How the fuck did we get to the point in history where people like this are allowed to lie out of their asses and get...

How the fuck did we get to the point in history where people like this are allowed to lie out of their asses and get cheered on and boosted up on the "right side of history"
I know the answer is Jews but still... certainly someone along the way had to have stepped in and said "hey what the fuck is this?"
I don't want to live anymore. I know that's what they want but theres not much I can do to stop it. They're rescinding our rights day by day and destroying our race and country. What the fuck can we do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

just keep posting the truth. you're statistically more likely to die at the hands of police if you're white than black.

>What the fuck can we do?
Lone wolf "terrorist" attacks.
There's precisely one thing the elite fears.
Since they are a small minority it only takes 1% of the populace to rise up and handily wipe out the other 1%.
Neither money nor power can unkill you.

No one can refute this. Imagine they were all black. They would have all been shot and killed WAY before entering the capitol.

If police could get away with shooting the "militia" for protesting, they would.

The only difference between shooting Tyrone, and shooting armed rednecks, is that one of them involves bullets flying in both directions. Our entire society, law and order, legal system, is backed by SOMEONE committing violence.

The answer was always clear, it's just that they made the USA so collectively fractured of a society that you can't do it. The answer is to overthrow the current government and its elites, install a new government run by people, for the people. That was the principle foundation for your country. It has been not only corrupted, but currently being burned alive by Jews and every other useful tool under their employment.

The answer is to put differences aside and join as one unit. They cannot possibly send military to kill their own, no to mention that those in the military may refuse to stop a coup from the people themselves. But they have made identity politics, "social issues" and such other nonsense so potent that it's impossible for you all to stop bickering and throw them out. They attached the psyche for long term damage, precisely because if they didn't, Americans would realize it's within their rights to dethrone a terrible, oppressive government. In short, right now they got you by the balls and I'm sort of sure it's too late for any proper change. I'd tell you to abandon the country, but the rest of the world has it more or less the same or worse.

Brother, keep fighting the good fight. Keep your head down and buy ammo. Your time will come. Stay alive.

>Black people are shot after breaking the law and responding violently
>White people aren't shot exercising their constitutional rights
What district elected this retard?

If they were all black they would have killed 40 -60 of their own before the cops even arrived.

No they wouldn't. We know because armed black people bring guns to protests and legally open carry all the time. If they're not robbing liquor stores or doing drivebys they aren't getting shot.

One that is no doubt filled to the brim with black people and other subhuman shit.

>no argument
You wanna source those claims?

Because our grandparents and parents allowed evil to fester.

Now the fruits of their inaction are upon us, and the harvest is to great for us to reap.

I find it interesting how quickly armed protests became the new normal. It's a hell of an escalation but no one seems too concerned

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Can you prove that?

You new or something?

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Holy Shit!
You weren't wrong

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Negros dont fight for freedom. They accept their slavery.

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Brown people can’t form civilizations, but they do destroy them.

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Any liberals going to respond? It's getting real quiet in here when the real facts are posted.

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Funny, last I checked niggers were allowed to riot, burn, and murder in urban areas without restriction.

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inject the bleach, retards

>he typed in black people rioting or something similar on google and is just posting the first images he sees
Oh, I am laughing.
History is my proof.

Quite literally: niggers, White women, and jews. That’s how.

These are from an open carry demonstration in Texas where black people openly carried like everyone else.

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>cops don't shoot at the crowd of armed people even if they wanted to
really makes you hm

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Oh, you're telling me they stormed a capitol armed like that with dozens if not hundreds other black people? Didn't think so.

Show me the video of the cops blowing them away.
That's something I want to see

Literally yes. Learn to read.

>Sources: Leftist Jew working for Jewish founded think tank which is full of people who have a vested interest in continued Asian and Hispanic immigration and demoralizing white conservatives
> The net increase of immigrants in the American population dropped to about 200,000 people in 2018, a decline of more than 70 percent from the year before, according to William Frey, chief demographer at the Brookings Institution, who conducted the analysis.
> The largest declines in levels of immigrants were among people from Latin America and Asia who were not United States citizens, Mr. Frey found. In all, about 45 million foreign-born people lived in the United States in 2018. About half of those were citizens, nearly a quarter were undocumented and the remaining quarter were legal residents. Immigrants as a share of the country’s population remained flat at 13.7 percent, the highest share since 1910.
> The biggest decline was among people from Latin America who were not United States citizens. The Census Bureau does not designate what portion of noncitizens are in the country illegally, but Mr. Frey said it was possible that some of the decline was among those people. In all, noncitizens declined by about 478,000 people; more than half were people from Latin America.
>For many years, Mexico was the largest contributor of immigrants. But since 2010, the number of immigrants arriving from Mexico has declined, while the number coming from China and India have surged. But in 2018, the number of people from Asia who lived in the United States but were not American citizens declined. Mr. Bier said that could reflect people working or studying in the United States who had giving up on waiting for immigration status.

>"I don't want to live anymore"
KYS please. Now.

>>What the fuck can we do?
>Lone wolf "terrorist" attacks.
glow harder

>fOr jUsT eXiStInG

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My tax dollars go to police and I expect them to keep niggers in line. If they ever stop doing that I will stop paying taxes. It’s getting close to that point.

>History is my proof.
Historically blacks commit atrocious levels of crime. You countered your own fucking argument with one that cancels yours out

>just for existing!
If only that were true.



Yeah, that's totally applicable to the present.
>an open carry rally is the same as an armed militia storming a capitol
Yep. just another low iq racist. Last (You) you're getting from me. Cheers!
You're moving goalposts. Every knows blacks commit a lot of crimes. That's not what's being discussed right now.

LOL look at these nigcels

>Black people get executed by police for just existing.
I wish I lived in this liberal fantasy land, sounds based

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>What the fuck can we do?

Organize against Jewish tyranny.

Screeching unarmed liberals seething. They should be disemboweled and hung from their still dripping entrails in the streets like progressive liberal marionettes.

>Police don't respect Black people's rights.
>We should take everyone's guns away.


Attached: Gun Control through the ages.png (1024x824, 314.38K)

>certainly someone along the way had to have stepped in and said "hey what the fuck is this?"
They do occasionally, but they tend to end up in an early grave usually by shooting themselves twice in the back, or their cars just randomly run off the road and explode.

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Remember guys, people who actively say stuff like this are the real alphabet boys. They know there is essentially no way to stop lone wolf stuff, and discouraging it with false flag posts like that are there only tactic.

Also, don’t do terrorism.

>prove blacks stormed a capital open carrying guns
>movies goalposts again
Face it. You were wrong on every point.

Race war threads are retarded but if we're talking about it, blacks are massively out numbered and outgunned. Doesn't matter though cause its not going to happen.