France is a war zone now

Attached: 4AB655D2-5E24-41EF-BB4E-B747F467A53C.jpg (480x360, 7.29K)



no this is just your average day in a southern american country.

Shit flag design, this one of my own design is better.

Attached: france.png (1073x721, 11.96K)

Here's a US one too

Attached: usa.png (2468x1292, 23.99K)

What other flags should I islamify, lads?

U.K. and Spain

this one

Attached: enemy flag.png (1200x873, 17.2K)

la france c'est tout noir

Here's Spain, UK coming.

Attached: spain.png (1073x719, 45.7K)

How do you do it so fast if you don’t mind me asking?

Here’s one for ya

Attached: 2D5FF762-A050-4712-8562-18B558BEFBE0.jpg (1000x750, 98.19K)

It's not very hard, all I'm really doing is altering existing designs. Here's Britain

Attached: britain.png (1073x714, 23.69K)

Attached: eup.png (800x533, 5.9K)

Here, this is better

Attached: 967E7E89-A721-4988-AF21-CA183EC9D768.png (1280x768, 113.47K)

I'm on it, this one might take longer

Look like Brazil a bit

It has been for a long long time.

OP you faggot i was expecting to see Maghrebian diaspora but the link you posted showcasing Christian immigrants from Nigeria


Seething Ahckmedistani cocksucker.

Attached: Eternal JEW.png (900x642, 358.61K)

France anons. What is your geniune idea about China's Muslim camp? (It is not actually a religious problem tho)

i mean you do have a big Lebanese diaspora...oh wait they are Crosscucks


Attached: germany.png (1073x721, 30.07K)

Islam is a loser religion. If they "win" over the West, they'll turn it into an unbearable shithole in no time - the very shit they flee from. And if they lose, they lose..

Not to mention the kikes, who already control the Muslim world. So not so much winning after all.

Here you are.

Attached: brazil.png (1072x720, 17.75K)

Attached: weATdXLjKyzp4ZSV5WgEvTh8n.png (760x749, 485.17K)

>the very shit they flee from
the shitholes they fleeing from are the shitholes they are because of the west you fucktard
you forced your retarded democracy and modernization on them and now they became shit (just like Asia and Latin America)

Try that with Northern Irelands and you won't live to see another Mcdonalds

How fuckin stupid and backwards is your brain. It's shit because of the religious oppression and anybody creating new technology is a heretic

You're half right but you're leaving out the kikes and your peoples subservience and willingness to be their puppets.
Ofcourse, we're in the same boat just with less bombs dropped on us, so...

Bullshit. The entirety of MENA is shit. The only reason Saudi Arabia, Dubai etc. are doing well, is because of Western engineers, oil made useful by Westerners etc. Algeria is a fucking shithole, Morocco is a shithole, everywhere in the MENA is a shithole, except the few oil states, and again, they'd be shitholes too (and will become) if the Western man ceases to exist.

And again.. You're under kike occupation. Your fiat system is kiked, and everything is slowly eroding. Just look at Egyptian women. More and more Western like. You have little time left.

I don't think Europeans understand just how big of a fuck up it is letting young muslims from war torn nations into their countries. The UK got fed up but it appears a little too late.

Fuck off spiritually devoid, faithless libcuckfuckershithead

>religious oppression
we aren't ruled by Shariah you idiot, most of us are secular shitholes just like you
>new technology is a heretic
only retards claims this including the Christian ones

Generally, yes, but some of us understand it, and have known this fact for many years. I've always been redpilled on these subhumans.

Stfu faggot, technology was a damned mistake. Here I am, arguing over an user image board with fucking retards due to it.

At least their Jews are leaving en masse to Israel. Surely this will blow over once all the Jews are gone, right?

Attached: 1581546238132.jpg (547x500, 76.89K)

But you will be under shariah if there's a world caliphate. Besides that, shariah or not, Algeria is a poverty stricken shithole.

>we're in the same boat
the level of (((subversion))) in the west is way higher than in here
LGBT, Pornography, Feminism, Adultery and Athiesm are normalized in the west while here we still didn't reach that stage yet but yeah we're in the same boat

How common is the niqab in Algeria?
I personally really like niqab, I wish it was more common here

Attached: niqab.jpg (2000x1000, 229.88K)

Try again nigger no prizes for second best
So the mudslime areas in Sydney are shit holes because muh racism fuck up brainlet

>you forced your retarded democracy and modernization on them

Good job admitting your people are ungovernable, uncivilized fucking monkeys.

Attached: 1571580963724.jpg (1024x483, 239.41K)

Well get ready because it'll be either you or your kids fighting them when they attempt to establish a religious government based off Sharia Law or some other Islamic doctrine.

No, cause then you kikes have already done the damage. How stupid are you? Why would the damage you've created disappear just because you do? Do dead bodies come back alive when the murderer leaves the scene?

>technology was a damned mistake
that's because kikes are ones who controlled it and used it for their own agenda
it can be great if it used for the greater good of humanity
>if there's a world caliphate
i wish, but kikes won't allow that
>shariah or not, Algeria is a poverty stricken shithole.
we were a super power back when your people were stuck in the stone age with their mud huts and designated shitting forests

Lmao Arabic looks like childish scribbles

You won't find abos and emus in my genetic line, Drongo


There's only so much one person can do. It takes a mass awakening for shit to happen. It could go either way. Multiculturalism ends in war, and in the end the kike wins.

Who are the French fighting against? I got 100 bucks on the other guys, no matter who it is.

WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIEET. What happened, Mustafa?

Holy shit, what is going on with khazarmilkers dot com right now??!!

all of Sydney and Australia in general are third world wasteland
deal with it you sheep shagger
and besides
>muh racism
Islam is not a race you fucktrad, are you half Abo or something?
not that common anymore, most women switched to the cirngey Hijab


>Why would the damage you've created disappear just because you do?
That's exactly my point, Ngubu. Are you new here? Or did you seriously never hear this argument from Yas Forums before?

Attached: reallynigga.jpg (220x300, 40.09K)

Most Jewish flag in all of history

Your right just mountains of sister and cousin fucking. Maybe post a pic of that big sexy British smile your packing snavel tooth

the same thing that happened and turned you from a Viking to a Zionist Golem fighting for semitic hebrews alongside the (((NATO)))

I sense pilpul, but I'll give it a last try..

You made it sound like kikes aren't to blame for this, since the problem isn't going away just because you go back to Israel.