Yuan Crashes After Trump Weighs Blocking Retirement Fund Access To Chinese Stocks As War Of Words Escalates

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Trump is "considering"?
Ah, like the "mass deportation" that he 'paused' in order to "negotiate"?


Take your meds



shills on suicide watch here, I see
it's not only the US, it's Germany and soon enough there will be a lot more
your chink ass will be fucked dry

yuan is pegged to the US dollar and can't crash unless the dollar does

>implying implicit implications

So i suppose that means they will be MIGHTY fucked when we decide to stop using jewbucks and go back to a sound currency.

>yuan is pegged to the US dollar and can't crash unless the dollar does

> Germany has already demanded COVID payouts from China
> US soon to follow
> Australia just waiting to have enough people on their side
> the same with the EU and England
> everybody will want a piece of the pie

it doesn't matter how much assets they own or how much they're tied to the US economy
a lot of governments already wanted they gone
the opportunity has just arrived
their days are numbered
will it be by war or by bankruptcy is the real question

He did get the wait in Mexico deal in May 2019 and border crossings have plummeted 87.5% since, while, removals from the interior have skyrocketed. That wasn’t even “4D chess” it was basic diplomacy.


1.0 - .875 = .125
.125 * 1,000,000 = 125,000

So, instead of a million coming over it's only a hundred and twenty-five thousand.
You do realize that we need an OUTFLOW, not a reduced inflow, in order to solve the problem... yes?

> you can only use the sources I approve

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Let it be war. I'll be one of the first to die in the retaliatory strike, living near Kitsap, but I'll be happy to make that sacrifice.

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>war of words
american media everybody

I am so god damn erect.

Imagine thinking you could challenge a nation so powerful that they can destroy your currency with a tweet

>Germans (immigrants) demanding more handouts ontop of what they’re already getting, from china
>US (immigrants and hopeless natives) demanding more money from China (soon?)
>Australia (immigrants & hopeless natives) already getting their payouts, no one is asking for more. We want china to fuck off and leave us alone.
>EU already got their money from china to downplay the numbers, hence the riots in Hong Kong

Looks like socialism is on the way. Stalin really was born at the wrong time; all it took to cripple the west were shekels and material goods.

>article written by Tyler Durden
Are you actually retarded?

You do realize that the Yuan is not free floating and that PBoC sets the exchange rate? This is China responding by depurating its currency.

>Tyler Durden

For faggots being faggots

Any spic or south american monkey that wanted to be here is already here. When he starts deporting more than are coming in then I'll give a shit.

Reminder that china constantly prints paper money, but hides the information so the value is consistent. The U.S did it recently but it took a pandemic and economic shut down to print them. China has been printing their money causing hidden inflation since early 2010

Its the same concept of anonymous here. Its basically a bunch of wallstreet people who post shit that they don't want to say with their name attached.

Are you seriously this new?

You're retarted. That's not how the Chinese economy works. Stop pretending you know anything. Fuck. Off.

We fucking know who Tyler is you fucktard

Yeah no one ever questions how chinks were showing up in western countries able to buy up a shit load of real estate and turn white places into bug man land. It's because they have been printing their own fake bux for years.

fake news
i only trust CNN
not even being ironic or sarcastic.

You do. But fucking 14 year old new fags won't. Dude, I'm a old fag to Yas Forums. Ancient, even. Don't fuck with me.

I Will Show You Fear In A Handful Of Dust

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Based. China will soon be forced to capitulate and accept America's terms.

lol, should have just not replied. This just makes you look desperate.

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I dont even know how this is being discussed.

Why in the fuck would you tie retirement savings to companies owned by a Communist Govt?

This Globalism shit is going to get us all killed.

>only trusting libtard CNN

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Now show us the numbers if the left and rino's had their way.

>1 post
Yeah, fake and gay

Bitcoin jumped yesterday and I think this was the cause

I thought you australians were supposed to be good at shitposting

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So it'll be like the turn of the century again where chinks gonna get their ass occupied again?

august 24th, 2015 proves you wrong

>fabricated virus
>heading towards war with China

I'll dodge that draft thank you

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Xi looks like a frog

Zerohedge is trash news...

North korea will be the spark

Zerohedge is now for the reactionary, paranoid, miserable , autistic types - it’s been years since anything of value was written there

>Yuan Crashes After Trump Weighs Blocking Retirement Fund Access To Chinese Stocks As War Of Words Escalates

Stop spamming this board with your faggy shit. Your articles always suck dick and we know your a faggot. There is literally no person in this world who has sucked more dicks then Tyler Durden.

A sign of relief after that obnoxious piece of ccp propaganda they released.

That is an excellent summary user.

I'd like to add:

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>your chink ass will be fucked
you're gonna get bat poop on your penor if you do that.

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Chinese look like frogs.

>America is empty
No you retarded nigger. 125,000 per year is less than the combined birth rates of Hawaii and Maine. Assuming the spics only ever bred with each other, rather than getting bleached like the filthy mutt whores they are, and they only concentrated in those two low population states, rather than diffusing everywhere and getting completely assimilated by the rest of us as they have done for over a century, then they STILL wouldn't have the manower to outnumber the natives in the two least relevant states. This would be their game theory optimal approach, and it's not nearly enough. It's over, alt-kike. The game can only be won if the entire third world streams in. A measly 1/3 of 1/1000 of the population isn't going to cut it. It's over. Trump won. Now go cry and suck off jizzhands and Michael Davidowitz Peinovich.