— 5.1 billion people under lockdown — — 212 countries and territories infected — — 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu — — 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced — — 4,147 strains have been sequenced —
>France >a fucking shitshow >the mortality barely decreased due to lockdown and much later than expected >primer minister's beard suddently mutated over the last few weeks >no more masks >no more tests >we are supposed to wait for a vaccine when the gov is unable to do basic shit >impossibly complex plan to gradually reopen stuff starting on May 11th; where the rules will be based on geography and will change every 3 weeks >won't be able to move more than 100km from home >won't be able to travel to other yurop countries >all the cool shit will still be on lockdown >planned to stay like this for all summer >we are supposed to expect this kind of shit until 2021 this is a fucking joke, modern life is basically finished
Yes its the anonymous people on Yas Forums that are CIA ignore the idiots in the media who are shilling for a return to normal and ignore the alternative media that is now deny the existence of viruses in general.
I honestly believe in the Tulpa. I think the spooky elites know it's real and that's why we have televised rituals, to collect the spiritual and mental energy of the crowds watching. It immerses the viewer in the ritual, making them a part of it.
Evan Ortiz
I haven't seen restaurants in the US that have just a big AC unit on the wall, so I'm not too worried about that happening here. I still think most people are going to avoid restaurants for a while.
Landon Taylor
That too obviously :|
Jeremiah Rivera
For you. Those of us that live in developed first world nations still have a few years of modernity before the Great Boogaloo. >muh number one death rate in the whole world It's well documented that the vast majority of all cases and therefore deaths are niggers and spics because they can't into basic health precautions, despite it quite literally being a matter of life or death.
Guys I need a comfy game to play on my main screen, while I watch shit on my other screen, and the game needs to be non-real-time or have a decent pause so I can occasionally check back in on /cvg/. Recommendations?
We are going to face an imminent social collapse, it is not about if it will happen or not but how soon or late it will be. It's been just a couple of months and the economy is dramatically struggling. Both infections and economical losses will increase in the coming months until it just can't hold anymore. Seriously, I think what we can do now is to start growing our own food and find other activities for our new life if we manage to survive. Stay safe anons.
Noticed the media is quickly trying to say there is no evidence showing the virus came from the Wuhan lab even though the fucking UK even pointed that out two weeks ago. They're chicom traitors and I hope they hang for it.
>the media who are shilling for a return to normal This is what I find odd about the /nbg/ crowd saying the media wants everyone locked up and scared This last week there has been a massive uptick in opinion pieces across all wings of the media calling for ending/changing the lockdown
>Breaches of safety regulations are probable cause of recent SARS outbreak, WHO says (May 22, 2004)
>The World Health Organization has confirmed that breaches of safety procedures on at least two occasions at one of Beijing's top virology laboratories were the probable cause of the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) there last month, which infected nine people, one of whom died.
>However, initial fears that the outbreak would spread as a result of the surge in travel during the “golden week” holiday at the beginning of May seem to have been unfounded.
>“Obviously golden week was a big concern, as millions of people were on the move,” said Dr Julie Hall, WHO's coordinator in China of communicable disease surveillance and response. “But once the alarm was raised about the cases, over 1000 of their close contacts were isolated very quickly, temperature monitoring was introduced in key locations, information was released to the public, and the authorities attempted extensive contact tracing. These measures appear to have ensured that people were able to travel.”
>How the outbreak happened and why the index patient was allowed to travel between Beijing and her home province of Anhui, to the west of Shanghai, while sick are still cause for concern, she added. WHO has been assisting the Chinese Ministry of Health in identifying the source of the outbreak and assessing how well it was controlled and how it differed from previous outbreaks.
>Dr Hall said, “Clearly there was a link to the Institute of Virology, and our investigations are still ongoing, but we haven't found a single incident that links the two cases of laboratory workers at the institute, so it appears to be two separate breaches of bio-safety, and we can't find any single incident or accident that explains either case. It has raised real concerns about bio-safety in general, how bio-safety guidelines are implemented, and how that is supervised and monitored.”
What's next, Sve? What should we pay attention to? What should do leads us to ring the "oh shit fuck fuck fuck no" alarm?
Bentley Ramirez
Yeah the situation with China worries me because I think Corona-chan was at least human involved in some way. If not directly edited they had collected samples and had an accidental release from the lab or something. China is culpable but the west seems hesitant to do anything. I don't know how its going to play out but all the options appear bad to me. Its a no win scenario.
>This is the third outbreak of SARS to have been traced to a laboratory: small outbreaks occurred in Taiwan and Singapore last year. “The WHO may call for a containment policy for SARS to reduce the number of samples of the virus and the number of laboratories handling it,” said Dr Hall.
>Although the authorities reacted swiftly once the alarm was raised, there was a delay of almost a month from the date of first infection to when the index case of infection was announced. By that time all the other cases of infection had already occurred.
>The index patient received medical care in both Beijing and Anhui but was still allowed to travel while sick, despite her high risk occupation and the fact that her mother also had a fever. The mother subsequently died.
>“This case has lessons for us all, in terms of how healthcare workers take patient histories and ask about infection among other family members,” said Dr Hall. “We are lucky that she travelled on a train and not on an international flight. Had she landed in another country I am not sure her occupation and the fact that her mother was also sick would have been noted or rung any alarm bells.
>“We don't know when the next global pandemic will happen, and this incident with SARS in China has raised the issue of how we look at the potential threat of respiratory disease.”
>Software being developed at the University of South Australia in conjunction with Canadian drone manufacturer Draganfly could see drones used to monitor the health of people, including spotting sneezes and tracking whether they have a fever. >It is just one way technology could be used to track and slow the spread of a virus like COVID-19. >The device uses thermal cameras and artificial intelligence to measure some of the indicators of coronavirus in groups of people: heart rate, body temperature, coughing and sneezing. >The drone would also be able to detect a cough from "15-20 metres away", while heart rate can be detected within 6-8 metres with only a "very small" margin of error. >It could also be used to monitor social distancing.
>If the media actually wanted to cause a panic they would have shown any of the vids leaked out of china or any of the droppers happening around the world This kills the nothing burger