Instead of antagonizing blacks how about we get them on our side since they don't care about following any rules...

Instead of antagonizing blacks how about we get them on our side since they don't care about following any rules? They pass laws all the time knowing white people aren't going to do shit and just roll over while blacks have real energy to them to at least do something.

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>how about we get them on our side
we dont need them, we never needed them

whites never needed any nonwhites, we only need to stand up for ourselves

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Niggers couldn't pass a GED test, it's white women and jews that pass these laws

>our side
A fucking leaf.

>black queen storms my bedroom and demands sex from me at knifepoint

I literally pray this happens to me everyday

M. Rasheed definitely browses here and draws these as a shitpost and I love them, Rasheed.

I mean, kikes use blacks as weapons, we can do the same, we'd be helping them as well

I won't lie; as shitposting material this pic is gold
>Das Rite I steal your bed and your man what are you gonna do about it W*te W*man

Somebody at least understands my thought process.

We should have picked our own cotton, and they sure aren't worth a fuck to us now.

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The reality of this picture is that this sheboon would have about 17 holes in her body if she ever tried this.

Most American blacks are, I've engaged in a lot of black communities. They legitimately just want to protect their communities from kike shit and the majority of the loud mouth niggers you see in stuff are uneducated thugs produced by the shitty crab bucket that the CIA/Mossad insures exists at all times.
I'm not saying they'd be ultra intelligent peaceful empires without it, but if even the Polish can be great and amazing people then so can anyone.

The only side blacks are on is the side of making humans scream and bleed to death as fast as possible.

they are only used against us because we allow them to be, if we regained racial solidarity, the jews would be nearly powerless against us


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>whites never needed non-whites
Whites needing non-whites is the story of America.

ok chang.

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Because the jew's divide and conquer tactics work too well on normalfags

There was one method that did work, the blacks were definitely on our side for a time in period and
even helped us fight wars in the 1700s

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Because we don't need them, we don't want them, we can't trust them, we can't use them and we have nothing in common with them beyond a language. They all need to fuck right off as soon as the Jews are done packing their bags.


No that's your cope narrative of America. You are a frivolity not a necessity.

What we needed was cotton money to keep our economy relevant enough for Britain to keep the colonies running.

nice try nigger
even if you replaced "America" with "American south" it wouldn't be accurate
indentured servitude in america built it long before niggers were imported en masse

This, without the French we'd never be a nation and we'd never have such great porn.

Fuck niggers. Not even us mexicans like them.

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>nooooooo not the heckin niggerinos!
>we can't use them again jews, we have to let jews use them against us!!!

What the Christ is this happy horseshit?!

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so what about when he kills the niggers
who does his woman cheat with then

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Of course. She is executed as well. Brilliant answer.