Can someone explain why schools are delivering food?

This doesn't make sense to me. Is this happening all across the world, or just in America? Cars are lining up around the block everyday at the middle school near me for food, too.

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Lots of kids eat at school only

It's the new normal, goy

So is this just an American thing? Or did European school buses go around delivering food too?

She's actually going around and collecting food from the kids in exchange for not eating their pets.

To fatten up the kids, then that lady eats the kids.

As far as I know it's just USA

Because American public schools are basically welfare shelters these days.

This is all about controlling you, had nothing to do with any virus. They want you I depend on the state

It's the corrupt nature of the school lunch program in the U.S. Funding for schools is by and large based on the number of students enrolled in the lunch program. The more students enrolled the more funding is allocated.

If you knew the depth of it all you would be disgusted.

Because they import invaders that they feed, clothe, educate, medically treat for their entire lives so they can pop out 8 kids to replace you.


You sure it's wise, Rick, to put the chick in shades in charge of food distribution?

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Educationfag here. We were told to bring our own kids by (even if they dont attend the school) because if the numbers of kids eating goes down, the funding goes down. Nope. 1st of all school food is a joke. Kids are "required" to take a tray for breakfast and lunch. Most kids...even poor kids dump their trays. It's a socialist structure. We overpay farmers to grow food for schools to force kids to take 2 meals a day that 65% dont need or want. All to make a small percentage of farmers rich. House of cards. Clown world.

Its called communism son

Don't send kids to public school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, since both parents have to work, and no child left behind means no one fails, American schools are basically modeled after prisons at this point where they just babysit and indoctrinate the low IQ masses. Of course you expect the babysitter to feed your kids, and if they're willing to pay for it themselves, why bother packing a lunch?

It's shit quality food anyway.

When I was in school it was pretty bad shit like tater tots and hamburgers except really low quality. and always those little cartons of milk.

This is probably part of it but I've seen people from my neighborhood lining up, so there's definitely parents picking this stuff up.

It is basically prison food.

It's shitty food from start to end. Spray poison on the crops, process them into tasteless garbage, and then have the kids throw it straight into the trash.

Only reason a lot of niggers send their kids to school is so they get breakfast and lunch for free. I guess it's also a free day care srfvice for most of the day.

Then shouldnt we break up the federal monopoly on the creation of money?

>Lots of kids eat at school only
why don't their parents feed them with the free money the government gives them ?

because we are literally being told to minimize trips to the store? I know that ain't US-exclusive.

everyone is being told that, so why are only certain people getting free food ?

The fucking socialist nanny's have everyone convinced food is the states responsibility, not the parents.


Yeah but people are still making trips to the schools to pick shit up, they're lining around the block everyday in my neighborhood.

Also, Top kek.

Because, OP, all of us who pay taxes somehow are responsible for feeding every school-age nigger even though their nigger moms get EBT to buy them food and mom has no job so she could easily cook every meal at home. And, just because niggers aren't in school doesn't mean we can let them go hungry, so your tax dollars are hard at work delivering food YOU paid for to niggers who don't contribute to anything other than the crime rate and prison population numbers. Is that so wrong?!

Do they live on the streets by themselves with no parents?
Because, faggot, if there's at least one parent at home, there's someone who is receiving gibs and can make a fucking meal.
Niggers are the niggers of society.

>Can someone explain why schools are delivering food?
It appears to be a solid case of white guilt.

The bus stop for my part of the neighborhood is in front of my neighbor's house. It's a bit disturbing to see two dozen kids and their parents lined up every day at 11am for their government food handouts. Since the budget for the school lunches and the buses were already allocated, there probably isn't much extra cost doing the delivery but it's still troubling to see so many lined up each day waiting on the government to bring them lunch and the next day's breakfast.

Yep, schools act like corporations do in this regard.
>be me in my early 20s
>work for marketing firm
>realize I'm getting paid $15/hour for shit that's billed to clients at $90/hour
>wonder why the fuck they won't just hire some schlubs like myself to come in and do the cheap labor directly to save a fucking bundle
>get told how it all works by my supervisor
>clients in larger corporations all get budgeted huge sums for marketing and are EXPECTED to blow every time and need more than they get even if marketing does poorly and decision makers chose terribly for what to run for campaigns
>told that said client receives $3 million for marketing per quarter at the regional division, and if they don't spend every dime, the budget gets cut and people have less shit to waste money on
>clients are fine paying 5x+ cost of hiring people to do in-house just because they need to burn off their quarterly budget in order to not get it reduced
Doesn't matter if it's education, it still acts like a corporation.

In my area it's people with kids who cant afford it and only the kids get the meal. Are you just mad your fat ass ain't getting free food or something?

Sounds like you should have gone freelance and charged $120 an hour so they could burn their money even more efficiently :^)

Because the parents spend the money on whatever the fuck they feel like and the taxpayers foot the bill for all of it.

>have kids you can't afford to begin with
>government gives you gibs so you can always feed your family
Every nigger has food in their homes. Problem is, niggers think whites owe them everything, so they're reverted to the lowest point of pure lazy entitled shitbaggery they can drop to.

Niggers are truly worthless.