Does anyone else just simply not feel threatened by Chink military build-up?

>A "stealth" fighter that can't attack ground targets and isn't stealthy (exhaust also leaves giant black plumes of smoke)
"b-but muh billion man infantry force"
Logistically impossible.
>An aircraft carrier with a ramp that catches fire
>A total of 24 fighters between two ramp-based carriers

And yet for some reason people are freaking out over a military that is held together by paperclips and unearned pride.

Attached: evn3rGy.jpg (962x600, 448.07K)

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Also inb4 some slant calls me a kike for saying bad things about China.

Well yeah , I live in a defenceless island nation in the south pacific so it's hard not to feel unnerved by it. I doubt whether the USA would throw nukes over us if we got annexed so we rely on the UK and their 200 or so Tridents as a deterrent.

I would love to see america rip that fucking shithole in half. You guys are the only country with fucking balls to do it.



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herding humans is difficult work user, external threats, domestic class systems and media focus on crime help people stay in line and keep the process moving.
you understand this right user

People are freaking out because they have 1000 cruise missiles tipped with nukes and are crazy enough to use them

I love how even the politicians Americans complain about are relatively anti China. That obama clinton type Democrat. I see the washpost has lots of China bashing articles lately.

Not defenseless. The Japanese got their shit pushed in when they tried to cut NZ and Australia off from the US in WWII. Will be the same with the chinks if they tried.

China has a few hundred nukes at most.

We can go anytime those chink bastards want. I WANT TO DIE IN A WAR DAMMIT.

End this abhorrent world once and for all.
Those who survive if someone survives deserve a clean sheet

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The PRC can't even assert control over a couple of sandbars right off their coast. Their "Navy" is almost exclusively brownwater and has next to no projection capability.
Also, New Zealand is a major non-NATO ally to the US and much of the world. You're far from defenceless when you have Japan, Australia, the US, and South Korea as regional allies.

Bro, we got your back.

Cope. China had nothing in 1950 besides bodies and fought America and the UN to a draw in Korea

There would be fewer Chinese not long after they launched.

Attached: cruisemissiledefense.jpg (800x690, 101.11K)

Fuck off glownigger I am so sick of these fucking kikes pushing for war with china. How do people not see this shit for what it is?

Yes, because Chinese peasants could walk to the front lines.

If China military live up by chink standards
Tanks will break on a week
Planes fall half way

>"b-but muh billion man infantry force"
>Logistically impossible.

"HAH they will never cross the rubicon"
"HAH the manchu dynasty cannot fall"
"HAH the titanic is unsinkable"

everything is impossible until it isnt OP

>not wanting to collect chink skulls
>being this much of a faggot

Not in the slightest. They’re funny.

You faggots know it's entirely possibly to have more than one enemy, right? Both China and Israel are threats to the free world.

forgot to reply to op chink

They are open about that as a policy. Dont want to become an offensive nuclear threat.

Why don't you europoors solve your own fucking problems for once? All you niggers do is bitch at us until you need help then you're ready to suck us off. Go fuck a koala mate.

titanic like china was considered powerful by those who marketed it.

China was able to quarantine an entire nation, fully, in a day, and you think you know better LOL. American hubris at its finest

Lel. " cruise missles" cant reach Europe far less north anerica you dumb fuck.

They have ICBMs of course but not terribly advanced, likely cant reach eastern seaboard of US, DC, NY etc. But that's just a matter of time and their internal decisions about military posture.

in 1950, china had been constantly fighting for about 20 years. they had a massive army of battle hardened fanatics led by experienced NCOs and officers who had been fighting brutal battles against the japs and other chinks for their whole careers

today china has basically no combat veterans and their soldiers complain about going to the field for more than a few days. comparing Mao's army to Xi's is not a good comparison

top bi

I think it only hurts Whites and asians in the end I would rather focus on other enemies.
I do not disagree they are an enemy absolutely but I am more pragmatic. I would much rather focus on the kikes first. China is a paper tiger. Sure they are a threat but I am not signing up to go kill chinks before we sort out the kikes and shitskins. It seems like a great way to cull off an entire generation if we go off to war with the chinks. I would rather those fighting age men stay home and take care of the problems here.

And now they have a million times more advanced of an army, fully mechanized with nukes. Anyone advocating war is a Wolfowitz kike shill.

Not entirely fair. Europe is interested in developing a European army. US moderately opposed it as NATO already costs us a fortune. Large European nations fully grasp that there is no military threat whatever to western Europe from Russia anymore. Most of their elite and middle class view these areas as vacation and business areas with related peoples.