Coronavirus Pandemic Complicates Getting Groceries With SNAP

>The shelter-in-place order means Santos is allowed to go out to grocery stores, but her obesity puts her in a high-risk category for COVID-19, and her doctor advised her to stay home.
>If high-risk people have to go out to get groceries, "potentially getting exposure, the more pressure we're going to be putting on the whole healthcare system," she says. It could mean more severe COVID-19 cases. In other words: this isn't a problem that merely affects poor people or those with medical conditions. It's a big problem for everyone.

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don't be fat then

Stop being fat

What about the single parents who are stuck at home with 3, 4 or 5 kids? How can they get food? Normally they get breakfast and lunch from school but now they have to feed them at home. So not only are they going through their SNAP benefits too fast now, are they meant to bring all those kids with them to the grocery store? That won't work.

I think Amazon and a few places are actually delivering with EBT purchases.

Their food selection sucks and is usually overpriced.

It isn't like these people wake up everyday and check a "be fat" box.

>tfw poor but not poor enough so the poorer people eat better than you while working less
That looks like a lot of money to me bros, I'd feel so fucking spoiled

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A lot of the more cheap calorie dense foods are the processed stuff that is just awful for you. Bag of Doritos is cheap and lots of calories, bag of apples is more expensive goes bad quicker and less calories per dollar spent.

found the fatty

So they need more SNAP benefits? Fuck, already looked like a lot to me but I guess in some cities the food is probably more expensive

>It isn't like these people wake up everyday and check a "be fat" box.
It's called "breakfast cereal" and yes they do

Let the niggers starve. Im tired of paying for them anyway.

>It's a big problem for everyone.
I agree everyone should get SNAP during the pandemic.

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No but they check these boxes
>eat family-sized amounts of food by themselves
>don't move

I easily live on 8-10 dollars a day and im over spending on vegetables at most a month im spending 270. I could drop it down to 220 easily. In short fuck her worthless fat ass.

Well they certainly didn't choose to "not be fat". That's the problem, you stupid liberal.

Looks like piggy is finally getting her comeuppance. Fat slob.

Welfare creates a dependency on the state which harms the person rather than helps them. We don't need more gibs, we need fewer.

>too fat to buy groceries
Sounds like the problem is going to solve itself eventually

>Implying a single mom will give up an opportunity to make the pandemic all about herself.

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The school bus where I live comes by every day at 10:30 am to drop off lunch and the next day's breakfast to all the kids in the neighborhood. Don't know if every single school system in the country does this but most are doing it.

When I was poor a few years ago my rule of thumb was to pay no more than one cent for every ten calories I consumed. It's not that difficult and using this rule avoids lots of junk food with empty calories. Chicken leg quarters are cheap fat and protein. Cream cheese, especially the Wal-Mart store brand, is cheap. Frozen vegetables, likewise are a cheap source of vitamins and nutrients. It's not that difficult if you put a bit of thought into it instead of just dumping whatever you've seen advertised on tv into your cart.

How is a bag of doritos cheap? 1 lb of doritos is literally the same price as 1 lb of apples.
There's also no nutritional value to them so you'll just be hungry again. Apples stay good for literally months, they're basically indestructible. Come on user

You know, you could use that if A) you were gonna do something about that B) genuinely cared about those people which you don’t
>Republicans:Anything the wall street needs we are there for
>Republicans: didn’t we just give you 1200$? Fuck off

Doritos get you about six calories per penny. Not terrible but as you pointed out, they're not very nutritious.

>I'm so poor I can afford to be obese and have doctors look after me

Masa (corn meal) gets you 30 calories per penny, which is an astonishing value. It's usually mixed with oil, another inexpensive source of calories. Neither is very nutritious so they're fine as a base of calories but should be supplemented with vegetables and leafy greens, both of which can get purchased inexpensively by watching for what is on sale.

Shit, 1 lb bag of doritos at Walmart is $3.99. I usually pay $1.50-2.50 for a lb of apples. Yeesh

Are they fat?

If no, then they will be fine. Go out and get food.

If yes, then fuck them and their fat spawn.

Obesity is a medical condition.