Two questions
What is the real situation behind the "obesity epidemic".
Are fat people genetically prone to being fat?
Two questions
What is the real situation behind the "obesity epidemic".
Are fat people genetically prone to being fat?
all i know is i'd kill for a gf like this
High fructose corn syrup.
>Many serious diseases have been linked to the overconsumption of fructose. HFCS and sugar have been shown to drive inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Not going to gym. And makeup. They fucking think that makeup and good angles on pictures will save them.
And in fact it does because of all those faggots on Tinder
Government should stop subsidizing GM crops like corn and basedbeans. Suddenly when Cheetos cost $10 a bag, people would be less likely to purchase them.
No exercise is a huge part of it. I go through bouts where I eat terribly for quite a while and am not fat because I hike like crazy.
All the fatties I've had the misfortune of housing with go from their bed to their computer to tv and back to bed. Hell, some of them rarely make it into the shower.
Fat people are genetically prone to being worthless and disgusting.
Agreed, exercise is a huge part of it. Before the lockdown started, I was getting those wendys gains like crazy
People have a retarded idea of what a good diet looks like because of bullshit pedaled by the government. As to why the bullshit is pedaled is up for debate but it doesn't matter. People unironically think cold cereal is healthier than bacon and eggs and until that changes people are gonna stay fat.
>People unironically think cold cereal is healthier than bacon and eggs
Yeah they’re descended from all the land whales who have lived throughout history even in times when food was scarce. Oh wait...
I used to be a big hiker. Now I am lucky if I get around the neighborhood.
>Are fat people genetically prone to being fat?
Some are. Others are just gluttons.
It’s the mix of a sedentary lifestyle and a diet of fast carbohydrates. It is a downward spiral, and people never get the message from their body saying they are full because they eat empty calories.
Everyone needs to learn how to fast. This is another major pillar of truth about human diet your Jewish overlords don’t want you to know
Heavily processed foods laden with sugar + sedentary lifestyle + grossly underestimated caloric intake
Fat man here. I was molested at a young age,
That's a tranny
Lots of fat women were molested as kids, too. I've seen it. Plus it seems to be prominent in poor areas and very hot weather areas.
I got fat after marriage. My schedule used to include hiking but I got busy with things I guess. I'm also always stressed.
Or maybe it's because you consume too many calories
>Fat man here. I was molested at a young age
Probably because you looked like a fat little girl.
It's hard to tell the difference at that age, ya know ?
I've seen skinny people who eat a lot of junk and fat people who eat very little.
Why doesn't the government banned it.
Fucking where. Those fat people you see eating 'very little' are eating chips in bed and grabbing a chunk cheese at 12am.
Don't get fooled lmao
> One of the few actually beautiful, feminine women in Hollywood
> Tranny
Let me guess, you think Nicky Minaj is hot, don't you?
>it's because you consume too many calories
Without a doubt that is how it happens, there can be no other way LOL. That does not detract from the underlying psychological reasons for WHY i consume too many calories. WHY my brain gives me a response similar to a drug addict doing drugs when I stuff my fucking face too much. I genuinely want to get in the best shape of my life and start a family, but the dopamine receptors in my brain want me to eat stuff that tastes good and ignore the long term effects of doing so.
How do you know?
Maybe it is just a way to feel better about yourself the same way the Hindus shit on their lower caste. People are genetically different.
imagine if that bottle was your peepee
Have you tried a Christian therapist?
Dis fat gook ho is kinda cute.
> reasons for WHY i consume too many calories
Because you willfully do so, you fucking child. Your brain isn't some third party entity that controls you, you own it ffs. Literally just stop eating, if it's uncomfortable maybe try not having the mindset of a 3 year old and enduring it for a brief period of time...
No, I haven't seen anyone. I haven't told my family. I am a 36 year old dude and thought I would take that to my grave with me.
Personally, I think the people on tv look like trannies. I don't like fat but I like plump.
I have a genetic condition that has doctors baffled. No matter how little I eat, I can't lose weight. I'm 380lbs and on disability. People don't realize that obesity is a disease.
Don't tell your family. Try a Christian therapist. You can get healed from it if it's based on psychological trauma. You don't have to tell anyone ever except maybe a quality therapist who can get you through it.
>I have gained and lost over a hundred pounds multiple times in my life, probably about 5 times.
I probably am much more experienced with dieting and losing weight than you are, no offense man. When I commit to losing the weight I have an iron will and can go months or over a year with a very strict diet. Usually something happens that causes me to slip up and it all comes crashing down in a period of numbness where I know I am gaining weight back but do not really give a shit. Hard to explain but it is not really like a conscious decision, I do not want to be fat but deep down I think I do because I cannot be taken advantage of if I am fat. Logically I know that sounds dumb but I think that may be the underlying issue. Anyways, I am not trying to convince you of anything man, I am an user on here spilling my guts about things I have never told another person.
Do you have any experience with that? What kind of Christian therapist? A specific branch like protestant, catholic, baptist or orthodox? Is it expensive?
hello OP and other faggots here. i studied this a while back. apart from sole unhealthy lifestyle choices, obesity is a result of food insecurity. food insecurity is a situation where people do not get right and enough nutrients. it can be caused by 1. unavailability of food (famine), 2. insufficient purchasing power (economy depression), 3. inappropriate distribution (food availability and accessibility), and 4. inadequate use of food at household level (lifestyle choices). faggots, ask me if you want to learn more.
It sucks because for some people it really is laziness and food, but not all. I guess it's similar to being in a wheelchair. You just get used to discrimination. But people in wheelchair aren't hated or judged the way fat people are.
>Are fat people genetically prone to being fat?
look at group photos from the 1880s - 1980s. the 'fat' people back then were 10-20 lbs over weight, not 600lbs over weight
why do their descendants have different genes that make them prone to being fat, when those genes never showed up back then?
Fatass detected.
There is no fat gene.
Calories in,calories out.
Eat more fat and less sugar, you will lose weight.
Money. It's cheap to produce and easy to use to replace fat in products.
Fat people should be gutted in the streets
>Let me guess, you think Nicky Minaj is hot, don't you?
He's not?
>Imagine the smell.
18. Lost 100 gained 130. Fat keeps the thots away.
>I have a genetic condition that has doctors baffled. No matter how little I eat, I can't lose weight.
You are not a magical creature, the only thing on earth that breaks the laws of thermodynamics. If you eat more calories than you burn in a day you will gain weight. If you eat less calories than you burn in a day you will lose weight. This is universal in ALL humans. You might have a VERY efficient metabolism, in which case your body can make the food you eat go much farther, but even then, you can continue eating less and less every day until you find the right amount to lose weight. Even if you have to eat one day then not eat the next day.
It is a conscious decision though and you know that. There's no information anyone here can give you that can change that. I'm not saying it's easy, but what the fuck is?
Try imagining some dude whos been off heroin for 25 years and still thinks about it it all the time, then think 'at least im not that guy!'. Good luck I hope you find happiness man.