Is this country fucked?

I just graduated and am going to uni in the fall to start my major in polit. Sci. And minor in econ. So I can go to law school and eventually go into politics so I can turn this shit around and create a proper l, stable and dare I say, traditional country again.

I’m afraid that Canada might be too far gone and that the elites have fucked this country past the point of no return, given all the shit that’s going down as of late. My exit plan was to fuck off to Eastern Europe (I’m learning Ukrainian and Polish atm and was planning on moving to Poland if shit really gets bad). What’s your guys’ thoughts and should I just get out when I can?

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Go to china. they will welcome you as if you were their citizen.

If I wanted that I’d just move to Vancouver

you're retarded, don't waste your time.


If you're so damn concerned, just assassinate a politician. It doesn't matter which one, it doesn't matter who they think did it, only that the public know it wasn't some freak accident.

Planning on getting out of here too for the sake of a good life for my future kids. Theres no democratic solution in Canada when every party is ran by the same clique and newcomers get fucked out of a chance.
Poland is my first pick too, but it'd feel weird being so far from family, majority of the family is in South Africa and a small part in the UK. I don't think either of those is a good option though.

Assassinating one wouldn’t make any difference when every major party is full of shills who only care about the economy or progressivism. It’s like a hydra in that regard

Based post. Where I live there’s a pretty large Ukrainian community which I’m in, most of the new Ukrainians that have come in have said that they had more opportunity back in Ukraine and that moving here was a mistake. My family has lived here for decades but I feel if I want to have a proper future I’d either have to leave or there’d have to be some major political shift


Every facet of the government and every party is too infested with progressive-capitalists for any kind of political solution, and the population here is too complacent and brainwashed for armed struggle to change things. Needless to say change here isn't happening from inside it'd have to come from outside.
Hoping immigration to Poland or Hungary is easy enough (have some relatives from my dad's side in Hungary) it seems like just the best option. If not then looks like its gonna be South Africa which lets be honest is whiter than the UK at this point.


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Yeah I saw their statement in a /k/ thread. Our government seems hell-bent on giving concessions to Islam whilst essentially telling Christians to fuck off.

Christians here are overwhelmingly fag and tranny accepting anyhow.
If I had to I'd take muslims over niggers, pajeets and chinks, but I'd rather not have them here either.

I’d recommend attending Orthodox services then. It’s the only church that remains steadfast in what it believes (most of the time).

Muslims themselves are okay(ish) except for the fact that everywhere they go they impose their religion on that society (such was shown in Germany, France, Belgium, etc.) which will inevitably culminate in either an open struggle between the two societies or (what’s more likely to happen) the west will just lay over and let it be mauled

You will miss out on the opportunity to ride with Kalki and his tumens across the North American plains though.
Yeah, a democratic solution is impossible. So...why not serve his purpose, and be make the Lord of Calgary or some shit.
Obviously the current established nobility in Canada and the USA would vehemently oppose you and question your legitimacy so that title. Who is the current lord of Calgary, btw?

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I wouldn't demoralize in saying the west would let itself be killed. As none of the current western leaders represent the population at all, they only represent the elite and their wants. Some of their projecting onto society thru means like reddit has worked though.

The only good to come from a mass importation of muslims here is possible clashes with liberals. I'd love to see a pride parade bombed in minecraft.

Fuck that - politics is certainly not the lens through which any postive or lasting change can be realized. You'll just become more of what we've already got.

>fell for the law school meme
you do realize every single arts student says that? and even if you get into law school, you're going to need to be top of your class to get into one that will provide decent employment.

You are doing the right thing.

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The country is indeed royally fucked. But likely less fucked than 98% of other countries.

lmao - learn a trade or get some real skills not some pol sci trash

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The fuck else can I do? I’m sub-par at STEM and my only skills are speaking and writing

>majoring in political science and minoring in econ
That's a waste of time, not to mention extremely boring
>going to law school
not even human
>learning Ukrainian
Most Ukrainians don't understand/use Ukrainian
>Is this country fucked?
you'll likely contaminate any country that allows you in

How do I resolve the inner conflict I have knowing that Canada is fucked but not wanting to abandon it?

yes. just move to america and vote sanely against libshits. we need all the help we can get before we end up like you. cucked as a 2nd rate british colony

create family and work towards your community.
in reality canada cannot survive its current state, but the ontario alone can fit all of europe in it.
The future of canada is balkanization
similarly to how rome crumbled from within and separated to many smaller nations.

canada is wayyyyy more advanced than murica, lol, gtfoh

>the catholic church

get a trade nigga