Why a huge part of world can create a simple and useful character system but chineses and japanese can't...

Why a huge part of world can create a simple and useful character system but chineses and japanese can't? Learning more than 2000+ ideograms seems to be a stupid waste of time. No, not crazy, completly insane.

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Monkey see, monkey do

have you heard of kana, nigger?

You want a single language simple for the low IQ’s to use, don’t you kike?
Show flag.

Also having a large vocabulary makes you insane does it?

I’m not a Chang but I respect languages and their complexity *tips fedora*, but asking for a simplified Ching Chong is a slippery slope. The CCP did it....

What is objectively the best language though?

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All of them as long as they stay secular and isolate from mutting themselves like Pidgin. It corrodes non-physical barriers and that opens the gates to ((((multiculturalism)))) English and French are two of the biggest culprits.

What are you Korean? Japanese have Hiragana and Katakana. Basically like an alphabet. Get outta here with your stacked syllables and tiny lines that all look the same.

It kinda goes back to the old days, in China, the richer you were the more characters you knew, it was like pulling out a rare pepe. Alphabet systems were just trying to get shit done. Also fuck tonal languages.

Yep, what's the point? Kana is easy, and a minor part of japanese script system. To read a simple newspaper you need to know the entire joyo kanji list.

Another illetrate brainelt. Stop talking about kana, it doesn't matter, you doesn't can read japanese with only kana.

To be fair, in the case of Chinese, their grammar is very simple and easy

isn't stupid that words completely change based on tense?



and then spelling is a big inconsistent joke......
yeah, n relatively short alphabet is superior and efficient, but we have our own problems

1) Koreans and Vietnamese abandoned Chinese characters. Are they in any way better off than China or Japland?

2) Unlike China and Japan Taiwan kept old, super intricate characters. Are they the most backward among Asian nations?

Obviously, the answer to both questions is "no". Then why is Asia so hopelessly inferior to the West? It's because of low spiritual development, which then lead to no concrete sense of morality, a lack of originality etc. Buddhism, ancestor / figure of authority worship (Confucianism), various forms of superstitions, naive worship of nature are to blame.

The characters, while a chore to learn are pretty convenient, and can pack a lot of information into a few blocks of text.

You can also guess at the meaning of characters if you know what they mean by themselves.

Chinese is not a phonetic language. You absolutely cannot use Latin characters to express it effectively in writing.

Based, i am still in uni and we do java/python but i plan to learn it soon. Ita the white man of the prog languanges

English has the most words of any natural language. It’s also the best natural language for precision and conveying complexity, which is why contemporary philosophy took off in the Anglosphere like it did.

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Within 20 years, kids will mostly be writing with emoji. Get ready.

Yet another delusional chink detected, is Taiwan even considered as a country?
And yes, Korea is orders of magnitude better than both you and other chinks, even the worst one is still considered more traditional than any one of you lol



>it looks like a waste of time to me therefore it is

technically you are correct. On the other hand, Chinese characters can be read out loud in ANY language and their base grammar is virtually identical to English.

Is there anything more hideous than Korean writing?

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it actually increases IQ, japan has high iq because their language requires learning so many patterns to speak it. Language is important and if your language is complex your nation will be strong.

Wrong Davidson, lol. It’s the glasses.

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>You can also guess at the meaning of characters if you know what they mean by themselves.

请 means "please" because it rhymed with "green" 6000 years ago. There's no guesswork every character is rote learning.

Because alphabets are base on sound when you talk and Ideogram dictionary are based on idea representation.
So, a forest is writen "as you would prononce it" (kek) and rhe ideogram of forest is multiple tree.
Both ave pro an cons.
Alphabet allows to describe every sound, ideograms allow to write very concise sentenses.

Strange way to spell C
Il all fairness, C for embeded, C++/C#/Rust for compiter application, Python for quick sketchs and proof of concept, and lua for embeded scripting.

>Dutch isn't a natural language
umm ok I agree it's just a gutter kraut dialect. still the biggest MUH DICtionary tho, bigger than English

The one Bam Mergarera invented

If their iq is so high, how comes white people invented everything?

It's an IQ filter built into your language, dumbass. Do you think the west would have subversion and immigration problems if their language had a higher entry barrier?

Dutch has something like 400,000 from what I’m seeing. English has over a million.

Not that many of the words in English are used by casual speakers, a lot of it is technical language. I only use a few dozen posting on here, lol.


A good portion of that might be outdated words like from Shakespeare’s time too. But that’s when modern English began.

If you’ve ever read Shakespeare, you’re suddenly made aware how many words seem to exist in some form in the English language.

The "huge part of world" created a simple language because that was all their brains could handle.

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Guinness Records agrees that the biggest dictionary is the Dutch one.

>Mandarin has a higher entry barrier than English
Definitely a falsifiable statement. English has the most information density and remains the language which is hardest to read aloud. While French is harder to spell, it is not harder to read correctly. Chinese text doesn't have a "good reading" it's just semantic data. You can read it in any language you want. There's no shibboleths or catch-outs that are unique to the text, those are unique to the language used to read it.

That's why the jews got rid of cursive and started pushing common core in math.

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>There's no guesswork every character is rote learning.
But that's blatantly false.

Would you like a free helicopter ride?

prove it gweilo. name ONE chinese character that can teach you a second one's meaning and spoken sound.

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>Guinness Records agrees that the biggest dictionary is the Dutch one.
Maybe so. Modern dictionaries are not going to contain all the outdated and technical language. I’m just talking about total words.

Even words from Shakespeare’s time and technical terminology are English words even if they don’t make it into dictionaries.

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what are your thoughts on learning mandarin?? do you think it will be useful in the next 5-10 years when war breaks out? I'm also in finance and I have connections to Hong Kong

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Just change the every in your statement to most and it's fine. Also, sound was never mentioned in the initial statement so that is irrelevant. Another thing to consider is that we have no idea if the initial poster was talking about Japanese or Chinese. Finally, I think you misinterpreted what the the initial poster meant. I took his statement to mean that if you know the meaning of two characters and see those two characters together you can infer that meaning. So for Japanese, if you know 大 and 人 it's pretty easy to guess what 大人 means. Or if you know 水 and 着 it's pretty easy to infer what 水着 means.

>t. brainlet デビドくん
Tell me the difference between 花, 話, 鼻, and 華 in kana

Basically because Rome. Europe was very heavily influenced by Roman practices. Taking Roman letters was often easier than coming up with your own way to represent stuff. Europe colonized the rest of the world, so the rest of the world got a taste of the BRC.

Americas, Africa, and Australia had no character system, but they do now.