And just like that, Trump loses another ally to China

And just like that, Trump loses another ally to China.

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Fantastic. I’m tired of America being a superpower. Maybe once we become a minor player we can focus more on us. Thanks Trump.

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He'll not do shit but the Saudi Arabians are very much an enemy to the developed world.

Based Trump.
He's God's gift to the world, he's involuntary crippling the US and giving opportunity to an ortodox Christian Russia to take over.

lol, this kid's got jokes.

He won’t*

Same thing happened to South Korea. Trump greatly overestimates how much these "allies" want the US military in their country.

So China is going to be allied with both Saudi Arabia and their arch rival, Iran? Yeah, that makes sense.

>reeeeeeeeeee trump kisses too much saudi ass
>reeeeeeeeeee trump is being mean to the saudis
the POWER of tranny shills

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Worst “Zionist” ever. Plan to vote for him again because of it. Lmao I bet $6 USD he doesn’t even know the word “Zionism.”

>Implying we need Saudi oil anymore.
That was the entire reason we have been their ally for so long.

If either country wanted us gone, we would be. We subsidize their security and we get force projection.

all of the Saudi Arabians on twitter are super pro America and post pro trump memes on twitter all day, even many of their famous political analysts.

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This is why US elected Trump. US shale industries live today because of Trump.

There are Saudi’s on Twitter?

That isn't uncommon. Israel is allied to both the US and China.

The arab monarchs are jews.
it's 4D chess.

Do you think SA is NK? They’ve actually been modernizing quite a bit in the last couple years.

In what manner are Israel and China allies? What does that mean to you?

They know how much they need our protection, let alone if we were their legitimate enemy

I have heard that thanks to India & Sub Saharan Africa being dirt poor, and China self excluding themselves from the global web that close to 50% on the internet are Muslims. Wonder if that is true

The US under Trump didn't do much against the iran/assad/houthis/hezbollah axis, the saudis wont care much.

Trump can get saudi support by being more agressive against saudi ennemies.

Pretty sure a saudi own twitter.

They steal US tech and weaponry. That’s how they’re allies. Lol

No, you have been their ally because you use it to control the world with banking.

If you don’t understand how the petro dollar works or why the US currency has worth. It is basically a functional feedback loop that works because the USA has the most powerful military the world has ever seen.

Fuck the Saudis, and OP is wrong, the Saudis cut production anyways because no one is buying

Good. Let the chinks be the ones who die for Israel from now on.

ITT Saudi shills / warhawks invested in US military

Get fucked faggots.

They have our oil tho.
We don't need as much right now.
Please understand.

>sources said

Fuck off and die


good one chink / russian shills, lmao
the US will always be a superpower, you subhuman rats

China could be the Phoenix retarded jews and freemasons are shilling instead of USA, they are pragmatic and big enough to pull this.
All they need to do is come clean and have a proper form of government, then savagely buttfuck jews and their minions with any help they can get.
Balkanizing and creating an "asian europe" together with nearby countries would be awesome too.

>stretch The paper tiger (China) even thinner as they prepare for another Taiwan Strait crisis and possible India/Uighur/Pakistan conflict after just dealing with the corona virus shutting down their manufacturing
>allow Saudi Arabia, crypto kike and Israeli supporting kingdom, to succumb to the civil war/hot war happening in Yemen and on their southern border
>make available more US resources to deal with an impending war/containment in Central and South America.
>Mexico is collapsing; Venezuela, Honduras, and Ecuador are collapsing; Colombians have been dealing with months of terrorist skirmishes along their border with Venezuela and Brazil; Venezuela’s military/political leaders have been declared a cartel by the United States DOJ, bounties placed on said leaders heads. Bounties!; Brazil dealing with internal coup while preparing military for conflicts on their northern border and potential influx of refugees from Colombia and Venezuela; Chile has been in a state of anarchy for several months with intense rioting going on; Happenings in Argentina
The world is burning. Pulling out would be great. Fuck China

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Maybe 10 - 15 years ago, but, we have the most petrol & shale in the world. Texas has the same amount as Russia and the US is pumping 75 million barrels into its reserves.

Why do you want to keep up world policing? It sucks everybody hates us.

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Based. Fuck the Saudis.

>focus more on us

That's scientifically impossible. You should focus on Space Force, conquer the Solar System instead of this used up sphere we call Earth.

Destruction and Creation by John Boyd is a good read for considering future operations.

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Because if western domination end, the chinese (and russian) one will start.

>All of those happenings at once
Man, the 20's are gonna be a blast. Thank you China.

They can die and fight for Israel and Saudi Arabia then. I’m sick of it

You mean gained another ally.

Before Saudi didn't take us seriously.
They hate China and are terrified of them.
Without U.S. support they will lose everything.

Sometimes I actually have to guess if a memeflaggot is a Jew or chink

If they dominate the ME and rest of the world, it will have a huge negative impact on US economy.

The next proxy or economic wars will also be about shale gas, getting a national market of a country, rare earth material etc.

We net export energy of all kinds and have more oil then anywhere on the globe. They can fight if they want. Non Diaspora Muslims love Trump and I bet if the US stopped world policing Europeans would open back up to us again. Russia is also in the same situation as every White country. Population decline, and aging, minor demographic changes that can be extremely major in some examples. China is aging too. They won’t dominate like they think they will

lol gj trumph

At least it's nice to know Trump is trying all he can to raise our fuel prices.