I'm retarded but is this the moon I live near Eglin afb

I'm retarded but is this the moon I live near Eglin afb

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weird... Ill go outside and look at mine

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lens flare

Holy shit, haven’t seen them fly that low.
I've heard bombs dropping even more today than I’ve heard in a busy month

my moon looks normal op, probably lens flare like the leaf said

The moon just flew over my ho... oh it really did

Those appear to be C-130's, can't tell which variant. And the bright thing is undoubtedly the Sun (the star at the center of our solar system). The smaller bright thing in the top right corner of the image is a reflection of the same. I don't see the moon anywhere in this image user.

And don't worry, we're all retarded here.

top right, not bottom left dumbass

2am-4 or 5am they were flying low and all night. i heard a jumbo jet fly over a few times as well. had to been a jumbo jet, i could hear it when it started about 2 miles away. im in the middle of eglin and hurlburt. what would a jumbo be doing going back and forth?

theyre all coming from lockheed

I wouldn't say that it's cause for concern. I have Blackhawks flying over my house on a weekly basis, because I live near a small base where they test equipment.

If something goes really wrong, you'll know it. There'll be more than a few of those overhead, I would think.

Do we still have any SKYKING fags around here?

I think it would be a good time for skykang autists to gather again in one thread, see if there is anything unusual throughout the next days.

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FWB and Pensacola don’t have anything bigger than a 737 come in as far as I remember. Must be something big and experimental judging on it being Eglin. Wish I could go to the local bar between Navarre and Hurlburt on 98, I get to hear so much info that wouldn’t be heard by the public, like that the first cases of the virus in the area were on Hurlburt around March 12.

They fly low every night off the gulf over the bay and niceville. Then loop around for landing. Jets, carriers, ospreys, helps, everything, every night.
Was at the creek up on the left down 6th range road, several jets fully armed doing crazy maneuvers and so low shockwaves were going thru the woods. Download avenza maps and get the fy20 rec map and find the dog training area / aux field 4. Post up there and watch them all day every day.
Go to jg.eglinforcesupport.com and it'll give you an idea of where to go to see them blowing shit up.
-t. Destinite

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there are multiple types of lens flare, top right is a smaller reflection of the sun
you can see the power line going through it

The test area spans hundreds of miles out over the gulf.

i worked at lockheed martin and i got to take smoke break next to the cv22 hangers but one day the whole damn building started to shake, i had asked wtf was going on and i was told a jumbo was landing. so they do come to hurlburt
when i was a kid we would collect the shell casings out in the fields thanks for the info though user
thanks user i am truly a dumb fuck retard


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for real the moon has been looking weird lately, like it's been replaced

They're going to go bomb DUMBs

i had to clean a handprint of shit off the walls one time. those pilots get SHITTY drunk you feel me hahahahehehe pee pee poop poop

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interesting theory because some days lately theyve been quite. no cvs c130s jets nothing
remember when china was very close to succeeding that artificial moon

I've seen them fill the sky. They are incomprehensibly massive. I've also seen tiny ones that move fast thru thick trees. Look up gorgon stare.

"Eglin Territory Site C-6 Rd, Freeport, FL 32439" Google maps street view

Isaiah 30:26 King James Version (KJV)
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

ive driven down past those test sites on the way to the interstate lol

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the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days

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is that a telescope?

I know some guys that work over there and the way their story goes, the feds gave them a hangar to store vehicles in and decided that they’d take a soil sample to a lab for the lulz. The lab sent them back a letter saying there were 4 unknown elements in the sample and told them that the lab was never involved in this when told the location.

are you familiar with hurlburt?
if so, whats up with that new digging they got going on? could be related?? digging for new elements???? my mind is blow at the chance. they removed a whole section of housing on both sides of 98 for it

whats up with that image lol

Lions mane fungus. About a 4 lb. chunk of it. Breakfast tomorrow.

describe the taste and aroma plx

Large oaks, southern side, growing in a rotten hole, sometimes very high.

There’s supposedly new houses that I’ve seen from the road, but I’ve never seen anyone at the houses. Makes you wonder if the houses are there as props. All I know is that there’s a lot more than a commoner could know from the area. Look into the man that was blinded and the cages around Eglin.

Crab meat

Look up "niceville firebombed"

Based 850 poster. I’m from Pensacola
