Don't help (((Google))) develop a self driving car

Filling out Captchas correctly only helps corporations like (((Google))) develop self driving cars. And you're doing it FOR FREE like cucks. At least get paid to help evil corporations make money
Strike back against these fuckers for a change and don't do their work for them. Fuck with their AI development. Fuck with Captchas

Attached: Didn't Government The.png (398x575, 197.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Take your meds

BASED Captcha

Attached: 33af4adef5b3bb007fa9f0f84b21cd5f50b947cd_1_600x762.jpg (600x762, 145.27K)

It probably doesn't feed the AI if you get them wrong

if you click the headphones, you can type one of the words it asks you to identify as "NIGGER". Operation ReNigger still lives.

It may mean the post doesn't get sent.


Testing captcha

What the user is saying is literally true. Does one have to take meds for the truth now?

redpilled af

meds are bluepills. that cuckold eats them like candies

google actually did confirm this
source: google it too lazy nigger, but you should of known or else you're a newfag this shit has been posted so many times.

kill your self

He just doesn't know how ML data sets are created and doesn't have to IQ to figure out he is literally selected parts of an image that match a term.

So he thinks it's to protect against spam or something.

Based, I've been doing this for as long as I can remember

use the audio captcha, write the first two words, these are known and you have to get them right to pass. the third word is unknown to the algorithm, just write some bullshit word like nigger/fuck/piss/whatever

Okay how legit is this? Because I will use this, fuck Google.

Yay, I typed jigger for the last word and it worked!

But it already knows what it is cause it wont let me post if I fuck with it.

I said nigger iJew!

Still working!

Attached: F90067F2-D56A-41F9-BCC5-6C73272D5F5C.jpg (600x800, 119.98K)

what did google mean by this ?

Attached: Cat_Furniture_4.png (399x577, 126.16K)

Attached: OP renigger.jpg (996x887, 161.51K)

It's means you were supposed to click skip.

This is batshit crazy - how does it know if you get it wrong? Obviously Captcha already knows the answer, before you start so there is no programming of AI going on by posters.
>Americans think everything is a conspiracy

there was no skip button

Attached: Cat_Furniture.png (399x583, 244.86K)

I do the audio one.
Type the first word you hear. TYPE NIGGER THE SECOND WORD. IT FUCKING WORKS!

Attached: 3zezmp.jpg (702x395, 53.48K)

>not training ai to solve the handicapped version of captcha

Thas rite!

Holy shit it works!



Come to think of it, it's always traffic lights, fire hydrants, cars, crosswalks... fuck, you might be onto something OP.

guys it is true they say it on their site. google is using recaptcha to stop spam and bots BUT also they collect the data from the million captchas solved. Guess we are fucked AI is getting stronger everyday

playing fps shooters and certain other video games help train robots to more efficiently kill you when the time comes.

I am serious though.

What about when it was always sushi

It verifies the AI answer. It reinforces it. We're through the looking glass, people.

Look up how machine learning works retard. Google is literally using your answers to test AI And train it.

just think about it. ((google)) and boston dynamics and other less known corps are building the hardware necessary to robots.
the brain logic is already a long way developed and just needs hours and hours and hours and hours of training data for the AI.
you could harvest data from quick paced fps games to literally train the AI to navigate terrain, be strategic by learning from the best gamers.

oh btw.
they are already doing more advanced shit than that though.

did I also mention that you will get fucked in your ass??

how do you get past without filling

Google? Linked to Yas Forums? Who would have guessed?