It's very obvious that varg is seething because of his life choices, it comes across in every video, the great regret

It's very obvious that varg is seething because of his life choices, it comes across in every video, the great regret.
He threw his youth, his life away to kill some sperg, and was jailed instead of recieving the HRT treatments he so deeply craves to properly satisfy his MedBull, instead of the gross pube beard look he has now
He could have been the perfect femboi trap, a naturally submissive conquered slave to the MedBull. I mean just look at this peak soft pink white meat, such a waste. If you are reading this varg, its okay, your superior MedBull forgives you for your failures, just stop seething so hard okay thanks

Attached: tumblr_o3e9u6oZ3M1s0ksb4o6_400.jpg (360x382, 18.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He could have been a big star, played all over the world and been respected as a musician. His whole life is denial of responsibility and fingerpointing at others about everything just so he can sleep poorly knowing he killed someone for no reason.

I don't think he ever wanted it, they were really anal about keeping the scene underground to keep the poseurs and non hardcore out

this whole topic reeks of pathetic faggotry thirst.

Dude looks like a woman from the midwest,

low-t femine recessed maxilla, ugly freak

what is with the constant Varg hate threads? guy isn't even relevant anymore

So this explains why meds are the biggest faggots

Well yeah, obviously... he bought hard into the kvlt kool-aid and after throwing away 16 years of his life to truly live the scene, realized in prison everyone found it cringeworthy and retarded and it had just become exactly what it was never supposed to be, the hipster and edgy kid's latest trend. It's a stupid fucking thing to throw your life away for. But he still went out a better way than the middle aged guys like Fenriz and Immortal still doing it. Anyone who didn't die through suicide or murder or end up locked in prison or a mental asylum wasn't really kvlt.

Varg died when he was sent to prison, or he died at some point in there. What we have now is just a broken, shell of a man. And that's what makes the early 90s Norwegian black metal scene pure art, rather than just another grunge tier trend for faggots.

Varg did nothing wrong

I bet Varg dream of bbc in his boipucci

his videos were based. I miss the old snowniggah

post the video where he lives like an absolute nigger.

literally post any video then

Why you med guys have such bald heads at such an early age?

Post the tweet about him listening to death metal in the rain like some edgy anime character.

Wait, Varg is a trans repressor? Source?

You faggots need to start following the true representative of Yas Forums in the normie world.

>His whole life is denial of responsibility
He has like 7 white children you filthy kike. That is his responsibility, not fulfilling your degenerate jewified fantasy of what success looks like.

Not true. Varg became stronger in prison.

You have to go back

>soft facial features
>long hair
>top tier trap genes
>rambles and rants on about muh manliness
>maximum cope because he's not a trad chad NatSoc Viking

>Blames everyone else for his issues and shortcomings
>LARPed as a big time redpilled badass that knows how the world should run
>Really just a nerd that made his own shitty NatSoc tabletop game and was a DnD nerd
>Also recorded mediocre guitar playing with presumably a SNES

Yeah, sounds like the average unironic Stormnigger and Yas Forumsack.

Attached: Into the Spiderverse.jpg (256x256, 13.21K)

He looks like one of this chicks on blacked.


Seethe harder OP

He reproduced with an autist and his 7 nordnig kids are being supported by the government.

If Varg was black but still held the same exact views, you people would despise him. He's a retard.

Attached: 1587974167641.png (1665x591, 241.57K)

ive been saying this for ever. he is an actual nigger no matter how blonde he is, or how blue his eyes are.

>killed someone in a hissy fit
>released a boatloat of shitty music
not sure what's worse

this. the music and aesthetics were not going to break out into something huge. also who doesn't regret fucking prison time. that's the damn point.

Von is a great band. Much better than Burzum. American black metal> pussy norgays.


Oh my god this is so accurate, how come ive never seen this before.