How the fuck do people actually watch this boring faggot and his NPC tier propaganda?

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I would like to behead all the late night hosts

It's funny. Maybe you should take take the stick out of your ass

Even if I was a leftist retard I could only laugh at "bLuMpH bad, now listen to me ask lukewarm questions to the celebrity with pre approved political leanings of the night!" So many times


what's worse, the monologues or the interviews

They openly call for your suffering and nobody has the guts to stand up to these cretins?

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Imagine getting triggered that much by a tv show.

threads like these are reminders to me that he is inexplicably still on the air. Piss poor replacement for David Letterman

Conan is pretty based tbhfam

is that Rachel Maddow?

The same way they can accept being forced to sit inside the house for months against their will. They have no soul


We don't

Sad fact but most people are NPCs. Your family and friends are probably all npcs

A long time ago, I used to enjoy John Stewart, colbert and even samantha b. A really long time ago

is it funny though? or are you just conditioned to feel good when you hear the studio laughter?

think of all of those sitcoms you think are funny also, and watch them without the laugh track, its not funny in the slightest.

as long as we start with jimmy kimmel. that obsessed kike needs to go

His older brother was my history teacher in high school


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Leftists laugh at anything as long as it is anti-republican

Used to be funny, now just a shilly faggot.

Lefties like to watch Colbert to pretend that they're intelligent, the downside is that he is about as bright as a wet match.

Why aren't there any funny leftwing comedians?

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c'mon guys post the scoop meme hehehe !

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Why so many ppl are NPCs bros?
I mean I've found plenty who are not...
but still it's like 95% the population...

Of all of the American late night talk show hosts, notably between the likes of Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, that ginger-haired pompadour guy, and Bill Maher, I think Maher is my favorite of these, followed by, once again, the ginger-haired man, who seems sometimes funny, but I forgot his name. Here is an example of Bill Maher speaking with an Ultra Orthodox Jewish Rabbi.

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The only good one was the dude who had that robot skele puppet. Hes off air now and was replaced by some gay obese brit

I mean, he's no worse than watching Tucker or Hannity or whatever the fuck

They're all just trying to snarkily force feed you partisan propaganda and cover it up as "humor". People don't get primetime spots on television just for your entertainment, user.

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Fucking rofl. Networks close up shop so now fox is king of everything.
You literally cant put two facts together so now you think gutfeld is a newscaster.

>but I forgot his name
Sounds honest

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I thought he was Kimmel until I read the filename. Man, these unfunny funnymen all look the same...

I would place his head on a spike of prominence, he looks like a little faggot mincing around all the time with his faggot face and faggot hair.

Monologues, especially where that nigger simps him from the sidelines with his lil sound effects

Did he rape you?

Even when I was a liberal in my early twenties and I watched the Colbert report I didn't think this guy was funny. He doesn't have a funny bone in his body. He's more focused on being clever than being funny. The colbert report was just a show that was intended to make the audience feel smart the same way all these political "comedy" shows are. Once you catch on to the formula it becomes repetitive and boring unless of course you're a liberal who finds enjoyment in feeling like you're smarter tha those dumb Republicans, Christians, nationalists, 2nd amendment advocates, etc.

I hate all media consumers.

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Colbert is analogous to Hannity but Tucker is like an island. Cracks me up and almost always says what I want to hear.

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Did you die at Sandy Hook too?