Who else is long copper?

I'm thinking of acquiring a few more bars.
Any thoughts?

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>bars with graphics on them
Where do I get bags of metals in the form of small beads?

Waste of space, not worth it. It'd be like buying some copper pipes from your local hardware store. Just looking at the prices in your picture, buy silver or platinum if you're not looking to buy gold.

Copper is ok I guess. If you're alright carrying 50 pounds of metal that you might be able to trade for a slice of bread in a shtf scenario.

If you have space to store and shit doesn't hit the fan? Buy low sell high, applies to copper. Just make sure you have a 1 ton truck to sell any worthwhile amount.

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>ITT: Boomers discuss outdated, hard/expensive to transport heavy metals that were valuable 30 years ago

Wanna see my linkies?

Link Marine checking in. We're gonna make it fren

>holding copper
Yeah, never know when the next bronze age will happen.

I just cant help think about the million km's of copper telegraph cables which are now useless since the NBN.
Telstra is just keeping them strung up because they have no where to store them.

Copper should actually skyrocket when people start using it instead of stainless steel surfaces when normies realize the stuff is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and works better than vaccines in general.

why do you think the price of copper will rise?

search for casting material

Buy copper mining stocks dummy

Dude you’re a marine? Godddddddd I want succc you so bad :DDDDDDDD

the problem with that copper is poisonous stainless is not

its also vulnerable to acids which foods contain a lot of.
just think when your dumb wife leaves a tomato on your 10000$ copper counter and it eats a hole through it

Already on it.

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>as low as $1.19 an ounce

mfw I literally live in the world's largest copper producer

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The spot price for copper is $2.78 A POUND. When it says AS LOW AS $1.19 an ounce, it means you have to buy at least 500 oz or more.

>buy silver

Image attached without comment

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Could you please explain what your point is?

may as well peg usd to it. Cannot outperform inflation

Thank you.

Keep in mind that they're not worth more than scrap copper if you need to get rid of them (and assuming nobody else is retarded enough to pay $1/oz).
Scrap copper is $1-2 per pound. You would be better off doing pretty much anything else to get copper. For example, I got some from this company for use in building things (soft hammer, heat sinks/water blocks, decorations, soft-jaws, HAM radio ground binding points, etc.) for about $4/lb, and they sent much more weight than I ordered, and it's some great chunks of copper.
Here's a link: onlinemetals.com/en/buy/copper-protobox

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based copper trader

Fucking faggots... Aluminum is where its at.

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Aluminum is pretty fucking good... But it's just not as valuable as copper (monetarily) or steel (structurally). In a some serious "shit is so bad it's like living in a country that is not the glorious USA" kind of catastrophe, you could mix copper with aluminum to make aluminum bronze. I mean... I've seen people make AR lowers from aluminum and even from spent brass ammo casings, so... Yeah, save all the shit, if you have sufficient land to horde on.

We’ll see how it plays out, during the last recession when they shut down mines cooper spiked up to $4 per pound and had tweakers across the nation destroying people’s a/c systems.

People will say it took a long time to develop, but that’s because it was a slow bleed down.

All the mines shut down overnight and there’s a lot of indications this whole thing will blow over. So if it follows history copper should spike.

It was up bigly over the past week and this morning was up 3% until somehow it (((magically))) shout back down to where it was before it shot up.

Smartest play on this is FCX(Freeport mcroran). They are the largest copper miner in the world with huge gold and molybdenum deposits as well.

They have an insane amount already out of the ground in storage and their deposits are accounted for when the price goes up.

They were up 12% this week before the )))drop((( today

For the love of god do not buy physical copper unless you have access to industrial real estate and somewhere to store it and run a scrap metal business. And it that case, yes go ahead and stock up but for the love of god do not buy spot copper.

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So in conclusion buy 6 month calls on FCX

I'm long Bitcoin and long Ethereum

Bitcoin will hit $10 million by 2030

That pic would be awesome if it had plausible brick physics.

Once the last bitcoin is mined it will become worthless

imagine getting scammed this hard

>.t a retard
bitcoins are given to the miners via the fees

Once the last dollar is printed, it will become worthless.

...Although I'm not on the bit-train, this event was actually planned for, and it is not the problem that other fiat currencies are. If you want to make a bitcoin transaction, you must pay a bribe to the crunchers to make it go through. That becomes the incentive, but nearly all the crunching is done by limited entities, meaning it's not a free market, and is destined to be worthless for those reasons.

4 years from now the last bitcoin will be mined, and from then on it's presumably only hyper-inflation.

Nothing infinitely inflates.

>limited amount

does not compute

you sir are retardo
the price of bitcoin is pegged by heroin cocaine and weed

If you aren't going all in on oil tankers you're doing it wrong

So you're telling me in the 2140s when the last bitcoin is mined, it will suddenly become worthless?

>the price of bitcoin is pegged by heroin cocaine and weed
These are all plant products.
Post TFW you realize the carbon footprint reduction lobby is an attempt to restrict the growth of drugs so that bitcoin will hold value.

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>yfw the war on drugs was created to pump up the value of bitcoin

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That's not going to work for very long.