Trump says seen hard evidence China flu came from Wuhan Lab

ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And you believe him?


If its true he must nuke

This is the reason for the crazy sliding today. They do not want people talking about this. The VIRUS WAS MANMADE.
The only question is if it was an accident or intentionally released.
Intentionally releasing a virus to cause fear so that you can push a political agenda is also known as BIOTERRORISM and is an act of war.

Here's a kike shill. One of dozens who will infect this thread with "how can you believe orange man"

Anyone following since the beginning knows what is going on. This virus did not come from bat soup. It's an incomplete bioweapon, an act of desperation after the planned bioweapon was disabled. Low lethality but some novel traits and highly contagious. The media doing the footwork of hyping up the virus since they already had the script in place.

You must be retarded then, how can you believe a proven compulsive liar?

Thats an opinion backed up by nothing.

Yes I retarded. Orange Man not Bad. Chink Bad.

I like donnie, he's entertaining. But l certainly don't believe anything he says.

Who gives a fuck what you believe?

I love Trump, but on something this important I'm going to need some second opinions.

I don’t understand how this helps trump. So he failed to protect us from a massive terrorist attacking?

worked for bush

says the one who said "nothing burger, it is only flu."

>the chosen media narrative

>"former trump supporter here"


So fucking redpill pdf was true?

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>the world health organization should be ashamed of themselves

based. user, look into the W.H.O. there is too much for one post. where do they get their funding? what was the point of their handling of the pandemic? remember the timeline of the past two months. from wikipedia-
>Together at Home (also known as One World: Together at Home) was a virtual concert series organized by Global Citizen and curated by singer Lady Gaga, in support of the World Health Organization. The special is intended to promote the practice of social distancing during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

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what fucking juvenile cartoon understanding of the world do all of you fags have? the president doesn't magically become some all knowing dirty with the ability to conjure matter out of nothing. "failed to protect us." the government isn't your fucking father it isn't their job to "protect you" from the world. malign actors have agency and their own plans. grow the fuck up and learn that shit happens in the world and the you support your nation to unfuck it and you act as a cohesive unit to butt fuck your enemies economically, militarily, culturally (buy less shit of better quality) etc etc.

How does Bill Gates fit into this? He’s the number one funder of WHO now.

He's desperate to get reelected and cold war with china is probably the only way that could happen.

user, we're already in a cold war with China and have been for some time.

Ok Chang

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How the fuck could he know? Even US intelligence doesn't believe it.

i won't go looking for you but i'll tell you where to start. the next step in the plan would be mandatory testing. bill gates was on this broadcast and said "the eventual end comes when we get a vaccine that protects all of us, not just in the US, the entire world"

This should be the biggest news story right now if not true. Media should be all over him. We will see.

I was never a supporter, that's for the American sheeple, like you.

Who gives a fuck who you support?

You do, that's why you keep responding.

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They’ve already started door to door antibody testing in Georgia. I know Gates wants mandatory vaccines, but I don’t know if that’s pure greed on his part or something more sinister. It reeks of mark of the beast shit to me. Another question I have, if catching the virus in the wild doesn’t guarantee immunity and you can get reinfected, how the hell is a vaccine supposed to provide immunity? How can anyone fall for that?

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You speak of "nothing", its sweet pottery CHANG, because nothing is what your factories will soon be producing when the west pulls all their money from your country. I know understand why you eat bats and dogs and cats, its soon again going to be one of the only protein sources available to you. I spit on your bloodlines.