In this video, Proofer puts forth the theory that Donald Trump may have an extensive background in physics. Curiously...

In this video, Proofer puts forth the theory that Donald Trump may have an extensive background in physics. Curiously, he also seems to be part of some Japanese physics conspiracy.

Can anyone dispute the facts in this video?

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Other urls found in this thread:

LOL - nobody can dispute the facts

Literally had no response so claimed victory Seethe and Cope.

Well, still waiting for a credible counterpoint to the facts presented in the video. You just came after me with typical ad-hominem logical fallacy out the gate, so still winning so far.

After 50 years in construction, he has to have picked up at least a better than layman's understanding of civil
engineering. Maybe not advanced physics but better than someone who took a couple physics classes as an elective.

And his uncle was a renowned physicist. Also, there's people who say the Trump family holds the Tesla patents. The original Tesla, not Elon.

That "lip-reading" was fucking hilarious. Thanks, leaf.

Who's leaf?

this video is horrible
>ay yo it's your boy proofer
>erebody knows Trump is dumb
>but here's a picture of him w some intellects - you can just tell
>this guy says Trump was getting private tutoring in physics at mit
>i really researched this one and i don't know what to think

boooooooo to op

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>who's leaf?
uhh... user I...

you already posted this on r/conspiracydocu. faggot

Explain this;

Attached: Trump45TimeTraveler.png (768x425, 869.42K)

>they may be photoshopped but I choose to believe they arent
This a nigger is obviously trying to see how gullible trumptards are, i say we give it credence and push it regardless, its obviously a troll and I support such endeavors.

When I was in high school I thought math was hard. I started over in remedial classes in college and worked all the way through to advanced calculus.

It really isn't that hard to climb the ladder if you have the interest and willingness to work at it.

Lefty nonsense. No subtly.

Only thing i got from this is the Emperor of Japan is a secret jew

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it wasn't very funny user
there was many attempts happening, but...

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Donald Trump is Satoshi Nakamoto...

Attached: 378shp_John_Collins_with_students_and_faculty_1968_shp_378.jpg (2500x1968, 649.98K)

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images are doctored. See my posts.

yeah user...thats the joke
they are poorly everyone can they can giggle

Ya can't dispute the truth, leaf

Alec Baldwin tier impression

I appreciate the subtly, you get a sub, leaf

micwowave youwsewf
cheap cwap commie chink
poow pwastic poop pwick
swoppy satanic savage swave
aww wook same
fake souwwess dim ugwy
weak gambwing opium addict
gweedy cheating wying thieving
diwty stinking pwaguing powwuting
stawving skewetaw spying fag
infewiow owientaw coowie kang
swant eye bwind dwive sunk junk papew shack
buwnt wice noodwe doodwe shwimp dick hack
ching chong ding dong fwip fong ping pong ming mong nip nong qing quong chinkie wing wong zip
yewwow piss skin swopey fish head midge
bug face wat tooth bat bwood monkey bwain insectoid pig dog canibaw

nuke the gooked fuckee twaitow twash too west it dump mowe dumb dung

>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20, Lev. 11, Josh. 23:5-16, 1 Kgs. 4:30, Job 15:2, Isa. 2:6, Dan. 2:43-4
>Massacre at Huế, Thảm sát Huế Tết Mậu Thân, Persecution of indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands in Vietnam, Đàn áp người Thượng tại Việt Nam, We Were Soldiers, Big River, Big Sea, 大江大海一九四九, Hong Kong independence, 香港獨立運動, Tibetan independence movement, 西藏独立运动, Xinjiang conflict, 新疆衝突, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 六四事件, Female infanticide in China, Tian Mingjian incident, 建国门事件, Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China, 對中國共產黨摘取法輪功學員及良心犯器官的指控, Film censorship in China, 中华人民共和国被禁影视作品列表, Battlefield 4, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike, Criticism of Huawei, Chinese intelligence activity abroad, Intelsat 708, 2011 Type 094 accident, Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body, Terrorism committed by North Korea, Seoul National University Hospital massacre, Team America: World Police, 팀 아메리카: 세계 경찰, Hangang Bridge bombing, National Defense Corps incident, The Interview, Homefront (video game), Chichijima incident, Bataan Death March, Comfort women, Issei Sagawa, Murder of Junko Furuta, 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件, In the Realm of the Senses, 愛のコリーダ, Bakky Visual Planning, バッキー事件, Karayuki-san, からゆきさん, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Feces use in Japan, 日本における人糞利用

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Japanese are not Chinese

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nope. Japanese are the better version of Chinese

you should've said "yep" because you're agreeing with my statement
anyway the memeflags nonsense was focused on Chinese, when its a Japanese thread, i guess he doesnt understand they are two different things