I mean, realistically nothing about this lockdown or even society as a whole is going to get any better from this point onwards. Every day is the exact same thing over and over and it doesn't matter how many people get redpilled, this has been in the making for decades and the globalists and technocrats aren't going to just say "oops, they caught us, let's go back to normal". Give one reason we all shouldn't an hero right now.
>inb4 suicide is for pussies
It isn't cowardly if the future is going to be shit regardless.
Suicide is the only option
move to thailand and enjoy
Don't you have anything meaningful in your life?
Can't move anywhere if my shithole country won't let anyone step 5ft outside their house. But why Thailand?
Not really, no
I'm not depressed or a doomer, everything was already boring to me before lockdown and now this just amplifies it
Get money fuck bitches.
Or maybe it was the other way around.
If that was the truth you'd be in hell right now instead of trying to get posters to off themselves.
>Suicide is the only option
...left for a tranny
>move to thailand and enjoy
You cant even leave your house let alone get on a plane and fly to another country.
i love this painter. He makes such pretty Japanese girls
Why would I try and get posters to off themselves, i don't give a fuck what some stranger online does. I'm just trying to see if anyone else relates to how meaningless all of this actually is, all we're doing is sitting inside, shitposting and literally watching them take our future over a fake virus. I imagined a lot of people would feel the same as me.
you’re not alone user.
Thanks man, I appreciate it
What do you think happens after death?
It's impossible for most people to kill themselves
I was in this headspace a week ago. Instead of doing it just do everything you've ever wanted to but were too afraid to do, then do it if it doesn't work out.
>hurr suicide is the only option guys
Man the fuck up. You think people in Soviet Russia or East Germany just thought "welp better kys" when their feds started breathing down their neck? Go spread your hopeless on Yas Forums.
Find something to do with your time, i've heard boredom goes away if you just manage to focus on something.
Afterlife but I don't know what theory of it seems most likely to me, hopefully not reincarnation. What do you think happens?
>move to thailand
I'm not sure, but i'm leaning The Resurrection from The Bible. The non-existence of outer space, there's a theory that may keep you entertained for a good while.
I don't give a shit what they did in some country or timeline I never existed in, you retard larper.
Firstly everything is the same has it always been with the exception of retards acting up.
there's always been a reason to an hero way before all of this nothing burger shut the fuck up.
you're such a mindless idiot to be depressed by this nothing has changed, everything is the same
it would be otherwise with the exception of people acting retard you people are literally hive minded as shit and share collective thoughts
Nothing bad ever happens, if anything bad is happening it's mostly just you.
Thanks user I'll look into that, astrotheology always fascinated me
jej, what a homo. All these years on this piece of shit board waiting for The Happening and fags wanna dip out before the cannibalism even starts?
jesus christ yeah dude you might as well
I think they will use the Coronavirus as an excuse to pass more laws and introduce new technology to keep us more controlled, i think that's bad. Very bad.
nothing of value was lost
If you're still focusing in the virus aspect of this or the lockdown aspect then you're a fucking brainlet. 2 years from now, this country will be absolutely fucked. I don't know about US, I think you guys will get out of it somehow but living in UK is going to be worse than it already is. Just because you're a loser incel with no life doesn't mean you have to be angry at me.
>Suicide is the only option
because you are to much of a pussy to do anything else.
people use to use their lives to fill a purpose, now people just waste them, slaving away until they die, drowning in drugs and alcohol or like you said.
When you are dead your sense of time stops along with everything else. The same thing that happened before you were born happens with the exception that the universe instantly moves 7 billion years into the future to heat death from your perspective which is that of no perspective.
There is no afterlife, there is nothing separate from your biological consciousness to continue on, just like your hair and fingernails don't have a separate consciousness.
Your atomic matter instantly enters the end of the universe from any perspective of your once living consciousness that could possibly matter. Whether that is compressed down into another shot somewhere in a cyclical view or you are done forever is a matter of debate but it leans toward done forever.
Who knows what your component matter would be reassembled into anyway, it could be worse than any horror lovecraft ever imagined.
There's no continuity between your consciousness of the now and anything your components were assembled into later anyway, taking the scale of the universe and odds into into account it's likely to be dust, volcanic rock, or interstellar gas anyway instead of something organic.
So the odds say eternal darkness.
I'm currently taking a look at the UFO phenomena and Flat Earth theory, UFO's can be explained using the Flat Earth model as secret military human aircraft or supernatural creatures, mind you when i say supernatural don't take that to mean i believe in other dimensions, i'm a materialist. Ghosts exist in a different spectrum of light.
Quit acting like we're going to be living in Mad Max. Fucking zoomer. All that's going to happen is we'll lose even more freedoms and be controlled by globalists even more than we already are. If you think that's going to be a fun time then sure have a great rest of your life.
why are you telling this to Yas Forums where absolutely nothing changed?
go to fucking reddit or twitter and tell them to kill themselves because they absolutely will.