Can the left meme or is this not funny?

Can the left meme or is this not funny?

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It’s a funny photo edit. But does a funny picture make a meme? No.

Could be from a conservacuck thats zion pilled, i still think left is all npc and unable to meme

This is decent. I think the left has actually been improving ever so slightly with their memes. Of course you have to realize that their memes increase in quality directly to the extent that their memes avoid making an explicitly leftist argument. This is because the left is wrong about everything and comedy is inextricably linked to truth.
The meme you posted is decent because it doesn’t try too hard, and it doesn’t have to convince anybody that women can have dicks or that niggers don’t commit disproportionate crimes etc

Scarface is the most based and redpilled drug dealer of all time, one of the few with a conscience. I'll take it.

it's funny because it's true

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The left is literally coming to us to learn how to meme

If the left can't meme then why does everybody use pepe and redpill? Those are memes created by hard leftists. Seems like the right can't meme and they have to steal other peoples shit while giving themselves credit for it

it's very funny to leftist. they find bodily fluids like vomit, shit and piss very interesting. their cuck minds are stuck at kindergarten levels on many levels. they are not adults, and are obsessed with peepees and poopoos

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GR8 B8 M8

This. As their memes improve they will redpill themselves

its cringe

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It's not a meme, the meme was Tony Montana, this is an edit but it is a good one.

One semi passable photoshop does not a memeist make.
Making memes requires a sense of humor. See Joy Behar and Don Lemonhead...and pretty much all ultraprogressive leftists.

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It's fucking hilarious. So hilarious in fact that I'm Riden' with Biden now.

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What's this in relation to?

nah its not funny.
a meme has to be offensive to be funny

add in some shit and piss and it might be a funny pic but someone on the left would never do that because theyre submissive and refuse to break media prescribed norms

The meme though overplayed can still be funny. The problem with the left is it's not about humor, they actually believe it when CNN tells them Trump is telling people to inject bleach, that he's going to kill people, and that they finally have the thing that will take down Trump.

Attached: BleachInjection.jpg (636x664, 116.41K)


The only left wing memes that are funny are made by right wing people mocking far right wing people

This one isn't bad, but most of them are just embellishments on the same basic punchline, and they think simply adding more detail to the picture makes it somehow clever.

I've noticed this a lot with lefty memes, it's like the set their message beforehand and try to construct a joke around it. Of course this never works because that's not how you write a joke.

Also, the left is too hooked on constant change and fresh content. They've got short attention spans. One of the reason the right can meme is that we'll drive a point home over and over and over because it never stops being funny.
The left is trying to make a joke WORK. We're taking things that WORK and just use them over and over again because we ourselves are entertained by it.
They're trying to manipulate public opinion. We are just having fun and public opinion follows.
'Hitler did nothing wrong' is funny to this day. And sadly, the truth of it took years to catch up with the joke.

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Literally the opposite is true
The Ben Shapiro types cant meme for shit

Spilled beer is never funny.

>Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro is a vapid attention whoring faux celebrity. Who gives a fuck what he does?

It isn't. To be truly funny, you have to preserve what the person says at face value, just as they meant it, and show that even if you grant them everything they are still absurd. This is just garden-tier restatement.

exhale from nose worthy, not a meme. It has a boomer vibe to it, which is minus points.

>Can the left meme
memes are for alt-right kiddies who think they are rebelling

meh, it's a good edit but trump kinda looks cool in it.

The Bleach memes are actually hilarious because they're mostly being made by anti trump right wingers and 4/8ch lefties. Twitter libs are objectively unfunny. One thing you have to keep in mind is that whichever side has a president in office immediately become more "lame" because they're defending the establishment, thus leftists will continue to be a bit funnier while right wingers are stuck sucking blumpfs dick