Brazil's political compass

is this realistic?

Attached: f136lr6ia1w41.png (795x768, 537.36K)

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Brazilian right-wing is so retarded that their king emancipated the blacks and their fascist party had race-mixing as party policy, their country is irredeemably retarded and can only be fixed with a few well placed nukes

Can someone translate this into human being

yes and this

It seems mostly alright. But integralists didn't really consider themselves right-wing. Getúlio and the centrão can't be really classified.

Who’s black hitler?

Who’s the guy with boobs in his face

Attached: 2ryqiazds5a41.png (960x1045, 320.08K)

>that their king emancipated the blacks
It was the princess and it was after half a century of political debates


Neither did fascists and etc but here we are
It's a joke of how some mixed people support nazism down here

>half a century of political debates
>Reaches the obviously wrong answer
To be fair, the rest of the world also reached the wrong answer.

what's a ambientalista

The same people pro end of slavery were also pro white washing Brazil some years latter

>white washing Brazil
How would that take place? Encourage immigration from Europe?

this would be based. aryan brazil now!

Environmentalism or eco idiot

No, they thought that with enough race mixing blacks would become effectively white. They wrote some major cope directed at the US and their handling of the black problem with segregation being a mistake.

>How would that take place? Encourage immigration from Europe?
>In the 100 years from 1872–1972 at least 5.35 million immigrants came to Brazil, of whom 31% were Portuguese, 30% Italian, 13% Spanish, 5% Japanese, 4% German and 16% of other unspecified nationalities.[6]

In 1897, São Paulo had twice as many Italians as Brazilians in the city. In 1893, 55% of the city's population was composed by immigrants and in 1901 more than 80% of the children were born to a foreign-born parents.[5] According to the 1920 census, 35% of São Paulo city's inhabitants were foreign born, compared to 36% in New York City. São Paulo's multicultural population could be compared to any major American, Canadian or Australian city. About 75% of the immigrants were Latin Europeans, particularly from three major sources: Italy, Portugal and Spain. The rest came from different parts of Europe, the Middle East and Japan.[38] Some areas of the city remained almost exclusively settled by Italians until the arrival of waves of migrants from other parts of Brazil, particularly from the Northeast, starting in the late 1920s.

I've heard other nations in SA did that, didn't know Brazilians did it as well.

So that's a "yes"?

>aryan brazil now!
Sorry user, the germans have (((forgotten))) how to have more than one child

>So that's a "yes"?
Big yes, but like america it was undone some decades later when minorities percentage of the population exploded

You monkeys make great music, and your women are beautiful.

Full of mistakes, intergralist do not believe in race, monarchist usually defend parlamentarism and not absolutism so they should be lowered. "gestorzão" refers to João Doria wich is a neo-liberal, olavistas are bolsominions, PCO is not communist or marxist they are more like nazbol if anything they defend guns are are big advocates for citizenship owned armed militias so they're more libertarian than NOVO which is represented by "banqueiro" which is also neo-liberal and suck the UN everyday. rest is ok kinda.
6/10 meme good effort thou

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horrible version.

When did that happen in Brazil? In the USA it wasn't until the latter half of the 20th century.
Is there a good answer to "Why" as well, like there is in the USA?

From 1950's onward southward migration and increasing prosperity in the northeast region (the part of Brazil that had the largest slave population and the part that recieved the least amount of imigration from europe in the early 1900's) are the most likely causes, those are also the origins of the favelas

>increasing prosperity in the northeast region
>the region with the most niggers
>Also the region that got few Europeans
How does that work out? Money fo dem programs?

Ok then what's a good one

Brazilians are smelly

>the Worker Cause Party is not really Communism


Based O Gestorzao

Attached: 1587080715362.webm (960x540, 1.95M)

We had a program to connect the whole country during the 50's and 60's with american money, after that Brazil and the rest of the world had a massive boom, and that region rode it along

>Nazis on the center
>Integralistas on the far-right
>Daniel Fraga literally who

They are nationalists, marxists are starkly internationalist