So who will be Biden's female vp?

So who will be Biden's female vp?

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Not elephant thighs, we hope.

Attached: 4ff276a50f7d4cd7fadf008bbdd349b51792ff28047e8349c692da51dd4b20bf.jpg (400x461, 14.97K)

>that cellulite
Fucking nasty


Attached: weATdXLjKyzp4ZSV5WgEvTh8n.png (760x749, 485.16K)

Hillary. Then he dies right after taking office.

>So who will be Biden's female vp?

i hope andrew yang, but as a trap

Don't worry white boy she only deals with black men

>So who will be Biden's female vp?
A black one. Joe Biden literally celebrates white genocide:

Attached: non-white vote.jpg (546x496, 72.04K)

Attached: CuwLs8TUsAEiBl3.png (804x732, 217.05K)

Why don't you have a seat over here?

Idk but CNN left madame Stacey abrams out of the top 10 potential picks and it made me kek.

low t

Big Dick Michelle Obama

If you actually listen to pic related, she is way more coherent than either Trump or Biden. Her main issue is she looks like a retard, and being obese doesn't do any good either.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30_20-28-24.png (501x349, 226.34K)

>if you won't fuck a 40+ year old woman who is visibly a single mother then there is something wrong with you
don't you faggot simps have some paypal transactions to make?

Who would you fuck?

I could fly a Cessna between that gap in her teeth.

A woman who looks like this
>inb4 hurr durr low test cope

Attached: 1585408757059.jpg (640x799, 35.69K)

All I know is she can take a seat on my face

You can have this one lol

That’s a nice slam ham, got any more?

>The white folk dun stold muh govana ‘lection
is all I remember her saying

The question is willshe fuck you? Probably not incel

She looks 5'10ft. How tall are you?

Sounds like a good way to catch Covid 19


Also sauce?

Amy Klobachar?

>can't come up with anything so "hurr durr incel"
You must be a woman. Don't show tits, just gtfo.

Attached: 1500759959645.jpg (321x457, 21.5K)

You can see here how scared the kikes and their allies are. They post the discord so they can find you when you connect to it.

Attached: merchant_13_original-1.gif (501x585, 11.14K)

i love this idea

is that bbw Jules?

Michael Strahan is not gonna win shit.

>only deals with black men
Well....thanks. We really owe you guys.

you're fucking welcome to her

Massive copeability.

And is that suppose to a pic of you. INCEL

If his first requirement for a vp is a vagina. Pandering motherfucker, or rapist setting up his next victim?

love those thighs

she could talk like socrates and i still wouldn't vote for her. bitch is fugly.

It's Honey-moo-moo

this, thought she was a cutter or something from the thumbnail... y i k e s

Doesn’t matter, the Democrats won’t win

Blegh, agreed.

I'd be happy if I wound up with a fit woman who is in the minority that isn't predisposed to this condition.

some qt ladyboy


I'd still fuck her but she's certainly not worth showing off

Don't ask me how or where, but I heard from some insiders he is considering Tila Tequila.

President Stacy. Marine One required change to Chinook for heavy lift VIP transport.

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