Will they nigger it up?

Will they nigger it up?

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For fucking certain

Anyone got fresh milkers to post?


I’m a femanon from Cyprus
If they choose a non-Greek woman, or a non-white woman, I’ll lose my shit.

If Danny DeVito does not play Phil then I'm not watching it

Don't use the n word here

Show hairy cock GTFO

Prepare for The Rock to play Hercules

What if Hercules isn't white?

I'm 80% sure they cannot afford to now, the viewership would be down in China for sure lol

Hercules starring Paul Mooney
Errbody wanna be a nigga but nobody wanna be a nigga

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def need a med looking chick

would be a good casting if he was 30 years younger

No James Woods Hades no watch

No guys the Greeks were black the whole time. I'm happy they chose such a brave group of people for the roles.

Kevin Sorbo is the only Hercules.

he did that already

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Maybe Louis C.K.?


The rock and taylor swift. Hades played by soros

Hercules was the worst of the nu-disney 90s movies

They'll star a white male but the female lead will be black or asian.

What if 2 plus 2 equals 5? These are the important questions we should be asking.

Idris Elba

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When is terry crews getting the call?

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I will be just as pissed.

Imagine the smell, or can you?

Hercules will be black or the girl will be black. Hell, they might even make it gay just for fun. You know those kikes over at Disney only remain faithful to characters if they are Chinese kek.

You still subscribed to khazarmilkers dot com?

I've always wanted to bang a girl from Greece. How far do you live from Texas

He absolutely could still play Phil.

white man will be Hades because he's the bad guy

Probably. Cant have white men having strong characters anymore. Its gonna be a black guy. Girl is going to be white. Gonna be snarky, just like the previous version, but this time shes a slooty Sloot. Who's gonna be hades?

Ya know who cares if they do.. just don’t watch it.. don’t let you kids watch it. Vote with your dollars and logic.

Needs more niggers

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His hairy cock is over in Fort Worth.


They really should call it Heracles

Hercules is gonna be black lmao

>herc will be a nigger and Meg will be a Scandinavian

Next they'll make another Alexander movie with a nigger lead


The Rock is going to be Hercules and the critics will call it his best film yet.
He already played the role once before.

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nigger songs and shit plot
only comedy relief characters were decent

Congrats on the PhD. Hope your trip back home was uneventful.

Herquleese. Bix nood


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For being run by Jews, nuDisney is not very good with money.

foot + timestamp and we'll believe you