Epstein Whistle-blower testimony implicates TRUMP, and exposes Jewish zionist pedophilic cabal!!


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Fuck your mother.

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just watch the video you stupid shill

It's too much for them, literally mentally retarded. I'm shocked he could read that screenshot.

all those cheapass sfx at the beginning made me too scared to watch the rest

kys pedo lover

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She doesn’t know anything about Trump, she saw him she didn’t say he did anything.

Source? Google isn't returning a single hit on this.

>jew posts porno to start the thread
>video full of epstein pictures conflated with trump surrounded by jews pictures with scary sound effects
>never shows his face
>OP ignores proof that Trump banned epstein
>OP attempts to refit facts into a new narrative
thread hidden.

it's Katie Johnson's sworn affidavit

I'll support looking into it if it appears to implicate Drumpf.

>40 documents from three different lawsuits
Then post the other 39 documents, or are you not posting them on purpose?

They killed the woman speaking in the video


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What are you slinding rabbi?

In all fields

nice try you fucking jews
you literally have nothing left dont you?
only annonymous whistleblowers?

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I didn't post shit, and i'm not going to post shit. too high for that. google her name then. I don't give a fuck


Audio was edited by the same guy who did the sex assault interview with homer simpson.

lel. you support a pedophile, which is worse than pedophilia, ironically. die you piece of shit kike

trump supporters should simply be treated as jidf, they serve the same masters


>deflect deflect
go away kike
Jesus will make you bow down someday and worship him

Imagine posting a video that literally TALKS SHIT ABOUT JEWS, and being called a rabbi.

Yas Forums is fucking full of reddit new fags its fucking fucked.

BTW I voted for trump and like him but I had to post some shit to get you fuckers in here to listen to this woman's testimony ON JEWS and ghislaine maxwell.

Better than the fucking AYO WHYTE BOI WE FUCKIN YO BITCHES threads gimme a fucking break man.

Enjoy the red pill

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cope harder, kike

nice try fuckhead
Trump made it possible to arrest epstein and made world know about his criminal activity in a first place
you can cry all you want and post all annonymous whistleblowers you want but its just russian collusion 2.0

you are full of shit and everyone knows it
yet you'll keep pretending joe biden or hillary foundation or john podesta or alefantis have nothing to do with pedophilia right?
just keep insisting we chase the guy who fucked up your child trafficking empire

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No, she's still alive. They killed Epstein's chef though, who she called the holy grail.

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strawman: the post

>posting memes that fit the post

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remember when epstein who was about to name names in his little black book died under mysterious circumstances under trumps judicial system and that little black book of names never saw the light of day and everyone forgot about it?

we got fooled by obama
we got fooled by trump
you are not immune to propaganda

It implicated a lot of celebrities. The whole fiasco showed the incestuous relationships celebrities hold.

He hired Epstein's co-defendant to be his impeachment lawyer and then stood on the stage with him on Hannukah and signed an executive order to ban criticism of Israel at US universities. Get lost, MIGAtard.

no one is clicking on your child porn filled discord server


>maybe if I say Epstein again people will forget that this narrative was btfo the last thousand times I brought it up

>little black book aka physical evidence died with epstein

i imagine your tears taste like desperation.


Q predicted this in his 38 year delta manifesto.

Yup, any day now the elite kikes are slap on their white hats on and start having these bastards arrested. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

she didnt say anything we havent been saying for 5 years
>like oh my gosh
its just a pathetic attempt at disinformation and damage controll
>for a long time i thought it was all jewish people
here we fucking go
simple safety plug

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They also found hundreds of CP dvds with rich dudes' names and the girls involved ages listed.

Yup, any day now these guys are gonna get locked up. Its all part of the 39 year delta.

Trust the plan.

maybe go die, pedofuck

>deflect deflect deflect
tactics are stale as fuck
hire me to shill your pedophile president on a taiwanese knitting board and not look like a complete fucking outsider


you got any proof for that? other than anonymous "whistleblowers" that for whatever didn't manifest themselves in 2016

Le' epoch bump. Shit checks out. Also, lady comes off as dire, distressed. Looks authentic. Crisis actors could never compete.

why does Epstein look like OJ SImpson?