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Trump, did Biden sexually assault that woman?
End the emergency, asshole
The american people don't want to give billions of dollars to israel a year. Only politicians do.
Thank you Mr. President....
it's not lookin good for sleepy joe I can tell you that much
who are you with?
Thank you, Mr. President. When did you first become aware that niggers tongue my anus?
jannies are going through a real rough time right now, real rough time
that's a nasty question and you should be ashamed of yourself
Kek I love this place
You're an embarrassment
that's the rare long version
underage and gay and I'm telling discord
Umm sir,
When are you going to gas the kikes and start a race war now?
Thank you that is all
Its a fake discord where leftypol tries to dox people.
Thank you Mr. President. 2 questions, one for my colleague who couldn't be here because of social distancing. My first question is, what are your concrete first steps that would enable the economy to recover to pre-epidemic levels? And my second question is, given that our Navy is significantly degraded and limited due to ongoing pandemic, how can you reassure our allies in the South China Sea region that they'd be protected from eventual Chinese aggression and Maritime restrictions, given that our carriers have been particularly hit?
i see it but i dont know what it is
your son in law is a nasally faggot
Yeah - we're going to have a V shaped recover like you've never seen before. I can feel it; I felt like I could win the presidency. Listen we have so much pent up demand. Americans are closed, inside houses, they're gonna get out and completely make things great.
I'm not happy with China. They know it. You know it. You'll hear about it.
But but but, Mr. President, a clarification please. International media claims our Navy ships have been chased out of South China Sea, how do you respond to that claim sir?
listen - the media, like you, don't have everything together, ok? China's in a bad spot. We're not happy with them. Next question!
With Nukes. You're such fake news. You're a disgrace
Mr. President, will you take responsibility and apologize if the Chinese chase our ships again from the South China Sea?
Thank you Mr. President. There's been talk about re-supply launches for the Jewish colony on Mars being interrupted by Covid-19 and that they only have 30 days worth of food left. When will the launches resume?
(points at you) I said Next Question, if you - (interrupts you interrupting me) if you cont (looks away in disgust while you stutter and yammer) IF YOU CONTINUE WE'RE GONNA CUT THIS NOW and you'll have it out with the others ok? NEXT
y yuo tell pepo to dwink bleesh
Mr. President, if we give you a full House and Senate of Republicans again for your second term, will you change any migration laws, or will you just keep adding 1,000,000+ a year to keep wages low and rents high? Also, why did you not advocate for your party to pass a migration bill until you lost the House?
Can we just go ahead and nuke China at this point Mr. President?
(points to head) Trump takes great care of our allies in the middle east - great people love'em; we're going to be moving food ok - from one place to another. You're gonna slim down ok? you need it. we're taking yours and moving it to their program. I think you're gonna thank me.
Mr. President, Mr. President, why did you sign $4 trillion in spending and shut down the economy over a virus that is less deadly that flu for people under 55?
Pee pee poo poo
When are you stepping down.
(inhales) - i'll speak briefly on this just because people have been talking about it. I'm strongly looking into that. Very strongly. But nothing's changing until the invisible enemy is destroyed. We're winning. I think - We're winning big league and we're going to keep winning. Because i'm your president. Ok next
>Jumps in
But Mr. President, you, you had two years of full Republican control. You didn't hold one vote on immigration, you know, even to make enforcement of illegal immigration easier. People want to know-
Are you a reptilian?
that's enough
Listen we had the greatest economy anyone has ever seen. The best numbers. African, Latino, everything. The best numbers. That's what i've been doing these two years. Then - China, China decided to - how should I say it, give us a nice suprise ok? We've been a little busy if you havn't noticed. A little busy i'd say. Wouldn't you say Mike? We'll get to it in my second term alright? NEXT!
Mr. President,
Why did you let Tucker Carlson of Fox News convince you to commit economic suicide?
When you made this decision, were you aware of Tucker's insatiable thirst for JewJew cum?
And also, how do you respond to the credible reports that Tucker Carlson learned his JewJew cum loving behavior from watching you?
Thank you Mr. President.
What will you do about the Jewish Question?
ok i'm gonna take both of these at once just like in the primaries against little marco and lyin ted, alright? i do it because it's fun. it's fun to me. listen we have a great community of jews in america. we love our americans. everybody has to get along ok? we have alot of - we have lots of people here, lots of people. gotta get along. that's what america's about. and we're going to make it even greater than its ever been. OK THANK YOU EVERYBODY
Who are you with? Aljazera? Next.
How did you manage to fumble the greatest gift to nationalism in a hundred years? Why did you listen to your jew economic advisors instead of closing borders and preparing for the pandemic?
I feel. Better call the police
Awful answer. Awful.
Sir, who is jewing who these days?