On his death bed, Kim Jong Un named you as next Supreme Leader of North Korea. What’s your move?

On his death bed, Kim Jong Un named you as next Supreme Leader of North Korea. What’s your move?

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nuke china

Unify north and south

Host a Starcraft 2 tournament in pyeongyang to reunify the peninsula and then have the winner help plan the invasion of the USA

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Rape his sister

bang my sister
no wait
I mean his sister
that's what I meant

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Fuck hot Korean chicks.

Marry his sister

It's not rape if you're Supreme Leader.

Probably get murdered by his sister

Gas the chinks and kikes

Smoke cigarettes and drink whiskey

Negotiate the unification of nk and sk and make sure my family is set up financially for the future

That would probably actually work.

they would never see it coming

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Have a foot orgy with 30 North Korean escorts


Nuke Israel and blame it on Russia
Time for this world to burn

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this fuck chine and then cry to the USA to help me win

Become transfer student to nearest Japanese high school

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There’s a reason he chose me

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Kill every dog in the country—dogs should all burn in hell.

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This, for, uh... legitimacy.

Eat the nations' last cheeseburger and nuke china

Tell South Korea I will work toward reunification in exchange for a harem of slutty KPop singers and a really fast internet connection.

I will offer manufacturing space to Games Workshop in exchange for favorable trade with Britain.

I will offer troops to the Vatican and become the shock army of Christendom to reclaim the Holy Land from sand niggers both Jew and Muslim.

nuke china, india, africa, and then myself (korea)

every TV in NK must now air meatspin 24/7 unless im addressing the nation

Honestly this.

You know the real reason the Kim family is desperate to stay in power? Those three guys have had access to the most insane harem of sex slaves on the planet. Imagine the 50 hottest girls in your country all brainwashed to worship you as a god and do whatever you tell them.

I can't even blame them.

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You know she'd turn into a good little submissive cunt for white cock.

meet with leaders of western nations and tell them we enjoy living like hobbits and ask for protection.
systematically dismantle all modern infrastructure.
promote farming.
kill social media.
open the nation as themepark called "KoreaLand", attracting people to spend time in quiet agrarian culture, experience old traditions, and sell amish-esque handmade crafts for 1000x times the cost to make them.
shut down entire nation for 1 month so everyone can go to amsterdam and get hookers/ dudeweed.

create 10 new kpop supergroups

Nuke Israel.


Nuke the entire American west coast

De-commiefy the country and set up aegis in the location to cuck the chinks.

Get Iran to join the team and help nuke Israel and Saudi Arabia. Really screw over America and their allies dependent on the foreign oil.

This is the only viable answer.


Set people to work producing absolutely free AAA video games with which to instruct the liberal west in correct materialist thinking.

Unite with South Korea and nuke China

Live like a king, and open up slightly to the west. Then nuke China.

the dprk likes dogs, has national dog. Protected by mandate of great comrade kim il-sung

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>Nuke israel
>Samson protocol
>The world is purged
Only solution to get out of that nighmare