21 years old

>21 years old
>frequents a girl who after one year of relationship ended in a psychiatric hospital (she has no parents and she constantly thinks of committing suicide or changing sex through an operation)
>I accompany her in this complicated phase, I constantly visit her in this hospital 3 days by weeks.
>Constantly gives me red flags telling me that she doesn't want to work, that she could return to this hospital frequently during her life
>I accept this challenge because I love her, I appreciate her company and the intensity of this relationship
>She ends up cheating on me with a man in this hospital during this confinement phase(corona virus), I feel shabby and I feel like my life has no meaning anymore, I gave so much energy in this romantic relationship.

>It reminds me that I had managed to date her precisely because she was coming out of a previous romantic relationship, I understand that the circle is complete.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/hospital during this confinement phase/


Attached: coooooooooooooooooooooooooom.gif (220x183, 347.14K)

Stop posting this here go to fucking reddit with your blog.

this isn't a low quality pasta at all

also sage


Reminder that women do not experience love and bonding in the same way that men do. They aren’t as attached and are generally incapable of grasping men’s impulses towards honor and duty.

more like milfiger

Had a really bad situation myself.
Dated a mentally unstable girl for years, she always begged to get married and was paranoid that I would ever leave her. Eventually I started getting ready to marry her and changed my entire career path to benefit her.
Then she ends up cheating on me and decides that it's my fault because I didn't spend enough time with her after having to scramble for a new job.
There are plenty of great women out there, but stay far away from crazy sloots.

Just cut to the chase and say that you’re a liberal. Sage your idiotic blog

My brain just processed the Hilfiger in the thumbnail as Nigger. I need a break from you retards.

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Perhaps choose more wisely next time.

Coom haha

same here bro

What does this have to with Anri?

Me too lol

that dude is built for BBC

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/hospital during this confinement phase/
Report and hide this trash.

In life, sometimes you're the bull, sometimes you're the cuck. Those who don't learn from their failures remain cucks.


A wise man once said bitches ain't shit but tricks and hoes.

i couldve sworn that shirt said nigger.

Bro you're a rebound. Just deal with it and move on.

Turns out, mental illness doesn't always have a happy ending

When you get involved with a woman who is out of her mind, it can seem exciting and all-absorbing. The highs can be very high, the lows are horrible.

But if you do this long enough, you are going to notice that the highs are always the same, the lows are always the same, nothing changes and nothing is learned, and no one grows.

It took me a long time with a woman like this to understand just how boring mental illness can be.

If a normal woman is like a fine violin, which takes time and skill to play, occasionally goes through cranky periods, but responds to your growing mastery...then a crazy woman is like a violin where, about the time you start to think you're making some fine music, all four strings break, at some random moment.

It is not interesting, after awhile. It is boring. Because you cannot progress, you cannot build anything together. At first, seeing your efforts turn to shit might inspire you to make greater efforts. Eventually it becomes dull, uninteresting, and predictable.


She is quite possible the most attractive asian woman to have ever existed

She sounds bipolar. I dated a woman who was bipolar and it sucked me into a pit of despair too.

You think you can help, but they are self destructive and often not in control of themselves. It drags you into drama and depression.

I finally escaped by cutting her off completely. No contact. At all.

The psychological impetus to make the break was the mental image of my future children being psychologically tortured the same way I was.

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>ridiculously overinflated fake tits
>0/10 ass
>medium tier face
>most attractive asian woman to have ever existed
Dude go outside.

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this isn't Yas Forums. enjoy your ban

But can she say "ok boomer"