Are most extremists projecting their self hatred onto out groups?

are most extremists projecting their self hatred onto out groups?
>niggers are all lazy subhumans! the manlet posts after he collects his neetbux
>big companies steal from the working class! workers of the world unite! the communist says as he shoplifts as much as possible
>fuck faggots gays are degeranate subhumans who rape kids! he says after cooming to loli
>example of left wing bigotry of low expectations
is everyone on Yas Forums just projecting? is post body the only way to solve political arguments?
is this post just projection?

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Most of it comes from kike agents LARPING as nazis so both mainstream society and contrarians alike are conditioned to mock Christ while they kill each other off in a manipulated race war.

why do you hate yourself user?
what needs improving in your life

Sorry, I don’t understand your angle. Could you elaborate? When I say kikes I mean Ashkanazi Khazar, or fake Jew. Not the Hebrews from the Old Testament. That’s just the truth, anything else outside of that I take full accountability for.

God I hate neoliberals. Hate is not a bad thing, if you're ill and you can fix it but choose not to, than you deserve the pain you receive. You only hate the ideological outsider because they still have moral compasses, even if they're broken when you do not.

what are you unhappy about in your life?

What does Jim Morrison have to do with anything?

o look a jew. Mommy... .. . MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!! I found a jew thread!!!
sage this shit.

Niggers are not subhumans, they are just niggers

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based numbers
hate is a bad thing, its poisonious and self destructive
what makes your position so right user?
what do you consider makes others ill? what do you mean by broken compass?

>Only people who shit in niggers are unemployed
>Only communists shoplift
>Only cunnyseurs are violent anti-pedos
Wrong on all occasions. Your theory doesn't hold the least bit of water.

why do you think jews would waste their time posting here?
it was just an example user, of course its not a one size fits all
what makes you superior to others?

>of course its not a one size fits all
Then why do you base your theory
>most extremists projecting their self hatred onto out groups
on it?

We’re all unhappy in this life. Dwelling on what I’m unhappy about won’t do me any justice, I choose to rise above it instead of wallow in self pity.

Finding the source of the problem would help you solve it, unless it's just superficial unhappiness in which case you're not unhappy.
But something like having a Zionist organized government and seeing the slow decline and death of your race is a real reason to be unhappy and not necessarily something you can do that much about unless you have weapons.

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the examples themselves arent a one size fit all but the concept itself is true
hatred towards others or one specific group is just projecting hatred, you project the traits you hate most about yourself onto them
im not that unhappy
instead of not wallowing in your own self pity your just projecting your hate onto others and making yourself a victim, its the same results desu

I haven't committed a single crime in my life, yet I still hate niggers for being criminals (and more importantly; for being a different race). Most white nationalists are the same.

why do you hate the race/religion the person belongs in rather then the person themselves? do you believe that every jew is trying to "kill america" or whatever

The world is too large and people too numerous too judge every single person. People are sorted into groups and standard assumptions are made based on those groups' actions and reputations.
It is up to the individual to prove that they are other than what their group makes them to be, if they so wish. Not the other way around.

do you view yourself as too complicit and submissive to authority?
you could also just be projecting irrational hate and finding reasons to justify it
not every black person is a criminal user, wouldnt it make more sense to fight for prison reform? studies show that our broken prison system just creates worse crime and violence
why is being a different race wrong?
what race are you user?
as for what i base my opinion of this on: the ultimate feelings of superiority is narcissism, but under this mask of superiority is deep self hatred and crippling low self esteem
superiority is caused by deep feelings of inferiority, which is projected onto others
those who feel secure dont feel superior

That’s not what makes me unhappy necessarily, it puts me at ease because I’m free from political arguments and loathing things I want but don’t have. Witnessing the death of a loved one really puts those things in perspective. I realize that we should be more gracious with each other, because life is short-we’re never promised tomorrow after all.

I do get angry sometimes when I see people who don’t appreciate being alive, they take their blessings for granted because they cling to relationships and politicians-they’re ruled by fear of losing what they have but don’t need. But regardless, I have to hold my tongue in most situations no matter how I feel because I know the day will come when they will finally see. They just don’t know any better, and by the time they wake up it’ll be too late. Might as well just smell the cognac and live in the present because I’ve accepted that people will always be ignorant, so I might as well try to see the good in them-even if that good minuscule.

this may be true for groups you can choose, but doesn't make sense for groups your born into
being jewish has no affect on being sneaky or a liar, but being a politican or in a position of power naturally attracts sneaky people/liars
the world is too large to judge a large group of people from all walks of life for something they cant control

Big brained user Yas Forums won’t admit to their hypocrisy this board is a pys op anyway

we all do it user, its just important to recongize when we do it and work on improving ourselves and those traits in ourselves

>do you view yourself as too complicit and submissive to authority?
No. I have the right amount of complicity and submissiveness, at least if I lived under a government that had my people's interests at heart. Sadly I do not live under such a government.
>you could also just be
Now you're making up fantasies again. I don't like people who different from me, and I like people who are like me. It's not that hard to understand, you just insist that it is upside down.
>Not every black is a criminal
Most of them are. And even if they aren't, even if they are completely innocent, they have no business in my people's land.
>Why is being a different race wrong
Because race war is reality and has been ever since the birth of different races. My race should dominate the earth, although that's a very far out goal that isn't really realistic. I am aware of that.
>What race are you
Aryan, of course. And proud of it.
>Feelings of superiority is narcissism
I very much disagree, at least based on myself. Narcissism is about yourself as an individual and I am no extraordinary individual. I am however a part of the most capable race, something I base on historical and current observations.

Personality cults and celebrity worship is silly and for simple folk. Seeing glory in something greater and more transcending such as your race, nation, religion, family or ideology makes much more sense to me.

>Genetics have no impact on behavior
That being said, a person who is born a Jew or a nigger isn't a blank slate. They are a direct product of their parents and an indirect product of all their ancestors.

There’s a fine line between projecting hate and being aware of the beast system. I don’t hate all Jews if that’s what you’re thinking. I hate evil and hypocrisy, and the satanic agenda being pushed by the fake ones. I have many Jewish colleagues that I get along really well with, they were the ones who told me about the JQ actually haha. The fake Jews pose as real ones when really they’re practicing satanists. Then you have this board where they feed Hitler propaganda opposite of the news to create a psy op where we kill each other off.

so you view your complicity and submissiveness as excessive in your current situation?
i'm not making up fantasies user, i'm just offering my view point
im not some Einstein genius i can be wrong
>my people's land
focus on restricting immigration rather then hatred towards minorities
race war isn't prevalent in human conflicts user, it ultimately comes down to class war or nation conflicts. its just that in the past class and race have been hand in hand
feelings of superiority is narcissism, you feel better then others and view others with your traits as better, you feel as if your special and lack empathy for others while also having huge feelings of inferiority, low self esteem and low achievement accompanying this. while everyone feels more special then others to a degree (spotlight effect) narcissism takes it to an overwhelming extent
viewing others achievements as your own is a sign of narcissism user, being apart of a certain race is no special achievement and hating outgroups just for being outgroups isn't fair
you view your races and other peoples accomplishments as your own accomplishments, instead you should focus on creating your own accomplishments and putting your energy to something productive
do you exercise user?
>genetics have no impact on behavior
someone whos the same race isnt gonna share every gene, and personality traits are a combination of multiple genes and can be cancelled out by other genes
environmental factors influence someone but you can change how an environment influenced someone
does your hatred come from fear of being replaced? anger is often derived from fear

i dont really understand what you mean by satanic agenda and fake ones, but im glad you dont hate a specific group for things outside their control

>so you view your complicity and submissiveness as excessive in your current situation?
The very short answer: Yes.

>focus on restricting immigration rather then hatred towards minorities
Restricting immigration is only half the work. It is in fact the much easier half. Getting rid of the foreigners is the half that politicians don't even dare talk about because it is against the globalist worldview but also because it is a large task.
>Race war isn't prevalent in conflict
>Please ignore these cases where it is
Class war has only been done in two cases: In Revolutionary France and in Soviet Russia. While I cannot speak for France, the Russian revolution was very much a race war where Jews fought against Russians.
War between nations are all tribalist wars, and race war is just that on a larger scale.
>Feeling of superiority is narcissism
No, it's literally excessive love for one self. As in the individual you are. Not the community you belong to. I don't claim to have raided the coasts of Europe, fought in wars against Swedes or have survived tough winters with primitive technology. But I claim to be the product of people who have done these feats, and I am proud to have that heritage and to share it with my people.
>Do you exercise
I don't see how this is relevant, but no. If there is one personality trait that defines me then it is sloth. Quite shameful, but that's how it is. On the other hand I have a friend who is in a place in life similar to my own who does exercise a lot and he's even more depressed than I am, so maybe it is for the best?
>Personality traits are a combination of genes
So are skin color, bone formations and body hair. Yet these are considered some of the basic points that we use to define people's races at a glance.
>Does your hatred come from fear of being replaced
Replaced as in removed from the face of the earth? And I mean my people not me personally.
Partially, yes. It also comes from other things.

are most centrists projecting their self hatred onto out groups?
>no the interest rates should be lowered .1 percent not raised .2 percent you are scum!
>what you think welfare should be increased by 50 dollars a month no it should be 75 you filth!
>you think children should be allowed to vape you are despicable also the voting age should be 16 because children are smart enough to make their own choices
>what you are voting for the guy with the funny hair and not the guy with the strong chin you animal!

also fixed your stupid meme

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Based and concerned about the real issues.
Centrists wear blinders and distract themselves with irrelevant nonsense.

why do you project your projection?