How do i cope with not being white

how do i cope with not being white

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Adopt white children and raise them well.

You embrace whatever heritage you have and be proud of that.
Same as everyone else.

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Embrace your Portuguese heritage

Take the poo to the loo (i.e. kill yourself)

So this is what the games JIDF looks like.

you can always bleach ur skin like michael jackson

what are you?

accept who and what you are

Holy shit what happened to that guy's nose


Pay taxes and don't be a burden on society.

Holy shit no.

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Based pic

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his nose is clogged

Kek that shirt

raise above your stereotypes be the good you want to see in your race you cuck

First off, don’t have kids with anyone from your village and second, inform your children not to have kids with anyone from your village either. Widen your gene pool. I advise a very fat white woman whose genes are going nowhere fast.

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stop making this thread faggot

That doesn't look Portuguese, or did you mean Brazilian? just saying because you burgers suck at pretty much everything especially being hetero and geography.

Marry a white woman

be a civ nat

By making this thread at least 15-20 more times.

>I advise a white woman

By returning to the call centre, Pajeet.

Those are some nice looking bouquet garni

Just be better than everyone else by working hard

What if she’s 600 lbs and lacks all status and human dignity.

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This is the only real answer OP.
Tend to the garden that you can reach.
Be a beacon. Not so you can lead others, but so others can see there's a better way.

Brazilians > Portuguese fags, you can tell by the size of the country on the map.

take 2 and call us in the morning

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Act as white as you can, learn to play piano

Just act white...

It's not called white privilege... they got it wrong.. its white expectation.

Imagine being a 1 post by this ID, memeflaggot shill, that would be something i would have to cope with

Then execute her. Like a wounded horse, just put it out of its misery.

wtf lmao cucks are mentally I'll
Just live an honest life be proud of own your achievements and don't hate yourself for something you can't choose

by creampieing white women

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this post should have been the end of the thread.

JIDF is outsourcing shilling now? Damn the Jews capitalize everything.

Maybe find someone who can genetically engineer you to have an iq of 114.

Be a nice person. Most people you will find in life want to help so long as you ask. Also, interior beauty and mastery over body is more important. No one is better than the next person in God’s eyes.

>lel shoot yourself twice with a .380 bro
You retarded nigger. you're the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger I've ever seen. You can't shoot yourself again after the first shot, you're definitely losing consciousness at very least.

Bleached skin w chemicals and dye hair blonde and blue contacts

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Become a cuck it's the only way to cope with your inferior seed