How did America fuck this up so badly?

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now do per capita

USA will win this as well, so shut up, hater

America has had one of the best responses in the world.

The novel coronavirus does not exist.

>Please stop op my friends and I really love ptg and you are supporting something that will fuck it up for us

To be quite honest, I dont know anyone with covid in the US, and there's no mass dropping of death people in the street nor a surge of ambulances cruising around the city. I'm pretty sure they're making up numbers at this point.

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when your president is a stupid orange piece of shit its impossible not to fuck up this badly

Cuomo fucked up New York. The other states are outperforming most of Europe.

thats not what im seeing

Attached: percapita.png (735x516, 121.12K)

>it's another "doesn't know how to interpret stats, has absolutely no idea that the US is like 6th on that list when you account for population sizes" episode
If we ever manage a colony on mars or something, in spite of the (((great filter))), retards like you will see "50 die of mystery disease on mars colony" and be all "oh shit that's not so bad, 100k die to the flu here on earth every year" meanwhile a population of like 100 just got cut in half.

New York is using positive-pressure ventilators... which damage the lungs and eventually kill you. That’s why their death toll is so high.

as of march 18th, the requirement of a positive test was no longer required by the CDC to consider a death covid related. all of a suddenly flu and pneumonia deaths dropped to almost zero and have remained at almost zero. on march 25th, the federal government approved hundreds of billions of dollars to go toward facilities based on how many covid patients that they had. this is a clear financial conflict of interest that explains why flu and pneumonia deaths have remained at almost zero yet so many people are posthumously diagnosed as covid deaths. the stats are gathered inaccurately. that's why it looks like it was messed up so badly here.

it's actually that the strain of coronavirus going around is an incomplete racially-targeted bioweapon, it ravages populations in direct proportion to their level of "diversity"

Hey at least you cropped out cleanly this time so we can't see a portion of the "per capita" you deliberately left out.

Every day is 9/11 and now they are reopening wew lad such retards


Why is it taking them so long to catch up to the incompetence of you euroniggers?

Inb4 an Amerilard claims their population is 10x higher than Germany

Tell us more Tom Clancy

>the states which are reopening are the same states getting a 911 shoah each day

Imagine closing down nunavit because Toronto niggers can't stop touching each other.

The US doesn't have socialized medicine so it could take awhile.

I tend to agree. I think this is just the orthodox jews stacking positives in anticipation of the upcoming lawsuit. They’ll make out like bandits :/

I'm sure reopening Atlanta will create a horde of feral Corona nigs


Listen man, it's not my fault this city filled with nasty shitskins and chinks.

Every American will be dead in two years checkem

>glowniggers find out about Canadian vaccine testing involving modified coronavirus
>goal was to make more effective vaccines for use on specific populations, early work was simply working out how diseases can adapt to more readily attack different racial populations, then later use that data constructively
>glownigger plant in chinkland conveniently tells the chinks there's a ready-made sorrution for deh mellican pwobrem
>chink student at leaf college tasked with retrieving sample
>leaf department head was already paid off to make it easy, chink just walks right out with it
>bugs get to work on modifying a virus for use on the US if need be
>glowniggers release modified coronavirus near chink lab, knowing people will think it was a simple containment failure
and here we are.

You are part of America’s ignorance and illiteracy and there is only so much the rest of is can do

Why doesn't the federal government help a state that contributes taxes that assist states like Kentucky?

the guy in charge had no notion of what was going on thats how good his multidimensional chess was

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not to mention all the anti-quarantiners who think its a big hoax

>How did America fuck this up so badly?
1) Cases are irrelevant at this point. It's been proven that "big" percentages of the population have had COVID19 but without symptoms.
Just testing more to find out that 40% of the total 1st- and 2nd-world populations have already had the virus to NO effect does not matter. All that matters are deaths and hospitalizations.
2) Per capita the US has seen far fewer deaths than almost all these other heavily-traveled globalist countries.
Really the only "problem" in the US is NYC.

>we cured all other diseases
We just happened to have the same amount of deaths as before. Just labeled differently.

All by design

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Funny how "everything is perfectly fine at china" yep, it was just a flu for them after all, right?

>please continue op because these slide threads are my only cope and my only source of income.

>Yep captured
Witness protection. Its all gonna come out in September. I know he is alive and where he is.

Will the UK take silver?