/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3550

► Detected: 3,303,850 (+85,667) ► Died 233,813 (+5,784) ► Day: 112 (-0:10:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 212 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,147 strains have been sequenced —


North America's livestock will be euthanized because of supply chain disruptions due to coronavirus

Russian PM Mishustin Diagnosed With Coronavirus

New York let coronavirus-infected nurses work in upstate nursing home

Doctors In Europe Warn Of Link Between Covid-19 And Toxic Shock Symptoms In Children

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

▶ 193 new cases and 17 new deaths in Japan
▶ 1 new case in Bahamas
▶ 6 new cases in Niger


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Other urls found in this thread:



Doctors btfo

how are you still awake ukrainian?

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keep telling yourself that goyim

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it's not even 2am

Oh, just I happened to lose consciousness for around 2 hours.
Feeling fresh now.

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I need to know something

Why's she so perfect?

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everybody excited for the Great Reopening tomorrow?

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posting in a CIA nigger thread.

>go out to protest for your (((freedom)))
>get mauled by hordes of wild animals

how do you say based in portuguese?

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Well that's going to trigger some proud boys

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lambs to the slaughter

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Longshot but anyone have /k/ or /out/ related "invasive plant" infographics? I used to have a couple related to moss and blackberry bush walls. It was like eco protest shit lol. Moss seed a bunch of abandoned ghetto drug houses

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are countries finally opening up?

What is wrong with Trumpfags

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Why did brazil elect this bolsonaro guy for? Lol he seems like a retard.

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hey fellow pedes and pedettes always remember to never say the nono word and always remember to do your part and pray for israel and pray for beautiful migrant workers big don sends his thanks

I predict that we will go back into a lockdown once old politicians start getting sick lol. THIS time they cant say 'fuck the poor' or 'fuck the working class' and do what they wish. This time the virus has come to snipe them. hahahaahhahahaha

Jeb could have saved you burger friends

Man, I really wish the pole drawfag didn't quit, his expansion art was the most recognized one but we didn't pay attention to the small great things he did besides that

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>Nothing in this gay modern world is ever good aside from old vidya and fap, not even our happenings.
Realized this a long time ago. I am 99% sure the fucking apocalypse could happen and aliens could come with Satan himself in tow and it would still somehow manage to be boring as shit.
Maybe all those action movies and games have dulled our senses and killed our capability to be fascinated or get scared by anything.

uhhhh user is lost guys... can anyone give directions?

ecuador has a population of 16.62 million and in 2018 5.1 of every 1000 people, died
that is an average of 7,063 deaths per month
from january to april in 2018, 28,000 ecuadorians died
can someone tell me how many ecuadorians have died in 2020?

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Because she was designed in a laboratory to be perfect.

>coronavirus was engineered by chinks
>source: trust me dude

Same reason the US elected Trump and in Brazil I think the only other choice was a commie who was in jail.

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>Source: president who gets briefed by 3 letter spy agencies.

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This is what your average paid "the virus is fake" shill looks like


>you said before we came out the message is satirical

Does anyone have a source on this video for my collection?

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that's . . . kinda sad actually

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This. People were afraid things would get worse in different ways at the time.

The end result will be America and Israel losing it's power, so no, not delusional at all.


No, I've always felt that the universe is more of an equation than anything, and what we're living in is more or less a fractal pattern of said equation.

No, still waiting for deeper access into the systems to see what I can find there.

I know, but one single attack from NK will not get Israel to retaliate, or rather, they will retaliate through America. Sure, if NK started sending nukes but we're talking a smaller attack.

Glad to see you're practicing social distancing.

Yeah, normally in a crisis people turn to faith, so it won't be the war that ensures religion disappears.
And yeah, the war will just start with China (using NK) vs USA, but it'll be a world war meaning that Russia will be dragged into it as well, and most of the middle east will be a fucking war zone.


redpill me on india, why there is so few cases

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Trump confirmed /cvg/ poster

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>Nothingburger confirmed for weeks
>/cvg/ still exists
You have 4.2069 seconds to explain why this pitiful general still exists. The end of the world didn't happen, permanent lung damage didn't happen, and most people are asymptomatic meaning there are millions of unreported cases. EXPLAIN.

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>3 letter spy agencies with history of foreign unwarranted foreign intervention, including most recently IRAQ

but hey if you guys wanna burn another trillion fighting ghosts go ahead

it'll be as successful as your corona containment effort

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It's more like it leaked from a lab, which it's saying.

Chinks shouldn't have kept samples of bat viruses that could jump to humans, especially as they have a shit safety and QC record.

I still like the "hopes and dreams incarnate" expkenation better

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Nobody there to update the statistics except for some unpaid intern.


Whell war wont stop religion, rather spark it giving hope to the people.and War will be hard for much but not as "changing" in mindset.

China vs usa is possible, however they start it, but i rather think there will be more conflicts in places like iran iraq etc, because of economy.

Whell let's see, I'm open for all

tests aren't 100% reliable

don't have cases if don't test

lick a doorknob kudasai

4 million by may 10

too busy scamming british pensioners

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Some user said that India has very little nursing homes, and most elderly stays at home, which means they would be better quarantined.
I mean, it's a possible explanation even tho I just think they are lying about their numbers.

Dont spread what im about to tell ypu. They have the cure. Its......cow piss...

▶ 18 new cases and 1 new death in El Salvador
▶ 30825 new cases and 2201 new deaths in the United States

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>birds are not real

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Wouldn't it be the safest if we just let normalfags be social again and allowed them to do whatever they want and we go into full quarantine for a month and wait and re-open then again after they have all infected each other and died?

I don't remember a moth scene, are you talking about the paper airplane part? I liked the ending the best with him walking through all of the planes. And what was the name of the other movie you recommended? Silent Voice or something? I don't have the best memory.

Imagine ever trusting the US government on anything. I'd rather eat bats

This. It's clear that /cvg/fags are just unhinged depressed niggers that wanted the world to burn, but it didn't.

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May is Brazil's month. We got the spotlight now.

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Can't even be arsed replying to nothingposters anymore. I've exhausted all unique replies out of them.
My favourite one was the bing bing wahoo poster who I had a shouting match with. Obnoxious fun. Gotta have it while we still can.

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It's so gross even virus doesn't want to be there

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the virus isnt fake but china hid its impact to bluff the western world into committing economic sudoku because china desperately needs trump to lose to biden
was anyone aware that hunter biden is still being paid by the CCP, right now?

Is that what it takes to get the meme virus? If so than I knew were way overdo for a reopening.

So, what does this mean? Didn't they vote to not allow her to extend the lockdown today? Is the judge over ruling that vote and saying, no, she can extend it?

will you officially blame Chang for the Holocaust on your people?

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>clean air, no lockdwon needed

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Uh, did Trump really said that about the virus came from a lab?
We are ignoring that because...?

it wasnt the supreme court so they clearly just judge shopped until they found one that would make shit up to justify it

Just filter them and it will keep your cortisol levels low.

significantly less today, felt good

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Se on vappu ja on hiljasta, kiitos Corona-Chan.

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>But before we came on air you said this was satirical
Confirmed disinfo agent shill.

yes, not like they wanna be inside anymore

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Chink scientists said it most likely came from a lab, then it got censored.

And it's suspect that China isn't allowing anyone in, not even WHO.

>china desperately needs trump to lose to biden
Lol. China wants Trump to win because they literally know they can just play pretend with him.

FYI. Big news.

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he said it. who knows what he was really referring to though

Cause trump said it lol.

I went 10 rounds with them earlier today, it was a good time, but I won't be doing it again.
It gave me a good idea of what they are saying and why. Most of it is cherry picking from only their favorite scientists and dismissing the scientists that they don't like.
They are heavily depending on the antibody studies basically but are too dumb to figure out why they shouldn't put much faith in them.

Had memeflags and Brazilians filtered up till now. Thankfully was able to disable the Brazilian filter as they stopped being retarded, but I think Ill just start manually filtering nothingposters.
Yeah they gave up a lot quicker than usual.

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Because in 1 day he is going to reveal that actually he doesnt have any hard evidence from his agencies and then hes going to say he meant this sarcastically.

8th case in my cunt, Journalists arrived before the ambulance, are we doomed ?

Because 1) not everyone is watching that do we fon't all know 2)we know about the lab already so it's not a shock to us

Does it really matter at this point? It will end up being another thing in history that no one will ever know the truth of

your mom is opening up

'We are the Actuaries - we say what Covid is'


Need to yeet mongs like these two.

World's not ending faggot. Let me guess,
>2 more weeks dude
HAHAHAHAHAHA ok retard whatever you say. Oh wait I have another,
>The second wave dude you'll see then
>But didn't you say that 2 weeks ago
>Well user it didn't happen yet you see it will soon though
COPE, your virus is a meme. Your happooning and all the hype around it was for nothing. The nothingchads won just as predicted.

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Alright, this isn't funny anymore, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH ARGIEBRO?

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I feel guilty for getting mad at him. Don't know what you have 'til it's gone

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What happened to the 5kg rice dude?

given how he has responded to the rona you think he is worthy of trust?

/our fetal alcohol syndrome girl/

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wat does this mean

Lol based ahaha

This girl clearly has fetal alcohol syndrome and is being paraded around as an authority because sue had a mental breakdown and was looking for a reason not to go to school in 8th grade.

If you obey social distancing, staying at home and the early cases are tracked and contained, then you might be alright. And your borders are closed, of course.

Downloaded them all. Spread the word, anons.

Attached: WHO China Taiwan.webm (812x452, 2.55M)

Antibody studies, aren't those the ones that can only check for generic coronaviruses or can they specifically detect antibodies for the specific SARS-COV-2 virus?

I'll personally blame the present for insisting in the genocidal "herd immunity/do nothing strategy" even now. People are talking about taking him to The Hague.


wtf, Qatar confirmed blacked

he ate it dry and suffocated on a grain of rice

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Did he post anything on his Tweeter recently?

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Pls respond

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It was him or Lula's sock.

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It took a full 3 months for the mainstream to catch up to /cvg/

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