>pic related
Look at this beauty, she is 50% indian and 50% white, and she looks beautiful. She’s smart like her indian father and she smells good like her mother. So tell me again why are you incels against interracial relationships?
>pic related
Look at this beauty, she is 50% indian and 50% white, and she looks beautiful. She’s smart like her indian father and she smells good like her mother. So tell me again why are you incels against interracial relationships?
Yas Forums accuses us Jews of genociding whites, but you’re doing it yourself.
t. blonde hair, green eyes, with 4 white kids.
More like 70% photo shop 30% shitskin
Because they're virgins OP.
And they're going to die virgins.
Who cares what they think of inter-racial relationships.
Kek you just prove that user point, she looks better in the first pic.
20% Slut
30% White hating
70% Shitlib
Ok chico, Why don’t you try sticking your head up your ass? See if it fits
because It means shitsking can mate with out woman thus creating less and less whites.
>rules for thee, not for me
The hypocrisy on this board sometimes
>muh white ethnostate
>hur dur dur let's colonize their woman
You fags cant have it both ways. Either your against race mixing or not
Nobody going to say something about this bellybutton?
99% of halfbreeds are ugly.
Show lasanga
She's hideous, but you wouldn't be able to tell because you're also subhuman. Subhumans bring subhuman standards.
shut up ricedick. Your girl is getting the BWC
Living in America and implying you aren’t a subhuman mutt
Have you considered theres parts of America that aren't like yours? You know where the rabble don't exist?
Look at Krystal Ball and her Indian Husband's kids. They are beautifull.
>she smells good like her mother
built for bwc
I can totally spot the Abo in there. Just look at that belly button, those stumpy limbs, that leathery yet loose, stretchy skin.
Would fuck though. Just saying, if you want to crude up your genes with some primal eurasian DNA, you know man, go full cro-magnon, by all means, look for an Abo/Indian/Melanesian (all the same stock). They are after all far closer to us than anyone south of the Sahara (Horners excluded).
It’s true
Brown nipples
I’d rather race mix with a cutie than make kids with a fat ungrateful white womyn
Those are the two options we face today unless you’re chad or rich
whites should unironically colonize indo-aryans
It's okay for whites to bleach and abandon. It's not okay for white women to have non-white children, or for men to raise bleached offspring.
Im not.
im not against interracial relations, and I'm not an incel.
I think if you find a good girl of almost any race (not black) who wants you....take her. Take her and don't look back.
They are probably the easiest to bleach, so yes.