What causes this phenotype?
What causes this phenotype?
Abandoning who you are for cheap modernity.
effeminate spirit
reddit and onions
consumer phenotype
Why is this gay again?
I feel kinda gay thinking this is gay. wtf
its your regular white phenotype
Andrew Jackson stood up to the jews
Low T, poor lifestyle choices, minimal self respect
Phenotype is Leprechaun Irish.
Its called SOI SON
generations of comfort
I must own over 500 books and less than 10 are written by wamen. I have picked out books before and put them down because I noticed they were written by wamen before buying them. The last book by wamen I bought was Savitri Devi about a year and a half ago. Was not very impressed. I can't believe this fag is that excited over what is without a doubt an absolute shit book.
being a sodomite
Hebraic influence and latent homosexuality.
estrogenic compounds in the water and PUFAs + phytoestrogens in the food
Narcisism and the need for a dopamene hit from all the virtue you just have to signal to otherkin.
Too much Vox, Huffington Post, etc
His blood has forgotten
Getting a hot poker shoved up his ass
This, my once proud race has become destroyed,everything they worked for all destroyed by all this degenerates
I no longer cope with white nationlism
Since my race has betrayed me.
3 generations of cuckholdry
Happiness. Not having given up all hope. Having people to talk to who aren't anonymous psychotic Nazis and feds.
Looks like hes got an imaginary sick in his mouth!
It is a warped mutation.
Say it: Clud brain
The ultimate blackpill.
Who are the jews
Can you even imagine the kind of lowbrow trash contained inside of those pages?
I realized only recently every book I ever read of my volition was written by a man, only female authors I’ve read were crap books I was forced to read in high school.
Idk what it is, but it seems all the topics I’m interested in have very few female authors or experts.
Most accurate answer so far
It's so nice to see you people go. You've done fuck all except harm others.
I'm interested in reading Whitney Webb's book about Epstein when it comes out. Charlotte Iserbyt's book about the US education system is also good. Web of debt by Ellen Brown is pretty good.
Still, 99% of what I read is also written by men.
The people will love it