Professor Cooper says Trump Supporters are killing blacks because of Coronachan

>“F--- each and every Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame,” were among the comments – several of them containing profanity – posted on Twitter this week by Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University.

>What does POL think about this?

Attached: BrittneyCooper.jpg (453x256, 16.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck zion Don
Fuck niggers
Long live the National Socialist Revolution

>eat a lot of junk
>be fat and have hypertension
>muh it's white pepo fault
Quintessential nigger.

Coof on her and her nigger family.

Twitter Feed

Attached: BritCooperTwittter.jpg (444x322, 35.24K)

>stay home and tweet #fakevirus
>niggers die

daily reminder that global warming is turning africa into a desert

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>an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University.

Was she the fat cow who said white culture is denigrating fatness in black women? Or was it a different fat cow?

Someone should ask her how she got her tenure there at Rutger that obviously didn't involve her giving head or fucking some prof that has a taste for 0/10 shit AND wasn't involved with muh-slavery race-card/muh affirmative action gibs.

First and foremost fuck every goddamn nigger straight to Hell. The irony that a nigger would blame Trump/Trump supporters/the political right for the death of niggers when the left's sacred cow of an agenda abortion kills 200,000+ nigger babies every goddamn year is a joke

The more Coronachan kills niggers the better but the buffoonery of niggers is insane

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While I'm here, we Revolutionary National Socialists endorse the following position and that of

Fuck (((marxists)))
Fuck the alt kike dweebs who want to "discuss" the "interesting" ideas of (((communists))).
We'll see.. we'll certainly fucking see.

Its actually Wakanda using all the resources. Their power supply draws on the land's energy.

Pic Related

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I'll be damned. A talking monkey.

Fuck off journo

>Professor Cooper
This fat POS teaches Advanced Mashed Potatoes and Gravy.

'Academics' are unbearable.

A cleverly concealed Dr. Purr prepares to pounce...

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May I get a quote for Pol Press

Attached: BrittneyCooperTenured.jpg (875x584, 71.08K)

Imagine being a genius in women, gender and sexuality studies. Imagine all the things we mere mortals cannot comprehend that they must know about in the field women, gender and sexuality. It's like a maths professor who studies some kind of non-abelian cohomology, but he can't explain it to you and me, sicne it's so advanced.

>digital feminisms
Had to "kek" at that one, brother!

Nice. Super nice.

god bless corona-chan

Giving a nigger a PhD is like putting a gorilla in charge of the zoo

This is what I find funny about blacks and "black americans" ..

Imagine, an entire race of people, brought over to a land because of the idea of profits and free labor. Now, what happens? Oh, let's just give them rights and treat them like this is their home, I mean, they're human after all.

What did they do with these rights? Bitch, moan and complain like a spoiled child. I hate blacks with a burning passion because I too am a minority with immigrant parents who came here for OPPORTUNITIES. I've established myself in this shit society with zero expectations or demand handouts. I simply did my part as a citizen. I didn't prey on the weak or cope by being a thug. I simply acted as a normal law abiding man loyal to himself and his family.

That's just me.

Oh no extra large niggress with a side of fat hates “whitey”. She’s all uppity because white peepo shoved food down her gullet for her whole life resulting in her amazing the weight of what looks like a small sedan. Oh I’m sorry it was racism that gave her health problems and an eating disorder. “Whites”bullied this grotesque monster and now she’s back with a hungry vengeance.

But you presidents orange don’t ya know?

Wow a nigress is accurate for once

I agree 100% with you, based user.

>Deranged ramblings
>from a professor
>of women and gender studies
>at an elite leftist institution and indoctrination center

...I've never heard of such a thing!

>Disgusting niggeress posts unfounded bullshit about whites on cesspool of Twitter
>No repercussions because of the double standard towards niggers versus whites
Literally nothing new about this.