/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3552

► Detected: 3,307,677 (+3,457) ► Died 234,075 (+245) ► Day: 113 (-22:10:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 212 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,147 strains have been sequenced —


North America's livestock will be euthanized because of supply chain disruptions due to coronavirus

Russian PM Mishustin Diagnosed With Coronavirus

New York let coronavirus-infected nurses work in upstate nursing home

Doctors In Europe Warn Of Link Between Covid-19 And Toxic Shock Symptoms In Children

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

▶ 17 new cases and 1 new death in Paraguay
▶ 1807 new cases and 105 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 1425 new cases and 127 new deaths in Mexico


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=people afraid to go to hospital&sxsrf=ALeKk03DijOkiW9vuMiZg_69s9fRoAG7yQ:1588298455921&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1qozqyJHpAhWYAZ0JHftzAu0Q_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1050&bih=556


What's with the uptick in posts today?
Just 1,000,000 infected mutts?

Why does it affect indo aryan countries more?

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.




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Who gonna get /comfy/ with snowrunner?

Tell me more about Hungary and Finland.

Tick tock wagies, I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning

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50000 people died in 30 days under severe lockdown conditions, why the fuck does anyone just want to open back up? That number will obviously increase if people start comingling. Who the fuck wants to go back to work when there is a high chance you will get sick and die?
What timeline did I fall into here

>Grandstanding protests
>No dead zog
Shine a flight light up your ass and swallow some bleach migapede. Monday is coming, you're going to have to go back to the wagie cage soon.

Any update on these lads?

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>what are you talking about the economy is fine

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I think you mean 'essential employees', thank you.

>high chance you will get sick and die
Are you a boomer perchance?


What's tomorrow?

They have more tests and bullshit about their reports less than others?

>why the fuck does anyone just want to open back up?
Jews, greedy fuckers that worry more about the economy than the working man, actually worried small business owners, and people brainwashed into thinking that their McJob is more important than their McLives. In that order.

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Does that even matter? I definitely dont want my parents to die either. This doesnt just kill old people.

Sure are

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Probably fucked off and went home. Michigan ended todays session without a decision

I've been on here 10 hours lads. Great threads, I got to share a lot of great info, im taking a short break until /comfy/ hours.

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KDR is a joke, keep being shut in losers while the rest of us are living life

Certain states are reopening tomorrow

It doesn't. What you're seeing is essentially a map of competence and honesty.


probably infected,, but hey, they're free right?

C-V is a fucking nothingburger

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We still dont know the all the symptoms of this let alone the long term health effects and it can mutate into a more deadly strain at any time. Their is no evolutionary pressure for it to get less deadly due to long incubation period.

We're all aware this is going to be a slow burn, but how long do you think its going to be before we start seeing death counts in the millions?
I'm not entirely convinced about the official counts, but eventually they're going to have to reach that number for a contagion this contagious.
If its a bioweapon we won't get wiped out, if its natural, we might if we can't get some sort of treatment for it.

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>kills like 2 percent of infected
A economic collapses will kill so many more. You sound like a over anxious faggot sad that his nothing burger is winding down

Not my state though.


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Yeah I’m sure its super great and I’m jealous of your
>M: Work
>work some more
>stumble around for 4 hours
>repeat 5 days
>weekend where drink, sleep in, maybe try to do something new
>oh, that was quick its over
>back to it
sounds exciting.

Lisa Haven will be at a protest in Arizona on Sunday

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>1 in 50 dying is still nothing
You cant argue with that level of stupidity, its pretty wholesome.

migamedes really are

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digits and mass breakout at the protests

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Are either of our states opening tomorrow?

assuming death princess 2% dead figure, which I think is probably rather accurate given the boat had plenty of young staff to make it a rather good cross section of the population gives us ~3 million in the US dead assuming 50% infected.
I don't know how we escape that or how long it takes but unless treatments gets better that is our future.

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>Lets just collapse the economy over almost nothing

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Argiebro ded? i remember him saying he got fever sometine ago

that's a great lain gif. do you have more like these?

I'll give it 3-4 more months till it get's really noticeable in south america, india and africa. funny that we're actually safer when it's a leak from the biolab


Where we're going, we don't need digits

Imagine half of the world got infected. Which is possible considering how close quite a lot of countries live together, India, China, USA, UK, Europe in general. A relatively easy goal for Corona to reach.
~3.2 billion infected.
2% of that 3.2 billion is 72 million.
Now imagine rolling that dice every year when a new strain pops out. AND throw your economic collapse ontop.

dumbass neet
> wake up at 4pm
> fap to anime
> eat
> fap to anime
> shitpost for 13 hours
> sleep
> repeat

You're no better

depends how long we have PPE and how long we stay open and what happens this fall/winters flu season
Hospitals are going to get surged just because of the regular flu and thats when more people will get infected.
Its actually been heavily in our favor that hospitals are empty, thats probably what contributed to the greatest ammount of spread in china. People are piss scared to go to the hospital even for non coronachan purposes
google.com/search?q=people afraid to go to hospital&sxsrf=ALeKk03DijOkiW9vuMiZg_69s9fRoAG7yQ:1588298455921&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1qozqyJHpAhWYAZ0JHftzAu0Q_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1050&bih=556

Faggot Qtards

>If its a bioweapon we won't get wiped out, if its natural, we might if we can't get some sort of treatment for it
For me it seems to be an unfinished bioweapon that got released before it could be made controllable/curable.

>Argiebro ded?
pic rel

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where we go 1 we go all

Q tard shit

Icelandic test results, much lower cfr then originally thought

Exactly. Economic collapse is good. Only way to kill the parasites. Honestly don't care about nothingburger arguments anymore. You guys will get your economy opened up, and then I'll get what I want, famine. We all win in the end.

Economic collapse can only happen in a month if the whole thing was a house of cards to begin with. The stock market is a self fulfilling prophecy that couldnt handle a glimpse of reality.
There is no reason for an economic collapse except fear mongerers profitting off of sheep who think they lost all their money.


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I am clearly enjoying my non-life more than a wagie. All I hear from people with jobs is bitching about how much they hate work. Then they have the balls to turn around and criticize me for not spending my life doing something nobody likes doing.
Slaves will try to hit you with their shackles when they have to

Without treatment, could happen again given a new strain in a year or so. Fun times ahead.
Haven't got any more gifs per se, but I do have a few rare lains.
I reckon when you lads open up you're going to facilitate the spread to keep it alive in your country until Fall/Winter. Buckle up pal.
Wouldn't dispute this, seems most plausible.

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>Now imagine rolling that dice every year when a new strain pops out. AND throw your economic collapse ontop
Talk about alarmism and hyperbole. there is no evidence this will be a yearly thing aside from over eager doomers who want the world to end

This is the best timeline

Dont be a faggot

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and where is that

But tomorrow is worker's day!

>>Insects and bugs destroying crops, and entire stocks of various food destroyed.
The fall army worm epidemic and locust plagues look like they might partially fit the bill. And if the mysterious mass bird deaths keep up there will be an overabundance of insects generally in a few months.

Ah, that is consistent with being indo aryan you're right. Ok I'll stand down

Been buckled fren. I already said I'm not doing shit no matter what until we get a vaccine.

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PEI is sort of reopening tomorrow as they're letting certain recreational activities like golfing

>mass bird deaths
Whats that now?

Nigger stop with the word salad and look at reality, if the majority of people cannot work the economy will stop working too. I knew this board was neets and college students but come on not everyone has parents or the government to bail you out

>walk outs on workers day

27-Mar: There are now 8 major strains circling the globe

3-Mar: There are strains with different binding surfaces
Only a few from the archive, go look yourself. I was being generous when I said it would be yearly. As long as it has active hosts it will continue spreading and mutating.

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>there is no evidence this will be a yearly thing
There is also no evidence to suggest this is going to disappear and its nowhere near as lethal as sars-1 so its not going to burn itself out.
Given what is known of other coronaviruses its is I think reasonable to say the chances of a recurring Corona-chan is high

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zombifying mutation WHEN?

>there is no evidence this will be a yearly thing

Where do you think it'll go? It's endemic now and will be part of the seasonal coronaviruses going around. H1N1 got rolled into the seasonal flu, and it's still going around.

Even a vaccine won't eradicate it.

▶ 344 new cases and 24 new deaths in Pakistan
▶ 14 new cases in Guatemala

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Whole planet must be high

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>implying ever strain can infect humans or is as deadly
>what are random mutation
Also the death rate is closer to 0.004 looking at places like Iceland. Better shut down everything

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Dumb mama M
Enjoy the second wave

Someone check those recurring numerals because I think I just dialed into the department of based.

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The government is perfectly situated to bail everyone out. They are freely throwing around trillions of dollars to businesses, just not the people who would spend money at them.

Just took 2 bottles of remdesivir, I'll keep you updated.

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svenanon, are we going to get zombies finally?

Google Germany bluetits illness or death

>how long we have PPE
We need to rethink our approach. Stop using disposable PPE that doesn't really work anyway in a high viral load healthcare provision setting, and start using USA manufactured elastomer respirators/PAPRs and heavy duty coveralls that are disinfectable and reusable. Retrofit room air sterilization and HVAC sterilization everywhere for an extra line of defense. Plenty of underutilised industrial capacity and surplus ethylene for raw materials.

There's somethin' inside you

It's hard to explain

They're talking about you, boy

But you're still the same

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