Why aren’t millennials buying homes?

Why aren’t millennials buying homes?

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Lol this state is called "I da hoe".

>hoa fees
>lawn maintenance/landscaping has to be done by you
>have to do all your own repairs
>mortgage that fluctuates unlike rent which is fixed
>in order to leave you have to sell tour home which could take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 years, all depends on the market
>almost no laws to protect you, you can be evicted from an apartment and still trash the place and sue the landlord and win
You tell me bud, renter life is the way of the future

>owning things
you can't sell me a lie. I know that I'll always be paying rates and fees to the REAL OWNER who is always a hook-nose.

Tell me more about Bavaria.

Car insurance is $250 a month
Car note is $250 a month
Phone bill is $60 a month
Donations are $230 a month
I don't have the funds to save up to buy my own house just for privacy.

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vans are better

They can’t afford it. It’s that simple.

>Donations are $230 a month

2184 sqft

Thats not a bad price if the hood is nice.

>his family doesn't own a charity

stay poor forever

I'm on my third house

Nice you renting the other 2 or just moved up over time?

>2200 SQ FEET


you can't make money from a charity besides salaries, unless you embezzle

1. Price - anything with any value at all has been bought up by speculators/boomers looking for a buck to fund their next piece of shit home. There are millions of these people jacking up the prices and refusing to sell because they feel entitled to "profits" from their "investment." Now that you need 20% down, most people cant even post that (and with CRUSHINGLY LOW interest rates, you are punished for saving up to get to the 20%... each second that you save you are being punished.)

2. Motivation - Most millenials are not really motivated to own homes. Men especially. Why bother locking myself in for 30 years when I can just... not do that? In fact, why bother working at all. Most tax dollars you will never see the benefit of in your life time. Not to mention the birth rate is plummeting as fewer and fewer people are able to successfully reproduce (a good thing).

3. Value - Most homes are pieces of shit. Millenials are more apt to research and weigh the cost/benefit to home ownership. Home ownership is only worth it if the market increases and you stay there for over 5 years. Research and youtube videos on this analysis are easily found. What millenial can honestly say he will be in the same place for 5 years?

Solution? Massive asset deflation. Get government out of home "ownership." Stop government subsidies. Change the culture to something less obsessed with home ownership. Wait a little bit and the population should decline.

>Car insurance is $250 a month
>Donations are $230 a month


Student loan debt mostly.

>have to beg someone to paint a wall
>have to read contract I signed to know which walls I can hang pictures on
>if stuff if broke. I need to beg someone to fix it quickly, or have to relocate.

I wish I can get a house. I want legit purpose to the roof over my head. I had a hot water heater break in the NE and the landlord said "I'll get to it next month".

Fuck my life I want to end it.

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Why is that small house 425k in Idaho Springs?

People dont know this, but there are towns in California that you can still buy a house for about this, that's newer that's 50 miles from San Francisco. Towns like Antioch, Oakley, Pittsburg and Brentwood (not LA brentwood) are close to BART and an hour train ride to San Francisco for just under 500k. some less than 15 year old houses. Not all of San Francisco is million dollars. these towns have some higher than normal crime but nothing like Oakland which is also expensive. pocketed areas see very little break ins. this seems pricey for a small colorado town.

Big Bad Wolf blew the first two down

It's in Colorado retard

At least one accrues wealth buying in CO. Buy in CA, CT, NY, MA, IL, and often times your monthly tax obligations equal or outweigh your mortgage payment. So 15-30 yr mortgage and you will have given your local govt over the market value of the home you purchased.

I don’t know about all Millennials, but Idaho Springs, CO is a fucking shithole built on a slag pile and mine tailings full of arsenic. That’s a great place to buy a house if you want your balls to drop off.

Here come the boomers telling everyone to move to Wyoming when they easily worked their factory job at age 20 and bought a house. I love seeing their cogdis. Sorry boom boom the purchasing power de facto minimum wage isn’t $35 an hour anymore compared to housing and schooling. They will never admit this though. That economy was because of bootstraps.

Do you know how buying a house works? Buyers market or sellers market (unless it's NYC or San Francisco or LA) you can ask the seller pays the buyers fees so no up front money is needed. even if it means you offering a few extra over the asking price or give asking price. sometimes even under, since the seller is asking for too much to pay his sellers cost.

Buy rural land. I bought 15 and a half acres for $118,000 I am 10 minutes out of a small town, 35 minutes away from a large town with a university.
I have 100% privacy. Wife and I are expecting a son in June. House is paid off.

nice cuckshed for 425000. kek

Already did in 2017 at age 24.
Making $15.50 at the time
No excuses faggot
$305,000 house 1,850sqft in the best area in town. Surrounding houses are all $700k+ but since mine was super ugly due to an old grandma living there, it was cheaper.
Had to paint over the Pink walls ex ex.

So, How come this house is 425k? Colorado is up and coming with tech (actually always has had it in MIC) but what the hell? is it a historical house?

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>You tell me bud, renter life is the way of the future
Yea that's the problem with you dumb ass millenials. You don't understand real estate and the value of it. It's not money you spend. It's just money you put over there for a bit.
You see real estate doesn't tend to devalue. It tends to rise in value.
And that house you bought you're paying off and each payment is a chunk of it you own and if you sell that booger, you get your money back and maybe then some.
You don't get that with rent. It's just money thrown down a hole that dissapears into the landlords wallet. Which is why you're always gonna be a pleb. And the people who own real estate your lords.

Find out for yourself.


They just aren't pulling themselves up by the bootstraps enough. God damn lazy kids.

Idaho Springs appears to be a wealthy town under an hour from Denver in the mountains. This isn't much more than the same house would cost where I live if it was in a wealthy town and my city has a lower COL than Denver
What you describe still sounds shitty. You could just not live in California

Because a structure built with $8,000 in labor and $15,000 in materials, complete with mold, and needing a new roof, is not worth half a million. Then being slave to a bank for 30 years just to own it? Yea, no fucking thank you.

they live with their mommies and daddies

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It will rise as long as demand rise, meaning immigration or higher birth rate. There is no universal law that real estate goes up in price, in fact it should go down in price over time because it becomes used goods and requires reparation. Boomers know this which is why they encourage open borders to keep their homes at a high price

Udaho, Idapimp

>thinking that getting a 30yr mortgage means you have to pay on it for 30yrs

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>There is no universal law that real estate goes up in price
It's called inflation you stupid fucking inbred mong.


can some seppo please explain to me what the fuck a homeowners association is?

>You see real estate doesn't tend to devalue. It tends to rise in value.
Housing prices are inflated, the market collapse at some point and things will go back to normal. You are a retard if you think it will just continue rising forever and ever

>in fact it should go down in price over time because it becomes used goods and requires reparation
Oh and that's why real estate rocks. It doesn't work this way and really it never has. Land has value, things built on it and maintained well continue to hold their value.
You can buy 300 year old homes for a nice tidy chunk of change in Europe.
Dumb ass.

>needs more red accents

Idaho springs is pretty cheap, that house is pretty close to down town Idaho springs which has a lot of breweries and restaurants. Hipster paradise. I’m in the same county but in a different town, way more expensive. Next county west that money wouldn’t buy a 1 bed studio/

Millenials tell us how hard it is to buy a house today because it's impossible to afford it on their 6 figure income when homes are averaging 1.2 Mil in San Francisco.

My ex wife and I bought our first home in the San Francisco area in a town called Concord for 95k a 2 bedroom condo in 1990. We sold it for less because the market fell but wanted an actual house. We bought a house in a neighboring town for 175k in 1991. We sold that house for 179k in 2000 because the market fell and picked back up. the next house we bought was for 215k but the interest rates that were once 12 percent for the condo then 9 percent for the first house were now 5 percent. We thought we were living high. A more expensive house for less of a mortgage cost. then we sold that house for 345 and bought a house that was 525 and had 220k to put down on it with a 4 percent interest. then we refi for 2.4 percent. point being we collectively between the two of us made less than 60k a year. is half of what Millenials make and want to pay but "cant" yet we started off with 3-4 times the interest rates.

>You are a retard if you think it will just continue rising forever and ever
It does. Again it's called inflation you stupid ass mother fucker. Doesn't matter if things are " normal " or otherwise unless you bought during the fat bubble.
Real estate doesn't lose it's value.
It tends to rise. It does not tend to devalue unless there's something wrong with it over time.
If you think old properties are worthless, go buy an English castle and get back to me.

I have $120k in savings and I still can’t afford a house. My best bet is to buy a $200k 3-bed in a flyover state.

Built in 1910. I have been going to lots of old property like this. It’s possible to buy up land with stuff on it worth more than you paid. Wonder what’s in the barns.

You think that’s bad you should check out the house prices here. A two bedroom house in Sydney can cost upwards of $1,200,000 USD. Even a bungalow in a smaller city costs around $300,000 USD. Fucking ridiculous.

Not an argument you dumb fuck. Inflation is not just for real estate it’s for everything including salary. When you say something goes up in price you disregard inflation because it’s a moot point when your income does too

Again, behind that is a market force caused by higher immigration or birth rate. The reason city land has gone up in price is because, you guessed it, more people move in to the cities. There is nothing magical about real estate, same is true for stocks and other assets. If you have a growing population you will generally see an increase in value of everything

people who live in a designated area, usually a development of attached townhouses, have a common grounds management which is called the homeowners association. you pay them a fee and they maintain the grounds and set the basic rules of conformity. it's communism.
or similar to paying property taxes for services and regulations. it's all so fuzzy.

In some neighbourhoods in America when you buy a house you have to pay money each month to a HOA. This is a group of people that make rules for the neighbourhood and if if you break one of their rules they will tell you and fine you if you don't correct it. They also prevent you from doing certain things to your house like certain add ons or building stuff in the backyard. Lastly, they might actually do beneficial things to the neighbourhood like make it look nicer. Sometimes paying is optional and they aren't so Jewy but most of the time they are required and they are. Most neighbourhoods don't have them thankfully

Waiting for the bubble to pop. You'd be stupid not to if you have the choice.

>*Pays interest on mortgage*
This is why home buyers are retarded. Renter life all the way.

Countries in Europe don't have room to build any more houses. That is why housing is so much more expensive there. It has nothing to do with inflation

That sucks

Besides vans and RVs, what are some other alternative homes?

> Inflation is not just for real estate it’s for everything including salary
Yea but it doesn't tend to benefit you unless it's real estate or salary. Everything else is shit that costs YOU and devalues quickly. Real estate does not.
> Again, behind that is a market force caused by higher immigration or birth rate
Okay well the demand for housing is still there so yea real estate is an investment to make right now for sure and even if that wasn't true? Real estate still tends to hold it's value if nothing else, meaning no, you don't tend to lose money.

>leave garage door open
>group of communal yards legally fine you for leaving it open
>forget to mow the yard?
>you have tard family staying with you
>fined for breaching occupancy limit

Basically a communal tard group gets to legally enforce rules onto you, your house, and land.

that sounds fucking retarded, i thought you guys were free

The housing market in the entire country is inflated. It will not last forever. Inflation did not occur at the same rate that housing prices increased. There will be a correction

just pay yourself all of the revenue you ding dong

>comparing his PoS mass-produced cookie cutter siding cuck shack to a 12th century stone castle
my sides

>That is why housing is so much more expensive there. It has nothing to do with inflation
So all the houses there cost the same as they did in 1950?