F-35 is a huge failure

> supersonic jet
> can't go supersonic for more than 40 seconds without dismantling its shitty glued together (((stealth))) material
What went wrong with the F-35 program? I thought americans had alien tech since the 40's.

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source: popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a32304032/f-35-supersonic-flight/

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It's a jobs program, imagine the money flowing in to trades as a result of this

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the f35 was never meant to super cruise


these threads are hot garbage and you kids get dismantled on /k/ on a daily basis. stop reading shitty clickbait news articles.

>I thought americans had alien tech since the 40's.

>alien tech

They struggle to even make ventilators for fucks sake.

>1 second added to your firewall priveleges

Russia is worried about EU buying f35s. Shilling Yas Forums won't help you. Nobody responsible for defence procurement is on Yas Forums. Although some of the engineers from Raytheon and Lockheed are. Would you like to debate? no because you're a dumbfuck.

It's how the MIC works. They produce a shitty product and then sell the fix. Like dumbasses, the young stupid junior officer punks pony up the taxpayer's $$

except there's no fix for that

the ram coatings are sensitive; silver plated carbon nanotubes. It's a work in progress.

I'm not a military man but from my understanding these are Jack's of all trades and masters of none. Also, isn't super sonic speed considered unnecessary now with modern software? Again I dont know much other than the hour worth I've researched did

>isn't super sonic speed considered unnecessary now with modern software

Well we know for a fact that Lockheed can make great planes. The F-22 is peerless in the sky.
So we have to assume it's BAE systems, et.al yurotrash engineering failing the engineering of the aircraft.

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the f35 is super cruise capable; what the article fails to mention is the air frame needs to be above 70,000 feet before it becomes an issue.

Um, excuse me, you stupid fucking monkey fornicating imbecile, but how many stealth aircraft besides the American f-35 are being massed produced right now in any relevant quantities?
Perhaps Russia? Nah
China? LOL

10 F-35s could curb stomp all the air forces in the world easy

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speed is nice but its irrelevant. this whole thread is entirely based off something that only happened once and it was at the aircrafts maximum altitude it can fly at. something that was never repeated.

this will never be mentioned in any of these shit-eating articles because that will not garner the clicks of idiots like the brazillian monkey op.

That issue happened twice on prototypes and has never been reproduced. The f-35s ram is a whole lot better than the old stuff. It used a bake-on process rather than paint.

LMAO mr engineer. You work for a granny mr big man engineer. Such a big man you arw for working for an old women

OP probably got banned from /k/ and came here to sperg.
He made a thread like this yesterday too.


Nobody cares about your 4rd world opinion, monkeynigger

f35 teabags f22s all day long. Raptor is EOL dude it runs on a dx4x100 CPU and has no AESA. It badly needs upgrades. It's fine for one thing but it needs to support of AWACS. The f35 is it's own AWACS it sees everything around it at all times and can communicate those findings to other link16 enabled assets.

With jets like the Su35 the Russians aren't worried about shit top kek leafbro

Omg DoD has discovered radar and networking. Wut will they think of next. U can bet ruskies and chinks don't have that

My bonus was more than the worth of your parents house.

Yeah, they're really worried about it the Adirs (f35a) have been teabagging Iranian positions under s400 cover for months now. Russia has given up they cucked now they spend what little money they have on nuclear world ending weapons.

Russian jets are absolute garbage

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They keep trying to steal the f119 engines I have my doubts. I'm sure I don't need to lecture you on Chinese quality.

I bet you fap to tranny porn at work and think you're productive

It's a little more complicated than that but yes i'm sure China has something similar. Yet we have f35s in full production and China has two broken 5th gen prototypes.