Attached: muh russia.png (593x706, 76.58K)

I wonder how fruitful it would be to filter "It's over"
Not as good as filtering "women" or "covid"

Whoops it's Israel! Very anti-semetic of you to want to know so badly.

What's over this time?


>GJ material

Jfc this is sad.

This is getting more pathetic than the Q user crowd and that's a pretty fucking high bar to top

Q predicted this!

gay jews

>Mueller is still coming dahnald

Sure Leaf

Attached: China-Scam.png (800x400, 103.96K)

It might be time for a Louise Mensch comeback. That bitch was fucking gold.

Post a red pill

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well the walls are finally closing in
moscow next
they will get him for treason

what a fucking retarded twitter nigger

oh ok seppos are back on the russian train.. fucken drooling retards

The Minitru will "correct" this to suit the Party's goals.

Piss off, retard.

it sounds like q-tards but in reverse lol

>this is more pathetic than Q
False. At least these morons have *ACTUAL* arrests to sway their opinion. Qtards have nothing.

arrests are coming....any time now.....tick tock...........tick tock..........

is he actually saying the mueller investigation kept something back? that there were russian connections or whatever but they didn't add it to the report?
>what grand jury?

Attached: sedition4354.png (1035x797, 110.33K)

>Leaf VPN

Every fucking time.

Tevlin is a dick sucking faggot who takes it up the ass from Jim Comey and Robert Mueller. He is a pedophile and is dying of an ebola infection.

>unregistered foreign agents
>anyone that opposes me

I haven't read the docs or anything, but here's my take!:
1. They could have tried to get a GJ to indict someone for something and they turned it down, and that is to be released. I don't think this is likely because if a GJ didn't indict someone then it means that it wasn't even deemed worthy of going to a real trial, so releasing the docs would be harming people who didn't even get indicted.
2. The most likely scenario is that it is simply more GJ material from someone who was already indicted. Remember, there were lots of people early on who took plea deals from Mueller, and a lot of that stuff probably hadn't been released yet.

Holy shit it just dawned on me niggers are stupid.

60 IQ

Unironically this. The delusion is reaching new highs.

Nadler wants the GJ material not because there are people in it that have taken plea deals, he wants it because it contains lots of salacious innuendo that the dem's can use to dirty Trump prior to the election by slowly leaking juicy bits that don't really mean anything but would still sow confusion and uncertainty in the minds of normies who haven't made up their minds.

What happened to your friend McCain?

Whether it's from someone who did get indicted or not, whatever hasn't been released is guaranteed to at least cast a negative light on trump.
The dems certainly wouldn't ask for it if it helped Trump

>no blue checkmark
Fake news