So what do you fags make of this

So what do you fags make of this

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that is some expert level spin

4-D chess.
Media will now lynch Biden because orange man bad

Lol now liberals will demand an investigation even more. 4d chess.

That President Trump said Biden could be getting falsely accused.

Well now Democrats have no choice but to believe Tara

I don't make anything of mossad run media headlines. I ignore it.

>no direct quote
>no quotations in title
into the jew trash it goes

Trump is so goddamn stupid

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Damn beat me to it by 17 seconds.

Yep. Trump wins again.

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why would he attack biden when he's experienced the same thing?

Yup. Now those (((mainstream))) media fags won't know what to do. They will sudoku before they admit Trump might be right. It just so happens that Trump might very well be wrong. Which is why this is so brilliant a move.

We all know by now how they hate Trump

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he wants to run against biden so he can bring up the charges himself on live tv in a debate. he does not want the media to spoil his moment by bring it up now. he wants to be the one who ends biden he does not want anyone else to.

Biden rapes kids and his campaign is funding the Tara Reade accusation as a distraction.

That's some good shit.
Forcing Biden to either deny it or admit it.
No more "believe women" bullshit

Every powerful man gets accused. The accusations are a smokescreen for the many clips of him grabbing women and children.

I made this recommendation in a /ptg/ thread a week ago. Looks like I am now shaping world politics.

He can't do that!

Dat Trump nigga just wants out.

Obama didn't.

But we all know he's a gay nigger from outerspace

Didn't Obama flash his boner on camera to a flight attendant?

>so what do you fags make of this

He is problably doing the stupid thing and going hillary route.

>hillary route? what?

>biden is candidate trump think has no chance to win against him.
>he tell the allegations are false to make sure they dont pick a new candidate and keep biden
>trump has higher chance of wining, but if he dont, you have biden as president instead of a less bullshit guy from your point of view

>Lol now liberals will demand an investigation even more. 4d chess.
There is some part (at least at internet) of the trump is bad side that think biden is shitty and predator, the kind of people that watch jimmy dore

4d chess. Now all the Biden rape apologists are on team Trump.

Its top bait
>trump says bidens accuser is a lying bitch
>biden is forced to agree because he cant admit shes right
>all the pussyhat wine moms get mad at biden

Clinton’s are also good people

Democrats typically assume the opposition to whatever Trump says or does.
They will now proceed to give Biden a rectal exam. He may take Hillary out too...again, as she just endorsed Biden.

i mean....he could be falsely accused.
Thought it was a rather reasonable statement by Trump when he could have easily attacked Joe.
Though he did want to say that Blassey Ford was too ugly for Brett to rape...but then decided to change the subject

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The wine moms already think Tara is a Russian spy. But they might get disturbed by the fact that they agree with Trump.

can we somehow 4Dchess a fake conspiracy theory where the republican party was founded by Russian agents in the 1800's and the Confederacy was really fighting against Lincoln's tsarists coup that set the stage for putin and trump?