Anderson Cooper is now a father

Anderson Cooper is now a father.

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How tho?
Fags cant have kids

kid looks like a demon physiognomy is real

maybe he convinced some dyke to carry his baby

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Plot twist, he was never gay. He just faked it for ratings and oppression points.

So he was gay for pay

>steal kid
>rape kid
>new faggot was born

Bam the CIA faggot Cooper now has a little faggot kid that will grow up to rape your kids. All going to plan.

Hes gonna molest that kid in the future
Screencap this

that be his sexy time face. hah wouldn't want to be near that guy.

Digits for SIDS

>Hes gonna
you think he didn't start? ffff new fag.

can we demand CNN to broadcast the circumcision live with the rabbis?

lmao, it would be racist not to.

Cute kid. I'm happy for them.

Do I really need to?

Gold help that poor kid.

Ass baby. He pooped it out. And it will grow up to be the next Amazing Desmond by the time it is 7 or 8 years old.

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Cooper is cia. One of the first shows he did was a show called the mole based on a real training program.

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did he get his boiwife boipregnant by fucking him in his bussy with no condom?

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That kid's soul was sold a long time ago. Pretty sad.
Whatever comes after tranny is what this kid will be.

They're demons

Why has national news become a blogpost for a Vanderbilt?

poor thing doesn't even know he's going to get sacrificed

Why would anyone bring another soul into this world right now?

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>Anderson Cooper is now a father.
I wonder where he stole that baby from...

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Poor kid, he’ll be groomed into Anderson 2.0

At least he'll be loved, if not well-off, and honestly having spent enough time on this board, I think that's all that really matters.

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wasn't he a fag?

is it a biological kid or what?

That is how it happened

You guys might not notice because you see him every day on TV, but I can't be the only one who thinks that Anderson Cooper just doesn't look like a real person, I can't really put my finger on it. The white hair, always the same expressionless face, and
just looks weird as hell. I get this feeling a lot with American TV personalities. Anybody get what I'm trying to say here?

Playing devil's advocate here but that COULD just be a whack ass depiction of the virgin mary burying jesus.

Good for him, I'm proud of that guy.

This faggot is going to pretend he's related to the Earps? Or is he such a fag he's naming them after the movie