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Dumb bitch

Based on her choice of sexual partners, this is bad for Joe

Oh no, there goes the coveted tween vote

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Celebrities are paid shills. who knew

Didn't most teens vote for Trump in 2016?

>he understands what my generation is going though
This boomer is completely clueless about what year it even is.

Is she old enough to vote?

kek. He would sniff the shit out of her, if given the opportunity. Though she's a spitting image of 'Daddy touched me'. So she may be begging for it

You shocked? Her manager is a literal Israeli.

She just turned 18 back in December and was even flashing her tits during her live shows.

Nooooo not the heckin' nigger loving wiggerboos.

The only thing she's good at weighing in is a fat
dick inbetween that loose pussy, anyone who
listens to her music isn't old enough to vote anyways.

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>hollywood elite millionaire voting left
somebody stop the presses

Her surname is an anglicized Jewish surname, she has big milkers and loves niggers while pushing degeneracy. She's likely a kike herself.

>endorses a guy who inappropriately touches and grabs kids on camera
good way to boost your career heh

Biden is more right-wing than Trump.

I bet she loves ridin' on Biden

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Her surname is O'Connell and her parents are Scottish and Irish. I will say, her mother is very redpilled on the Mexican question.

biden is not a sentient being at this point

so a trump voter?

Biden said he'll keep the American embassy in Jerusalem and allow Bibi to annex the Jordan Valley.

nah the rich never would support somone from the true left like Bernie

>Yeah this senile boomer really understands us teenagers
Said no one ever

>fetal alcohol syndrome cultural decay pushing NWO puppet embraces senile avatar of corruption

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When did this become goth?

So is Billie. They're both mindless drones who do what they're told


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>hugged by a black man


how much did they pay her?

She's officially been 18 since December (unofficially, she's like 22)

and trump has sucked every jewish knob in his general vicinity for 4 years non stop

>female pop musician
Except 95% of these to shill for Biden for free.

>Implying that teenagers who listen to her can vote
>Implying that those who listen to her and can vote aren't already libs
This is like some Nascar driver endorsing Trump. Sure, yeah, great, whatever. Doesn't mean anything.

>afraid to weigh in
>teen goth pop
>only one who understands what my generation is going through

I hope her black friend knows Biden is one of the major reasons for the increased police state and prison system. Uncle Joe hates blacks way more than Trump.

>Implying they don't control the keys to the kingdom she's squatting in and wouldn't just threaten to replace her with someone else if she didn't fall in line.

Grimes would fuck that bitch up.

>Hollywood celebrity says...

Directly into the trash it goes...

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It's a pop singer. Fucks sake why does everything have to be spun as new and unique, at the expense of anything resembling coherency? Fucking kikes, man.

Her brother has been openly endorsing Biden for months now.

Attached: fin-biden.png (828x1792, 1.79M)

If you were wondering who to vote for, and you pick that person based on what Billy Eyelash says, you shouldn't be able to vote.

Lmfao how can she say that? Biden can't assemble a simple sentence, and has long been a pro-TPP, pro-globalism, pro-China politician. Nothing is sane about Joe Biden.

lmao, this feels like a parody

the music industry keeps trying to push out Bjork rip offs

She's a damn kid.
Her views are irrelevant


The paedos controlling her obviously just made her say it or they'll expose her

She's a legal adult with a huge amount of influence over the youth.

She's fugly

even outside of the Tara Reade shit

You do realize she’s an industry plant with no mind of her own, right? Every sentence coming out of her mouth was handed to her by her PR team to give her a certain image.


I mean, Billie does support XXXTentacion who nearly killed his pregnant girlfriend, so supporting rapists shouldn't be that out-of-character.

>mumbles drunkenly into a microphone for a living thanks to her touchy uncle being a studio exec

>implying her endorsement means anything

There's no way you're not a zoomer memeflaggot.

She considers herself Goth?
Why hasn't she been crucified yet?

Why is she endorsing a rapist?

slide thread

>Billie Eilish
>parents are Hollywood connected
>high on xanax
>calling her goth

It's all so tiresome.

>Biden: clearly loosing his mind due to old age.
>Current popular thot: He clearly understands what my generation is going through!

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Fucking kek 90 IQ Hollywood bitch feels her opinion is important. What else is new, Jesus Christ. Take your top off already so you can fade into obscurity.

>Billie Ellish
Fuck this sleazy cum-eyed discount-emo bin liner.
I don't care who this twat endorses, she's a Godless whore, a walking sack of infected menstrual fluid.
She looks as depressed as she sounds, and is completely demotivational.
I wouldn't mind at all if it turned out she's the way she is because her producer's a good friend of the local yokel rabbi.

Zoomers are old enough to vote this time. Prepare yourself, MIGA boomer.


She didnt get the memo the dems already paid her to endorse him


>goth pop