How do we revert the trends in marriage rate?
How do we revert the trends in marriage rate?
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Race war
How are they saving money by cohabitating? I don't believe that's reason for one bit. Married couples get tax breaks and single people get penalized.
splitting rent and bills
There is no need to get married anymore, and it is mostly a religious ceremony anyway. If I am not religious, I see no need to do it when you can have the same life without it. Also, I get you can have the judge marry you, but I also feel it is pointless other than for certain tax benefits, but otherwise it is mostly detrimental for men to get married because of the risk of divorce and financial loss.
Men tend to save money on the eventual divorce.
At least that's why I'm reluctant to marry my girlfriend. There's little reason to do it, since she already has sex with me.
>How do we revert
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?
Interracial couples. 9% of all American white women marry black men. And the overwhelming vast majority of whites women don’t get married because they are dating black men. The actual interracial rate is probably half or more
>How do we revert the trends in marriage rate?
we don't
we end marriage and pay women to be professional single moms
revolution, my friend
5 seconds on Google tells me you are an idiot.
Unless women regain morals it’s not possible. As long as they keep whoring it up and not wanting children, why would any man get married? Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free?
>How do we revert the trends in marriage rate?
Marriage in this society only benefits women who then divorce and take you to the cleaner.
Nothing is going to improve without overthrowing ZOG and putting the skanks back where they belong, in the sewer. It will take a new generation of women to build the country. The current batch has been fucked by everyone already.
Weddings are more expensive than anything you could possibly save on tax.
War with China.
Baby boom when troops get home to cooped up women.
Mutt's law, every time.
Exactly this my brother.
LMAO at tax breaks for married couples.
A 'single' mother basically gets free healthcare and food in many states
>as couples opt to cohabitate and save money instead
People who put their opinions in the headlines should be arrested.
It's another good point. The women who are marriageable tend to get married early anyway. If you haven't found your spouse by the end of your educational years, you probably won't find a long lasting one.
Ban porn, lynch the producers of pornography, condemn everyone who makes pornography to hard labor (even amateur), and publicly shame those caught masturbating. If you want to end a societal addiction, drastic draconian measures are in order. Mao was right in how he eradicated opium in China.
>your wrong
>can’t back it up
I wish I’d run into people like you in public. I honestly wouldn’t even say a word I just sock you right in your cocksucking mouth.
Getting married is like sticking your hand in a badger den. Sure you could be fine afterwards but you'll more then likely lose the ability to fap for a few years.
Remove alimony, remove child support, remove assets, make divorce free, problem solved.
It’s an actual statistic you stupid fuck
Another basement dweller huh well maybe if you got off your fat ass and went outside you’d see the opposite of what you say.
Latest study here:
Literally took me seconds to find. tl;dr, you are an idiot.
Completely immaterial to the discussion.
>hahaha go outside
I live in a border town. Do you know what that means dumb fuck? No? Shocker!! LESS THAN 15% OF THE FUCKING POPULATION IS WHITE WHERE I LOVE YOU STUPID FUCK!!!
>it’s not 9% it’s 10%
>I’m wrong
You literally just proved my point. Fuck you
Get real
The wording in the article is stupid. Yes you save money by cohabitating, but you'd save even more money by getting married and getting a break on taxes.
Here is the breakdown for all races, very clear that your mutt fantasies are untrue. tl;dr you are an idiot.
Someone should do the math on taxes saved vs. money lost in a divorce and make a simple infographic showing how much of a scam it is (unless you're super rich)
>proves my point further
>I’m still wrong somehow
>well actually
Anything not white is a nigger, I don’t give a fuck if it’s Asian or a half breed. NOT WHITE IS NOT FUCKING WHITE GOD DAMN IT FUCK OFF RACE MIXER
ban gay marriage
Without revoking universal suffrage, you can't.
Take your meds