What happened to christianity Yas Forums?
What happened to christianity Yas Forums?
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It's a political board, not a theology board you boomer. Canada isn't relevant at all and this is a slide thread
He would be a schizophrenic autist if it was up to jews. Fuck their crumbling genes and their pathetic projections.
Changed with the times to tolerate modern culture. Won't go back until totality of culture wants it to. Sticking to religion for politics is a bad idea, just read the bible on your own.
Who would've thought that a religion all about letting people step over you would appeal to cucks?
Theres a theology board?
Christfaggotry was always a religion custom-made for cowardly, submissive, unintelligent, emotionally-driven, superstitious, faggots.
Reformation and ((Vatican II))) unironically
fuck off cherry picking faggot. go suck trudeau's bull's dick.
Christianity is whatever the culture wants it to be. On its own, it is nothing.
Jesus Christ hasn't changed at all. Only the wolves in sheeps clothing have changed, to keep up with the Prince of the power of the Air and his globohomo agenda.
Yes, it's called Yas Forums because religion is off topic/random since modern societies don't enforce religion on citizens. I'm Christian and read the bible, but pol isn't a place to discuss religious topics.
Sounds like you are bit sensitive about the state of your religion
All of the abrahamic religions are bullshit and have long been a tool for removing people from their culture and controlling them. Are you really surprised that a kike offshoot fairy tale is promoting degeneracy. Pot of boiling water it has always been.
Nothing, these people are just dumb.
How does it pertain to politics? In the United states there's a separation of church and state. In EU nations (outside of Turkey) there's also a clear separation of church and state. If you're from any nation outside of 1st world countries, it's a miracle that you even found this underwater basket weaving website.
Martin Luther
Based individual. Most of his teachings were influenced by Jan Hus, who suffered and ultimately was burned alive for his beliefs.
>In the United states there's a separation of church and state. In EU nations (outside of Turkey) there's also a clear separation of church and state.
Are those separations stated in.... political documents?
Vatican II
I'm Jewish, so I've always felt this way about Christians. Their smug belief that everyone who wasn't raised in their cuck religion will be tortured for eternity was a nice little accoutrement to their cringe. Glad to see some of the goys are starting to get it as well.
It has been taken back by it's rightful owners user.
It's a Jewish sect, and "happened" as such.
Mel, get the cross.
Jesus was not gay and had no problem with eunuchs, but Paul was gay and hated himself for being gay.
Most of Christianity's problems in the West stem from the Anglo tradition. Roman, Evangelical, and Eastern Catholicism do not have these problems.
It's almost as bad as believing you are God's chosen tribe and will be rewarded with a world of brown slaves doing your tribe's bidding.
The Catholic Church succumbed to to Communist/Freemason infiltration, and all those sola scriptura protties ignored the scriptura.
>You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4)
That's not what Jews believe, but ok.