Before liberals destroyed America

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Yeah we had three last names on our mailbox

What are you gonna do about it?

Who let that happen? Greedy fucking race traitors. Never forget that. Crypto kikes are worse than kikes.


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It was mostly alcoholism paired with child and wife beating. That picture is propaganda.

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I know you're lying. I lived it before liberals.

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Can you faggots please do something about it instead of just posting about it? Build communities create families. Take back the country.

Working on it Chief. We're all gonna make it, America's gonna come back and we're gonna enter a new Golden Age that makes the 50s look like the 2010s.

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>mom and dad both have black hair

ew gross imagine being a woman and having some pos husband you're smarter than and would be a better worker than but have to basically be a servant to him while he talks about his autonomy and being a man in order to justify being a philanderer or something like that. then he won't take accountability for things he is guilty of because he's the breadwinner, won't do chores, thinks watching his own kids is some kind of gift and achievement. fuck that noise.

why not just name {{{THEM}}}

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So close

Imagine wanting to live like the shitty Pleasant Valley Sunday song. Would rather kms.

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Dad got cucked

hair and eyes darken over time, I was blond blue eyed as a toddler. Now I have brown hair/green eyes.

This 50s propaganda is better than what we see today, but there is still something deeper that feels off about this fantasy pic.

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My kid is a redhead and both of us are brunette. Learn genetics.

"learn" kek that's for sissies. real men already know everything

Your child has no soul


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oh my god dude how can you believe that seriously. thats some cope shit for why you cant accept things could be better.

Still unironically better than a globohomo future

Sounds pretty based to me. I can be drunk at work and my wife knows to keep her mouth shut

That’s still America, you stupid nigger.

Given the choice, women didnt want to be personal slaved to do a man's house work. But crying little incel brats think they are entitled to basically own another person. MGTOW, etc are Literally the BIGGEST entitled fragile snowflakes on the internet.

It was a fantastic niggers.