White Americans vs Amerimutts - get it straight

The Amerimutt meme is mostly a joke. You foreigners view America through the lens of the New York/Los Angeles media. Hence your view of our demography is distorted.

Growing up in America, Hollywood/JewYork casting choices always seemed strange to me as a kid, for so many of the "whites" looked way more Jewy and Italian than the people I knew. Also, the media was always stuffing blacks and misc. ethnicities into everything, even though most white Americans live and work around other white Americans. (This is somewhat less true today.)

I spent most of my life in Nevada, Utah and Idaho. The heritage of my family is about 90% English, 5% Scotch-Irish and 5% Western European/Scandinavian. There must be more than a hundred million of us still in the USA with no non-European DNA.

Although I understand the critique of America's obsession with the multi-cult, with our being controlled by Jews (as if Europe isn't) and our creation of mountains of propaganda, the ethnic core of the USA remains white. You could carve a massive, single white ethnostate from the USA, so mocking us as if we're all "mutts" is ridiculous.

No doubt many Amerimutt threads are anti-white shills trying to divide us. They want white America to be considered a degraded, "mutt' people by other whites.

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Whatever mutt.

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Some white Americans look like that but NONE act like that anymore.

We know there is real white in America. The problem is you callin European countries like Italy niggers or arabs. The mutt meme is mostly to make America think about it before they attack they fellow white people. The white race is facing harder time than ever. We need to be united.

listen ITALIAN-AMERICANS are the most superior race inside of america. The ITALIAN-AMERICAN programs the country through its various food and restaurant brands. You are living in a country ran by ITALIAN-AMERICANS. But it least it’s not Jews. CAPEESH?

wow, now THIS was cringe

Fair and balanced department.

Look at the comments already. Proof that the Amerimutt meme is a divide and conquer strategy. Everything I said in my original post is true, but the shills yammer on. As usual they want to turn their self-serving propaganda into reality.

Not only does America have this WHITE ethnic core, we are essential if the globalists are to be defeated. America has been the most powerful golem in the army of the globalists because we have strength, a strength built by the white people who founded and sustained the nation from it's inception. Hence no group of white people are more critical to delivering a blow to the globalists than we are.

I guess that's why there is the constant propaganda to get European whites spitting on American whites.

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OP here. I agree we should be united, including Italians and Southern Europeans. I have argued this with nazis for literally decades. The purity tests get ridiculous and are not helpful.

When I speak of the media being more Jewy and Italian than what I experienced I wasn't saying Italians shouldn't be considered white or even that Jews cannot be part of saving white, Western civilization.

My point was that a certain ethnic mix came to Ellis Island in the second wave of immigration to the USA, and this is much more strongly reflected in media. This is the face America gives to the rest of the world, which misrepresents just how Anglo/Celtic the nation was and is.

Also, saying the Amerimutt meme is meant to make Americans think before accusing others of not being white is ridiculous. Mostly it's used to mock Americans as NOT white, and there are well over a hundred million whites here who stand in refutation of that. Your resentments against America mean that many of you "pro-whites" actually make divisive, anti-white threads.

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Dont even bother Europeans are so jealous they would say anything in an attempt to make an American angry. Just ignore the mutt posting its the best thing you can do.

Look at when the mutt meme is used. It's when Americans are insulting Europeans or when you try to judge a situation you don't know shit about.
Most Europeans on this website are more educated than Americans, this is a fact. Everyone here have to know english. This is not our native language so a lot more of us are university educated people (also education is "free" in Europe (70% tax rate in France but whatever...)). So we know a lot more about America than you might assume even if we are biased because Yuropoorean media are very anti-America.
Also Europeans are a lot more based than you might think. Banning the islamic headscarf has been a popular law in France since the 2007 presidential election. It's just not enforced by our faggot politicians. I know American media often depaint Europeans as extremly liberal and cucked but really, we are not that much, at least not all of us.
The mutt meme is a counter to the argument "muh shitalian, muh whiter than you muhammad" and other shit some American poster do to taunt European in an unproductive way.
We are well aware there is white people in the US and that most of them aren't white trash.

whites used to be based now they are cuckolds

The conqueror argument is retarded. The "we won" argument is retarded. Why? Because "we" are losing in that same scenario on the flip side in 2020.

what kind of "nazi" would claim that italians aren't white?

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why does being on the losing side suddenly make reality "retarded"? maybe instead of rejecting the concept of conquer to cope with losing you could just stop being a coward.

hello rabbi, still /copy/pasting I see

But whites arent and will never be a majority in your country.

In fact the BS about Italians not being white is the same as Irish not being white. It's a relic from a past where the world was not as broad as it is now. Even in France we considered Italians and Portuguese as niggers. Now that we have real niggers and arabs I can tell you we don't really see the difference. The division between white people were artificially created by our elites to justify wars between us. It's 2020 we can know how similar we are and we need to unite. Fuck people who divide the white race. White people are Europeans and their descendants. Italians are white, Irish are white, Russians are white, Arabs and other shitskins aren't white and they are the ones larping with some autistic whites to divide us.
Yes Russia is poorer than France, I have spent vacation here. They are happy and well fed. But when I came back to France I felt less at home because everywhere was filled with niggers. Stop dividing white people.

90% of the "mutt" meme is from kikes that larp as "fellow goyim". The other 10% is some fag that worships the kikes from some "magical screen". The funny thing is most of those mutt memes are shining excamples of what kikes themselves look like. Then again kikes only seem to project and copy/paste

you are a nation of faggots, and pussies, who live mutilating your penis and dying for Israel. Also jews literally own you so fuck off pussy. i am saying this when I have a us green card I go back and forth every 6 months to maintain by usa business empire. making a shit ton of money now on the stock market while you goys can barely survive!

you are fucking mutts, most (((White))) americans are mixed with niggers or native americans so fuck off!

They are a slight majority and have been the majority for more than 300 years. Stop being a retard. Americans have invented the computer, the transistor, etc. All of that is the achievments of people like you and me. White people.

Denmark is like 7% muslim....so.....yeah....plus at least 3% of Denmark is nigger

The reality is, is that most Americans are massive degenerates that consume and will never band together to somehow reverse whatever is going to happen. You're in a fucking fairytale if you think that has any sort of chance of occurring. American land is Native American land, for the Indians, not Europeans.

If you really care about European-Americans, move to a place in America that has the same climate as Europe and set up your own community and/or family and have lots of children. Shitposting about how I'm a coward does nothing. If anything, it just makes everything worse. Have kids or shut up.

by white you mean jewish then yeah ok

>who live mutilating your penis and dying for Israel.
I have to agree with you. A nation that circumcises like 80-90% of their children deserves very little respect.

oh look the discount polack cant read statistics

What are you talking about. We are by definition mutts.

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American history has been completely ZOG'd from the start, the American revolution was funded by kikes.
The guy is really just coping. I feel bad for him, because he is romanticizing something that is honestly not even there. Probably a circumcised Christian too. Sad.

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Based Amerikaner! Another descendant of pilgrims and pioneers, here. Did you know that it’s been estimated that in 1990, half of the US was still descended from our like? They had big families back then, affordable family formation and all that.

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most of these memes are being spammed by gooks and chinks.


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No, that may be how the Amerimutt meme is used sometimes, but daily I see unprompted threads that are nothing more than a resentful attack on America, as if we are all "mutts." Anyone doing that is a disgrace to the white identity movement and doing exactly the opposite of what you claim.

Goddamn, you're a moron. Civilizations rise and fall. Just because we struggle to maintain something great doesn't mean we cannot be credited with making it great to begin with.

Nazis spoke out of both sides of their mouth on this one. Yes, Italians were considered white, even allies of the nazis, but the nazis had a Nordic/Northern European bias. This is undisputed. The nazis had a respect for the English as being closely related but not so much Italians.

Personally, I hate being compelled to see everything through the nazi/jew dichotomy. We have modern genetics, for fuck's sake. We know Europeans are all closely related in comparison to all other peoples. A pan-European consciousness is good for everyone.

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Based let's declare a White Europeon-American peace treaty and only attack the niggers/spic flags.

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You are a retard. Lithunania is poor af. That's why your nation is not controlled by jews as extensively as us.
I am French and have my foreskin and I can tell you we are still controlled by jews. Just wait till your nation reach 40k in ppp and you will see this migrants and this racemixing propaganda. It's not only an American phenomenon. Polish were thinking the same, now they start to have migrants, same for Finnish.
Your impression of being better is just BS. Just wait till your politicians sell your ass to the EU. You are not helping by taunting other white people who don't want to be mutted.

>Nevada, Utah and Idaho
Wow... kys

Any explanation or are you just having a schizo meltdown?

>Look at when the mutt meme is used. It's when Americans are insulting
where did an american insult another country itt chang? You shills used as an opener
>irrelevant muh omerica is dum and I hayt them >:(
>The mutt meme is a counter to the argument "muh shitalian, muh whiter than you muhammad" and other shit some American poster do to taunt European in an unproductive way.
Yes, it is the same D&C bullshit. You shills use it as an opener, not a counter. And don't try to lie and deny it, simply read the thread and know I am right

Americans who deny amerimutt memes just further prove the amerimutt memes you new fags

It's not the same scenario though. The USA is populated and no external enemy can defeat us. It is treason from the inside that is defeating us.

I don't deny some Europeans are retards who think they are better than other and are non productive.
These people may be:
-shitskins, don't assume an European flag mean a white person, there is a lot of migrants in Europe.
-just a retard who think he is somehow based for white signalling (ie virtue signalling for white people) while his own country will also get mutted at some point.

>when I say 2+2=5 I face significant opposition therefore 2+2=5

Ah yes, the "yer a newfag go back to redddddit" bullshit that I have encountered since coming back to Yas Forums after years hardly coming at all. No argument, just vomiting up your little gifs and insults. I am so old fag I was subscribed to the pre-internet PRINT edition of Journal of Historical Review and American Renaissance. One of the first people here arguing the Jewish question and promoting white identity. You fucktards and your club mentality, so pathetic. You're not special, faggot.

Yep, being spammed by gooks and shills and various non-whites who resent the whole idea of white identity. Of course. But it needs to be called out for the bullshit it is.

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The best part is it's a black dude who drives that

Sounds like a seething Nigger

Yeah it got to op, letting that happen is a sign of weakness. Whoever said it:
> first they ignore you
> then they laugh at you
> then they fight you
> then you win
OP is on the third. But, I, too want to ‘represent!’ for my kind.

Oh wow, did not know. Very bad optics.

Settlers= immigrants

Not seething at all, your argument is just gay. If no murican had sad anything at all in opposition to the mutt meme, you'd say the same thing:
>hurr durr they're remaining silent because they know it's true and have no argument

Retarded kafkatrap.
Personally I find the mutt meme amusing.

>new fags
Lurk moar

>oh shit I got blown the fuck out, better spam the fuck out of /r/thedonald nu/pol/buzzwords

Race mixing and dysgenism is a serious problem in most of western Europe too. That doesn't mean we are mutt. Most of us are still 100% white and we can often trace our ancestor 100s of years on a small part of our country.
There is race mixing happening and propaganda to make it happens in America but only like 2/3% of the Americans are mutt according to the census.

Damn they truly fucked up, the Indians had a better environment, hope the new americanos solve this shit

I don't deny some Europeans spam this meme as an insult. It doesn't mean everyone does that.
And yes, a lot of American casually insult other countries. You should expect some butthurt yuropoors to make you butthurt too. There is also Europeans who act like bros for Americans and people who don't care about the flag and focus on your post.