gay is an anomaly. I’m not sure if it can be passed through DNA but I’d rather not have a kid and be gay himself. Don’t want him to go through what I did.
